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Mo Wonderboy

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Quite a good PPV last night, really enjoyed both title matches.

Most of it was quite predictable although I was sure Brock was going to beat Cena. The way they built it up I thought they were both going to throw everything at each other and Brock would come out on top and Cena would maybe eventually win a rematch. If Cena is going away for a while then I wonder what the plans are for Brock now, not sure who they'll pair him up with at the moment. Made him look a bit daft after all his pre-match claims though.

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Avoided spoilers to post this.

ICW is in the Garage on the 2nd of September and a big match has been announced. Wolfgang is going to be taking on the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champ, Prince Devitt. Devitt is going to go down a storm in ICW.

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Unsurprising Cena won. Against the Rock, you can understand them putting the great one over as he's an utter legend, it was in his home town and he was an excellent servant. Compare this to Lesnar who is still attached to UFC, WWE can hardly be expected to put down their best guy against their rivals.

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Lesnar's steroid moobs were hilarious! No wonder he's been wearing that vest to cover them up. :lol: Bryan-Sheamus was the best match I thought, really enjoyed it. Thought the Orton-Kane match was good to but I'll be glad to see the end of that 'fued'. Anyone know when Barrett will be back?

Really looking forward to RAW tonight.

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Lesnar's steroid moobs were hilarious! No wonder he's been wearing that vest to cover them up. :lol: Bryan-Sheamus was the best match I thought, really enjoyed it. Thought the Orton-Kane match was good to but I'll be glad to see the end of that 'fued'. Anyone know when Barrett will be back?

Really looking forward to RAW tonight.

Thought his gut hanging over his shorts was even funnier laugh.gif

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I fell asleep during the Cena-Brock promo so just watched that there and I'm not getting the hate. I thought it was awesome and I wanted Cena to win. Cena will be hurting badly after that, legit. Brock either thinks he's still in UFC or they're doing a damn good job of making it seem that way.

Sheamus-Bryan, Punk-Jericho, Cena-Brock were awesome. Very good PPV.

A swatch at Layla is always good too.

Edited by Rudy
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Sheamus/Bryan and Brock/Cena delivered. Jericho/Punk didn't. I'm seeing that hailed as some sort of classic, but I don't buy it. I wasn't into it at all.

Sheamus/Bryan was MOTN for me. They managed to have Bryan loose yet still look very good.

Punk and Jericho was pretty good I thought. The storyline has been very poor, but I thought the match far exceeded the story. It wasn't as good as their Mania match but still pretty good I thought.

As for Cena/Lesnar, I wanted to like it, I really did. But I just didn't. If they had a straight forward extreme rules wrestling match then fine. I just didn't like the half MMA thing. Also the match was very slow. Half of it was just Lesnar in the ring, standing on the steps and posing. It seemed to drag on forever. I wanted Cena to win so I was happy with that, but they could have had an all out war, Cena wins but he's fucked up instead of Lesnar dominating only for the superman comeback and Cena victory with virtually one move. I was looking forward to it, but I was left disappointed. They need to turn Lesnar into a monster now where nobody can stop him. After all the pre match talk he now looks shit.

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Don't get all the 'superman comeback' comments. Hardly. He smacked him with a chain then delivered his finisher. Would have finished most matches. Brock looked vicious throughout. Cena Fluked it. Hardly makes Cena look very strong.

Great PPV i thought. D-Bry/Seamus, Punk/Jericho, Brock/Cena all great. Enjoyed Kane/Orton too. Layla was a bonus. Actually liked the finish to the Cody/Big Show match - couldn't see Cody winning but they twisted it.

Really stupid having a Ryback sqash of jobbers on a PPV. Loved the Goldberg chants though.

HHH wants to speak to Laurinitis - interesting. He better not be firing him. Probably calling him out about all the stuff he's promising Brock.

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Great show, atrocious ending which soured the whole thing for me. We're meant to buy Lesnar as the baddest man on the planet but Cena hits him with two moves in the whole match after getting whipped non-stop and he loses? f**k that. Should've been a Lesnar win with a stoppage by the ref or something which Cena could've contested, keep both guys looking strong heading into a rematch in 3 weeks time. Lesnar looks like shite now.

Can't believe the number of people who are being think Brock is shooting in the ring and think Cena's going to retire/take a break as well. It's obviously all worked.

Orton-Kane was a cracking brawl, both title matches were brilliant, and Ryback is going to be a star. Show of the year till the ending which will be my abiding memory. At the risk of sounding like SOL, same old shit.

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