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Mo Wonderboy

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Right, decided to go with this actually...

WWE Royal Rumble 1999

Okay, lets see if my memory was playing tricks with me on this one.

Road Dogg vs. The Big Bossman

This is a non-title match. On PPV. So right away alarm bells should be ringing on the booking of this show. The referee is in Bossman's face constantly, even though he's doing nothing wrong. Simple throw to the ground? Referee in the face. Open handed strikes? Referee in the face. The match is clearly given more time than it needs, but credit to two old pros who know how to piece together a match, even if it's not the most spectacular match around. It was a bit against them though. Dogg's comebacks were the key to keeping the match interesting and they timed them pretty well. The ending comes out of nowhere. It'd be good if it was in the middle of the card, but you don't want to kill your crowd heat off the bat. A decent opening match, but it had a lot working against it before it started. **3/4

Ken Shamrock © vs. Billy Gunn - WWE Intercontinental Championship

This is the midcard of 1999. Credit where it's due, it's a year that had it's brightspots. You have a guy that loved working body parts against the best seller in WWE at the time. Surely this couldn't be anything other than good? Memory tells me it wasn't great. The pace of this match is horrendous for the most part, and it stays that way for much of the match, but then Shamrock goes with the build to the Ankle Lock, and things get much better from there, as what Shamrock's doing seems more methodical rather than downright slow. The match really isn't very good at all. *1/2

X-Pac © vs. Gangrel - WWE European Championship

Even if this match only lasts five minutes, it should be a lot of fun. Gangrel is another of them underrated guys from the late 1990s who just couldn't outshine those above him. Short time of match here, so no dead spots and the pace is cracking and there's some great stuff. Gangrel is able to mix his usual high impact stuff with some proper power stuff with the smaller X-Pac. It's two sided so both guys get their chances to shine, and X-Pac as you might expect is pretty handy with his feet in this one. Major f**k up from Teddy Long as the ref as he counts three on a pinfall and it was only a two, and blatantly just pretends it didn't happen. The crowd catch onto that bad boy. It was quite fun though. **1/4

Sable © vs. Luna, Strap Match - WWE Women's Championship

Before the match, Shane McMahon tells us that Sable is going to give the title up as she's injured thanks to an attack from Luna on HeAT. Of course, even though Sable is hurt, that isn't going to happen...

These two are decidedly average, but this gets kept short, and thanks to that, all we get is the hate and aggression between the two as they just whip the shit right out of each other. So I don't mind this match at all. **

Mankind © vs. The Rock, I Quit Match - WWE World Heavyweight Championship

This match is now notorious, thanks to Beyond the Mat, and most notably the reaction of Foley's family to what they were watching. The Rock is sporting his weird tracksuit ring gear that he wore for a while. The first fun thing to note about this match is some of the brilliant stuff The Rock was coming out with. There's no reason for Rock to go up and set up the big spot which spells the end of Mankind's domination in the match. That's a MAJOR down side to this match, because there's just no way of thinking around it. After that point, the match is incredible purely for the atmosphere it creates. The hate from the crowd around The Rock, and the sheer violence of what follows as well. The Rock goes from being comic to menacing in one foul swoop. It's a hell of an ending stretch which shows just how much the title meant to both men, and that chair to the back of the head is horrible. Great match, if not quite the classic that some make it out to be. ****

The Royal Rumble Match

This is a Russo booked Rumble, which is never a good sign if you ask me. Obviously the main story of the match is Austin and McMahon and to the credit of everyone involved, that side of things is excellent. The fans are eating everything up and both guys play the roles to perfection. There seems to be a lot happening, but not much of it is interesting for the most part. It's not untill Austin comes back for the second time that things really take off, and some of the talent before that happens is just dross. One of the best moments comes from commentary as Michael Cole says Mark Henry went out with a man that he dressed up as a woman, and Vinny Mac, sounding like he's gonna be sick says "well... that was a mistake" :lol: Can't really tell if he was talking about the booking of it or not. The ending is absolutely brilliant, and makes up for quite a bit of the shite. But this isn't a great rumble match at all. **

The PPV isn't quite as bad as I remember. One match is actively bad between Gunn and Shamrock. The Rumble isn't great, but it has it's charms and the rest is entertaining crap. It's not a good PPV by any stretch, and that's par for the course for a Russo booked PPV.

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Figured I might as well.

WWE Royal Rumble 2000

Kurt Angle vs. Tazz

Angle was carrying his undefeated streak into this match. Tazz wasn't confirmed before he came out, so he obviously got a decent reaction. It's brilliant how quickly how Angle fit into his role. This was basically a showcase match for Tazz which just goes to show how highly thought of he was when he came in, as Angle was always destined for the big time in WWE. It's a good showcase as well, as the big moments are really well timed, and the crowd were into everything. ***

The Dudley Boys vs. The Hardy Boys, Tables Match

This match is just a joy to watch from start to finish. I've always said that I don't mind total spotfests with no selling so long as they are done right, and by god, this one was done brilliantly. The pace is frantic and some of the spots are brutal. Jeff Hardy in particular takes some nasty shit. The Tope Con Hilo crashing through the table is madness and obviously you have his massive dive at the end of the match. This match is a good little installment into the TLC series between this lot and Edge and Christian. ****

Miss Rumble 2000

The less said about this the better.

Chyna © vs. Chris Jericho © vs. Hardcore Holly - WWE Intercontinental Championship

Yeah. Jericho and Chyna BOTH hold the title thanks to some sort of double pin or something. Can't really remember how that happened, but we got to this point as a result. The MSG are very much pro-Jericho for this match which means they don't like Chyna match. The crowd isn't that hot though, which is a shame because the action isn't exactly horrible here. The pace is quite good and the action isn't bad at all. I think they must have been fucked after the... erm... drama of the Miss Rumble 2000 thing. Anyways, a good wee midcard filler match for this show. **3/4

The New Age Outlaws © vs. The Acolytes - WWE World Tag Team Championships

This match on paper STILL looks like a whole lot of fun. I'm not sure how that happens. Anyways, what winds up happening is a match which is way too short to be anything, and the action before that point wasn't up to much either. Just not a very good match here. *

Triple H © vs. Cactus Jack, Street Fight - WWE World Heavyweight Championship

There are some fueds with make a career. Triple H was well on the way when he won the title, but when he had the two belters with Foley, that was what cemented him as a true top line guy. Of course the Rock fued is the one that gets thought of by most, and rightly so, but this was the one that made him credible. HHH stood toe to toe and took everything that Foley's most vile incarnation could throw at him. HHH bled buckets, Foley brought out his most violent weapons and used them as badly as he could. And HHH still managed to come out and not only win, but win with complete conviction in the end. This match is, in it's own way, even more intense than the one the year before. The Pedigree on the tacks is just vile. It's a truly classic brawl, and one of the best brawls in WWE history. *****

The Royal Rumble Match

I love how over Rikishi was at this point. He's one of them guys that get their huge pop and then the buzz remains for a good while after. The dance-off and subsequent eliminations are class. Backlund is CRAZY over with the fans when he comes out which is really nice to see. Brilliant moment when Al Snow comes in and goes after Test, and starts stomping on him and just keeps on going and going, and neither guy can hold in their laughter after a while. Like last year there's some dead time, but the majority of the talent filling said dead time is quite good and can fill it quite well. There's still a bit too much of it. I thought the ending of this Rumble did a lot more to hurt the meaning of the match than any year either before or after. The rumble is a fun match though and a good way to spend your hour. ***3/4

This is a MUCH better show. The title match is something very special indeed, it had a super spotfest on the undercard and the Rumble was passable at least.

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Hard pressed to think of a better Rumble PPV. The 2001 rumble is really good. I'll need to give it a go. Angle/HHH, Jericho/Voldermort, Dudleys/E & C and the rumble itself was pretty well done.

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That Rock vs Mankind is very difficult to watch these days, knowing everything we know about concussions now. That match was only 6 months after Foley's infamous HITC match against Undertaker as well.

It's a minor miracle that Mick Foley is still alive and relatively healthy in 2013.

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I watched it not long ago in BOX while there was a gig on. Horrible stuff. The opener, Orients/New Harts, was much worse than I remember. I didn't stick around for the rumble match itself.

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You seem to know the banter. Me and a couple of mates are thinking of buying an old Royal Rumble + Wrestlemania to watch and get mortal with one night, what would you suggest?

Rumble 2000 for sure. Wrestlemania... take your pick from VII, VIII, X, X-7, XIX, XX, 21, XXIV, XXVI.

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Right, ICW card on Sunday reads...

Main Event
Loser Leaves ICW

BT Gunn vs. Chris Renfrew

ICW Tag Team Championships

The Bucky Boys vs. The Big Hangovers ( Sean Maxer and Jordan Devlin ) vs. Fight Club

ICW Zero G Championship

Wolfgang © vs. Noam Dar vs. Solar vs. Grado

Fierce Females Qualifier

Bette Noir vs. Carmel vs. Kay Lee Ray vs. Sara

2/3 Falls Match

If James Scott loses a fall, the match will move from traditional rules to the usual ICW rules

Jimmy Havoc vs. James Scott

Mikey Whiplash vs. Robbie Dynamite

There's not a match on the card which makes me worried that it could be shit. The tag title match, main event and Zero G look particularly incredible.

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And to think, this was a guy who many smarks worldwide said wouldn't make it in the WWE as he was a top notch wrestler but had zero charisma. :lol:

Bryan has to be pushed big again. He's one of the few on the roster that the crowd genuinely give a shit about.

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Bryan has to be pushed big again. He's one of the few on the roster that the crowd genuinely give a shit about.

You've gotta imagine that this year him and Ziggler will hold the WHC, at least.

In other news, I saw that Spring Breakers film (it was pish). But one of the characters attended some youth church group thing and the pastor leading the group was none other than Double J, Jeff Jarrett. I found it absolutely hilarious.

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