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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Not every aspect. He is the best drawer of money in wrestling right now. A fairly important aspect. wink.gif

Believe it or not, I think Cena's gone downhill as a wrestler.

Guys like Umaga, JBL and Bobby Lashely never had better matches than they had with Cena, and it's not as if they had the opposition to do so. The only one of them guys to even have CLOSE to as good a match was Umaga with Jeff Hardy. He also took Khali and RVD to two of their best matches, or in RVD's case, best WWE matches. Not really counting that One Night Stand as an ECW and even though I have been critical of RVD's ECW work, he did have a couple of genuine classics there.

Drawer of money? Because he was given a push is why he is a drawer of money...

On to more important subjects....TNA.

Huge pop for RVD on Monday, who still looks in identical shape to when he was in WWE. Jeff Hardy coming in at the end reminded me a lot of Sting in 97 where they would end it with Sting beating up the nWo and go off the air.

And you can't say Hall isn't looking better. He certainly looks in better shape since January 4th and his mic work on monday was flawless.

Edited by The Hero of the Day
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I couldnt stick Cena when he did his white rapper gimmick.

Once he dropped that I liked him.

Limited in the ring (although he did improve) but great on the mic and working the crowd.

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2 things I would like to say:

1. Has there ever been a better theme than the nWo theme? I think not.

2. I would love to write for TNA as they have great oppertunities but always take them down the wrong paths.... I hope to see a couple of triple threat matches with AJ, RVD and Jeff Hardy. Also with the tag match with Nash and Young vs Hall and Pac, I really hope that Nash turns on Eric Young and we see "the band" come together as a stable, maybe with Sting joining in now he is a heel.... also would be good to have Nash and Hall together as Nash has the Feast or Fired tag team championship title shot.

No idea what the storyline with Samoa Joe is going to be now they had him kidnapped, but would like to see him and wolfe/pope/andersson in some matches. I think TNA has all the products there to make a great thing but they just need work on it harder... Eric Bischoff would also be a great member of "the band" like he was with the nWo, also Jeff Jarrett to the band would be a good move too.

I think they should make Abyss the hardcore monster he used to be, not this shy screaming child like w****r or this number 1 hulkamaniac PISH!

rant over biggrin.gif

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I seem to be the only one on the thread following NXT.

Justin Gabriel made to look strong again this week against Wade Barrett. His 450 really is sublime. I think it's because he puts so little airtime into it.

Danielson looking stronger than last week in a tag match against Otunga and the cringeworthy R-Truth. Feud between he and Miz is heating up nicely now.

Everyone else looks pretty average to be honest. Heath Slater beat Carlito but didn't impress me too much.

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I seem to be the only one on the thread following NXT.

Justin Gabriel made to look strong again this week against Wade Barrett. His 450 really is sublime. I think it's because he puts so little airtime into it.

Danielson looking stronger than last week in a tag match against Otunga and the cringeworthy R-Truth. Feud between he and Miz is heating up nicely now.

Everyone else looks pretty average to be honest. Heath Slater beat Carlito but didn't impress me too much.

I thought I was the only one, which is why I haven't posted.

The Daniel Bryan-Miz thing is indeed looking like it could be a cracker. The ending to the main event was pish though - Barrett was dominating the match and all Gabriel done was push him off the top rope then hit the 450 splash. The 450 splash is excellent but apart from that, Gabriel wasn't too impressive either.

I actually think Slater could be a good heel, he's full of shite and annoying as fck. Looked pretty decent in the ring as well without being brilliant.

I'm also interested in where they go with the Punk-Darren Young pairing. That could be another cracker.

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Drawer of money? Because he was given a push is why he is a drawer of money...

Lots more people have failed when pushed than have succeeded.

Cena has played every character that he has played ( three different ones ) as well as WWE could have hoped. One of them in particular, the rapper gimmick that Matt refers to, basically turned him into the star he is today. You want to know who came up with that gimmick ?

John Cena does so well because he plays the part he's supposed to play in superb fashion, whether anyone likes it or not. If he didn't, he wouldn't be as successful as he is today.

It's clear that he's not a complete failure in every aspect of wrestling. Maybe you could make a good arguement for the in ring side of things or even the promo side of things, and even how he plays his character, but one of the most important aspects is the ability to draw money, and it's not one which should be dismissed.

On to more important subjects....TNA.

Huge pop for RVD on Monday, who still looks in identical shape to when he was in WWE. Jeff Hardy coming in at the end reminded me a lot of Sting in 97 where they would end it with Sting beating up the nWo and go off the air.

RVD did look a little iffy in his brief return tour. Good to see he's worked a bit to get in shape for his move into the "big time".

TNA need to worry though. That is their lowest rating in quite some time, and that's even from before Hogan came in. I don't get it. TNA have drastically improved and even when there's a bad show, like what I thought Monday night was, at least they kept things moving at a good rate.

The only plus side is that the RAW rating was down a bit too.

I would love to write for TNA as they have great oppertunities but always take them down the wrong paths.... I hope to see a couple of triple threat matches with AJ, RVD and Jeff Hardy. Also with the tag match with Nash and Young vs Hall and Pac, I really hope that Nash turns on Eric Young and we see "the band" come together as a stable, maybe with Sting joining in now he is a heel.... also would be good to have Nash and Hall together as Nash has the Feast or Fired tag team championship title shot.

I'd be well up for a Hardy/RVD match. Especially considering Jeff Hardy now is probably better than he was when they had the pair of cracking matches back in 2001. Jeff and AJ had a couple of matches. One of them was a cracker and one of them wasn't. Again, Jeff is better now than he was, so this could be an interesting three way if it DID happen. I have no doubt that Rob Van Dam will be meeting both men some point soon.

The Band won't come together. I can see TNA getting rid. Syxx-Pac looked motivated as f**k so I hope that they do find room for them, but they might have burned the bridge already. I sure as hell hope not.

No idea what the storyline with Samoa Joe is going to be now they had him kidnapped, but would like to see him and wolfe/pope/andersson in some matches. I think TNA has all the products there to make a great thing but they just need work on it harder... Eric Bischoff would also be a great member of "the band" like he was with the nWo, also Jeff Jarrett to the band would be a good move too.

I think they've put Samoa Joe on the sidelines to give him a bit of a makeover. Personally, I thought Abyss needed it more, but apparently they need someone to be acting like a retard in the main event scene. If it IS a makeover for Joe then I'm glad as he kinda needs it as he was beginning to look like a chubby backyarder.

I think they should make Abyss the hardcore monster he used to be, not this shy screaming child like w****r or this number 1 hulkamaniac PISH!

Nothing more needs to be said here.

In the early PPVs ( I mean the monthly 3 hour ones ), Abyss was hot property because he was over and was constantly having great matches with even the more useless guys in the promotion.

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In the early PPVs ( I mean the monthly 3 hour ones ), Abyss was hot property because he was over and was constantly having great matches with even the more useless guys in the promotion.

from Kid Kash's bitch to Hulk Hogans partner in less that 8 years.... not bad for a mongo

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from Kid Kash's bitch to Hulk Hogans partner in less that 8 years.... not bad for a mongo

From being one of the top guys in TNA to being in the least watched segment on a TV show while partnered with Hogan. That's in an even shorter length of time.

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Lots more people have failed when pushed than have succeeded.

Cena has played every character that he has played ( three different ones ) as well as WWE could have hoped. One of them in particular, the rapper gimmick that Matt refers to, basically turned him into the star he is today. You want to know who came up with that gimmick ?

John Cena does so well because he plays the part he's supposed to play in superb fashion, whether anyone likes it or not. If he didn't, he wouldn't be as successful as he is today.

It's clear that he's not a complete failure in every aspect of wrestling. Maybe you could make a good arguement for the in ring side of things or even the promo side of things, and even how he plays his character, but one of the most important aspects is the ability to draw money, and it's not one which should be dismissed.

His promos still suck. "Yep, the odds are against me this time for sure, but don't you worry I'll be the winner" how many times do you hear that over the last 6 years. Who came up with the Rapper gimmick?

Isn't it the writers to come of with the ideas so that John Cena can draw money?

Name people who have failed when pushed? This is not an arguement, I'm just intrigued to see who you feel failed when pushed?

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Lost my review for this, but here is the latest ***** match I have come up to.

Sting's Squadron vs. The Dangerous Alliance, WarGames Match - WCW Wrestlewar 1992

Part Two

The best match ever to happen in a WCW ring.

not sure if that was the "best" match in wcw, but I have to admit it is good seeing heyman with hair and bill alfonso reffing laugh.gif

larry Zybysko is a p***k

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John Cena came up with the rapper gimmick. He was heard 'freestyling' on the back of a bus in England (not jsut any bus but a bus being used by the WWE to transport the wrestlers between venues, in this case Sheffield and Manchester if I'm not mistaken) by 'creative' and it went from there.

For the record, I am not a Cena fan, but would love it if he turned heel. Think WWE need to establish another mega beabyface before they do that though. Mainly for merchandise sales. Although now that I think about it a Cena heel turn could do that.

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His promos still suck. "Yep, the odds are against me this time for sure, but don't you worry I'll be the winner" how many times do you hear that over the last 6 years. Who came up with the Rapper gimmick?

Isn't it the writers to come of with the ideas so that John Cena can draw money?

Name people who have failed when pushed? This is not an arguement, I'm just intrigued to see who you feel failed when pushed?

Randy Orton. Pushed as a babyface in 2004. Failed.

Sean O'Haire. Pushed after Wrestlemania XIX. Failed.

The Big Show. Every single main event push. Fails.

Chavo Guerrero. Can't even make it in the upper midcard with a good heel gimmick. Fail.

Jack Swagger. No charisma. Can't make it in the upper midcard. Fail.

Sheamus. Seriously pushed as a serious main eventer big time. Fans don't give a shit. Fail.

Vladimir Kozlov. Pushed as a main eventer from start to finish. Had nothing going for him. Fail.

That was right off the top of my head. I COULD keep going with failed pushes that happened due to the guy not being good enough to take it forward.

Isn't it the writers to come of with the ideas so that John Cena can draw money?

It wasn't the writers that came up with the idea for Cena's gimmick though. It was Cena.

not sure if that was the "best" match in wcw

What do you think it is then ? Not having a go. Would be interested to know.

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2 things I would like to say:

1. Has there ever been a better theme than the nWo theme? I think not.


Just don't imagine the present day Goldust while listening to his theme. Think of the nutjob from 1996 and it's some seriously good music.

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What do you think it is then ? Not having a go. Would be interested to know.

it's really hard to pick one Favourite match there are so many good ones for so many different reasons, but fingerpoke of doom is one of the worst :D


Just don't imagine the present day Goldust while listening to his theme. Think of the nutjob from 1996 and it's some seriously good music.

yeah I can dig that tune, there has been so many legendary songs, like Hogans real american, when you hear the start of that it takes you back to being a young hulkamaniac.

Goldbergs is another one that is a real huge one that puts the hairs on the back of your neck up, same could be said for Austins, nWo theme song is just my personal favourite, just reminds me of watching them as a kid coming out to the black and white, surely the best stable in all of wrestling

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it's really hard to pick one Favourite match there are so many good ones for so many different reasons, but fingerpoke of doom is one of the worst :D

Probably a major point in the downfall of WCW too, added to the fucking ridiculous "Mick Foley won the WWE Title. That'll put bums in seats." thing. Come to think of it, it doesn't surprise me that TNA are doing even worse than they were when Hogan and Bischoff weren't there. Bischoff clearly hasn't learned a thing from his mistakes.

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Just seen a bit of a recent TNA online. Hogan and Flair should just never wrestle ever again. The are just pathetic now and look terrible. And thier blood jobs are just the fucking pits. Why do they feel the need to bleed so often in their matches? It doesn't make up for their shite in ring performances by any means. It's just awful.

And the interview set looks suspiciously like one WCW used.

And Vince McMahon also should never wrestle again.

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And Vince McMahon also should never wrestle again.

At least Vinnie's match is gonna drum up some interest. It's fairly clear now that only the TNA core fanbase is interested in seeing Hogan and Flair wrestle, and it actually now appears that even some of THEM don't want to see it.

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For the record, I am not a Cena fan, but would love it if he turned heel. Think WWE need to establish another mega beabyface before they do that though. Mainly for merchandise sales. Although now that I think about it a Cena heel turn could do that.

I doubt Cena will become a heel anytime soon, however he will be in the future once there is a superstar who can takeover as the face of the company as the fans hero's always turn heel at some point ie Stone Cold, The Rock for example. Although in saying that there is no-one currently in the company that makes as much money as Cena and that is what McMahon cares about. Additionally Cena is very good at portraying the heroic character who fights of all the evil villians and helps the faces, i doubt that Cena would ever be as good a heel as he is a face.

If you're going to look at replacements from the current roster then the likes of Edge spring to mind, while Orton could be a Stone Cold type character who kicks the hell out of everyone yet has the fans respect and full support. Although in saying that the task of replacing Cena as the top face will be very difficult.

Besides the next top superstar to turn will be Triple H and not Cena.

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