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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I know of someone getting a tryout, but it isn't Lionheart. Of course, he might be.

I don't think he'd stand much of a chance in WWE anyways. He has everything to make it apart from the size, and his size really is NOT good enough.

I agree. He really does look like a cruiserweight which is a shame as he can go. I also reckon his look is shite aswell.

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ROH Unscripted

This show featured a tournament for the tag team titles, but not only that. It included two famous matches in the ROH lot. One for all of the right reasons, and one for all of the wrong reasons.

SAT vs. Donovan Morgan and Christopher Daniels ( * )

Ikuto Hidaka and Dick Togo vs. James Maritato and Tony Mamaluke ( **3/4 )

Tony Mamaluke vs. James Maritato ( DUD )

Divine Storm vs. American Dragon and Mike Modest ( 1/2* )

Donovan Morgan and Christopher Daniels vs. Ikuto Hidaka and Dick Togo ( ***3/4 )

Dunn vs. Prince Nana ( N/A )

Xavier vs. Low Ki ( *** )

Takao Omori vs. Sonny Siaki ( DUD )

Jay Briscoe vs. The Amazing Red ( **3/4 )

Michael Shane vs. Paul London, Street Fight ( ****1/4 )

Christopher Daniels and Donovan Morgan vs. American Dragon and Mike Modest ( *** )

SAT vs. Donovan Morgan and Christopher Daniels

Time for some first round action in the tag team title tournament. The SAT botch Back Body Drops right off the bat. Daniels into the ropes and a Double Bulldog on Daniels. Drop Toe Hold on Morgan and then we have the Human Taffy Machine from the SAT. Dropkick to the face from Joel gets a two count. Northern Lights Suplex from Joel gets a two count. Morgan with forearms and in comes Daniels and he runs into a Hiptoss. Daniels into the ropes and in comes Jose with a Missile Dropkick for a two count. Suplex from Jose gets another two count. In comes Joel and he kicks the stomach. Chops from Joel and then he goes into the ropes and gets sent to the floor and now the Prophecy are in control of things. Back into the ring they go. Two count from that for Morgan and then a Suplex from Morgan gets a two count. Daniels back into the ring with kicks to the stomach. Jose comes in to try and help and then Prophecy use the chance to get some cheap shots in. Joel into the ropes and a Dropkick gets a two count for Daniels. Forearm knocks Jose off of the apron and then in comes Morgan with kicks. Morgan then with the Full Nelson with the legs. Daniels then shoves down a female fan at ringside. Of course, you know it's a work when a cameraman runs over to catch it. Back in comes Jose and he lands the Tilt-a-Whirl DDT. He gets under Daniels and hits a Rana. Daniels into the ropes and then out goes Jose. Joel is in the ring. Simply Luscious blocks that. THE FAN WITH A MOONSAULT OFF THE TOP ROPE ONTO DANIELS AND LUSCIOUS !!! The woman takes Luscious to the back. DOOMSDAY DDT FROM THE SAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... DANIELS MAKES THE SAVE !!! Daniels heads for the top rope and Joel manages to stop him up there. Morgan drags down Jose. JOEL WITH THE ONE MAN SPANISH FLY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... MORGAN SAVES !!! GOLDEN GATE SWING FROM MORGAN !!! In comes Jose. SAYONARA FROM MORGAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The SAT were determined to show why they were hated so much with some god awful stuff, but they did do some cracking tag team moves and the Doomsday DDT is a joy to behold. The match was a mess though and relied heavily on the Prophecy to carry the match. *

Ikuto Hidaka and Dick Togo vs. James Maritato and Tony Mamaluke

We start with Hidaka and Maritato in the ring. This match is gonna be the cool shit ! They fake locking hands as neither man is sure about engaging. Both men with reversals and that leads to a quick stalemate. Lockup again and a Headlock from Hidaka and he gets sent into the ropes. Hidaka with a cartwheel and then Maritato with the Victory Roll. Head Scissors from Maritato. Hidaka turns it over and locks in the Front Facelock. Hidaka with some flopping around and then a Dropkick to the knee which Maritato completely oversells. Hidaka then works on the leg. Sweep from Maritato and he misses an Elbow. Stalemate, but Hidaka definately controlled things for that first portion of the match. They shake hands and then Hidaka wants to tag Togo into the ring, and the fans want some of that action. Mamaluke wants to wrestle Togo. Maritato tags out and here we go. Both men with lots of reversals on the canvas and that ends in a stalemate. Lockup and a Headlock from Togo. Togo gets under Mamaluke. Low kick from Togo and then he tags in Hidaka who hits a BRUTAL Dropkick. In comes Maritato to meet Togo. Abdominal Stretch from Togo and Maritato meets the same fate as his tag team partner. Snapmare and then Hidaka into the ropes and a Baseball Slide Dropkick to the face of Maritato. The fans are liking Hidaka. Maritato into the ropes and he manages to get the Ankle Lock with the Grapevine and Hidaka gets into the ropes. Mamaluke with a cheap shot and then he tags himself in. Knee Breaker and a Dragon Screw from Mamaluke and then he locks in the Sicilian Crab. Maritato tells Hidaka to quit and he doesn't. Slingshot Leg Drop from Mamaluke over the bottom rope and that gets a two count. Into the match comes Maritato. Hidaka into the ropes and Hidaka with a springboard. DOUBLE FUJIWARA ARMBAR FROM THE FBI !!! The referee breaks it, and then Hidaka gets into the ropes. Maritato is looking for the Cross Armbreaker and he eventually gets it. Mamaluke comes in again with the cheap shot and Maritato isn't liking that. Hidaka rolls through and then locks in the Leg Grapevine and then Togo with one and Mamaluke comes in and breaks it with rakes to the eye. Mamaluke is then tagged in. IGUCHI BOMB FROM HIDAKA !!! Togo tagged in and a DDT on Maritato. FLIPPING ACE CRUSHER ON MAMALUKE !!! SHAWN CAPTURE ON MAMALUKE FROM HIDAKA !!! Togo is back in the match and he's sent into the corner. Mamaluke runs into an elbow. SWINGING DDT FROM DICK TOGO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... MARITATO !!! Superkick sends Maritato to the floor. PEDIGREE FROM TOGO !!! THE SENTON SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Yet more solid tag team wrestling from the ROH roster. The match had two purposes. 1) It acted as a showcase for the Togo/Hidaka tag team before they went into a more two sided match and 2) Mamaluke and Maritato's split was teased and set for right after the match. With these things in mind, it still managed to be quite the decent wee tag match as you'd expect from these four guys. **3/4

Tony Mamaluke vs. James Maritato

So they have an impromptu match here. Long enough to make a note of. Mamaluke wants the handshake but then lands a Belly 2 Belly Suplex. RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP ... BLOCKED AND MAMALUKE IS SENT INTO THE RAILING !!! Both men try whips and can't. MAMALUKE HITS MARITATO WITH THE RING BELL !!! Head first into the ringside table and then it seems Maritato is now busted open. Back into the ring they go and Mamaluke with the Back Drop Suplex for a two count. Maritato into the ropes and a Victory Roll gets a two count. Lovely Dropkick from Maritato gets a two count for him. Mamaluke rakes the eyes and then lands a chop and sets Maritato on the top rope. Second Rope Dropkick from Maritato gets a two count. LOW BLOW AND A SCHOOL BOY FROM MAMALUKE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a shitty match. DUD

I don't usually comment on promos, but I thought that Mike Modest's crazy eyes were worth mentioning.

Divine Storm vs. American Dragon and Mike Modest

Storm and Dragon are gonna open the match, and the Waistlock Takedown from Dragon. Dragon gets a two count from there and then a Front Facelock. Storm goes to the leg. Dragon with a Hammerlock and then a Front Facelock. They lock hands and then a Minoru Special is broken up by Modest. Divine wants into the match and he gets the chance. Arm Ringer from Divine and then he gets sent into the ropes. Rana from Divine and then some nice chain stuff leads to the Short Arm Scissors from Divine. Dragon then tries to Suplex his way out, but Divine holds on and manages to ground Dragon again. Headbutt from Dragon. Into the corner and in comes Modest. MODEST FUCKING MURDERS DIVINE WITH FOREARMS !!! Commentator : "Does he owe him money ?". Kicks follow that and then a VILE kick to the back. The fans want one more. Poor sod. Into the ropes and an Elbow Drop and another from Modest. Modest then walks across Divine and gives the thumbs up to the audience. In comes Dragon. Kick to the stomach and then a Headbutt from Dragon. Running Back Elbow from Dragon gets a two count. Into the corner and then in comes Modest again. Modest into the ropes. Exploder Suplex from Modest. Divine blows a Tilt-a-Whirl move but opts with the Russian Leg Sweep and Modest just no sells it. BRUTAL SPINAL SHOCK FROM DIVINE TO DRAGON !!! Divine and Modest now in the ring. Storm and Dragon brawl on the floor. Snapmare on the floor and a kick to the back. BRAINBUSTER FROM DIVINE !!! He heads for the top rope. SUPER FISHERMAN SUPLEX WITH THE BRIDGE FROM MODEST !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was basically Modest and Dragon kicking the shit out of two guys for a while, and the match was a bit long considering that this is all that they were going for. It was fun to see Modest completely unload though. 1/2*

Donovan Morgan and Christopher Daniels vs. Ikuto Hidaka and Dick Togo

We start with Daniels and Togo. That would be an awesome one on one match back then. Togo takes down Daniels and a lovely Swinging DDT to open the match. Hidaka and Morgan come into the match. Chops vs. forearms. Hidaka into the ropes and he charges down Morgan and then lands a Somersault Leg Drop. Morgan into the ropes and he charges down Hidaka. Poke to the eyes from Hidaka and then some Headlocks from both men and a stalemate. Daniels comes in and we now have a brawl with all four men. Body Slam on the floor from Daniels to Hidaka. CACTUS ELBOW FROM DANIELS TO HIDAKA !!! Commentator : "Remember Cactus Jack did that ten years ago and it was the biggest move ever ?". I have to admit, this is some quality commentating. Back into the ring with Daniels and Hidaka. Hidaka into the ropes and a Dropkick. Daniels into the ropes and he runs into a Spinning Heel Kick. Togo comes in with the Slingshot Senton. Knee Drop and nicely done from Togo. Chinlock from Togo then follows that. Daniels fights out and an STF from Togo. Morgan comes in to break and gets another kick in for good measure. Superkick to the arm from Hidaka. That was original. Hidaka then continues the work on the arm. Daniels into the ropes and a BEAUTIFUL Dropkick from Hidaka. DDT from Hidaka and that gets a two count. Back Drop Suplex nicely done from Hidaka gets a two count as Morgan breaks. Morgan comes in with a Back Drop Suplex of his own and then lands another for a two count. Hidaka into the ropes and the Double Hiptoss and then an Elbow Drop/Leg Drop combo gets a two count. Body Slam and an Arabian Press gets a two count for Daniels. Morgan comes back in and chokes Hidaka. Sunset Flip from Hidaka gets a two count and Morgan floors him with a Clothesline. Into the corner again and in comes Daniels. Snapmare and a Neck Snap from Daniels. Guillotine Leg Drop from Daniels gets a two count. Camel Clutch from Morgan. Body Slam from Morgan and then he locks in the Boston Crab. Togo makes the save. Morgan with a Head Scissors. Togo comes in with a Head Scissors on Morgan. DANIELS BREAKS THAT WITH THE FLYING ELBOW DROP !!! Daniels then tags into the match. Daniels with some stomping on Hidaka. SPRINGBOARD SWINGING DDT FROM HIDAKA !!! Properly called by the commentator too. That's a breath of fresh air right there. In come Morgan and Togo. X-FACTOR FROM TOGO TO MORGAN !!! Right hands from Togo. SWINGING DDT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Morgan blocks a Suplex. CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM TOGO !!! Daniels comes in to make the save. CORKSCREW ASAI MOONSAULT FROM HIDAKA TO DANIELS !!! Exploder Suplex in the ring gets a two count for Morgan. GOLDEN GATE SWING FROM MORGAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... HIDAKA BREAKS IT !!! Body Slam from Hidaka. SENTON SPLASH FROM TOGO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... DANIELS MAKES THE SAVE !!! Togo is sent to the floor and in comes Daniels. ANGEL'S WINGS ON HIDAKA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Standing Rock Bottom from Daniels. BEST MOONSAULT EVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... TOGO MAKES THE SAVE !!! The fans are loving this action. TORNADO DDT ... INTO A GUILLOTINE TARANTULA !!! Hidaka has to break and heads up. MISSILE DROPKICK OFF OF THE TOP ROPE FROM HIDAKA !!! GERMAN SUPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SPIRAL BOMB FROM HIDAKA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... MORGAN SAVES !!! Morgan and Togo brawl on the floor. STO FROM DANIELS AND MORGAN HOLDS THE FOOT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That is some quality tag team wrestling. The thing that made this stand out was the fact that it was almost like a Dragon Gate sprint where all four men would interchange and the fact that they managed to do so with a tag team rule in effect is testament to what all four men were capable of at this point. ***3/4

Dunn vs. Prince Nana

So this is the "seeing more of Alex Arion" that I'm getting ? Great. Nana is going to be wearing protective head gear for this match. Dunn and Arion are opening the match and Arion decides to go for a couple of shots. Nana stands on the floor rather than actually get involved. Missile Dropkick off of the middle buckle. That gets a two count for Arion. Dunn runs into an elbow and then a Monkey Flip sends Dunn into the corner. Body Slam from Arion and then he heads for the top rope. TOP ROPE SPLASH FROM ARION !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

No rating. Squash match. N/A

Low Ki © vs. Xavier - ROH World Heavyweight Championship

This is the match which is famous in ROH for the wrong reasons. Xavier wants a handshake and we get it. Lockup and into the ropes they go. We have a clean break. Headlock from Xavier. Fireman's Carry from Xavier and a Headlock again. Ki takes Xavier down to one knee and kicks him in the back. Lockup and a Headlock from Xavier and then he charges down Ki. Lockup and Xavier with kicks. That isn't going to go down well. HUGE kick to the chest from Ki and then they exchange. That is not going to work for Xavier now, is it ? Kicks to the chest again. Xavier then catches one and lands knees and then a knee to the head. Ki then with chops and forearms. Xavier with chops and then right hands. Both men are just unloading on each other at this point. Power Elbow from Ki and then a BRUTAL kick to the back. Xavier refuses to stop fighting back though. Ki takes down Xavier and unloads with rights and lefts. Ki then goes to the Cross Armbreaker. Xavier gets away and puts one of his own in there. Ki gets into the ropes and Xavier is refusing to stay out of this match at the moment. The fans are a bit split between the two men. An "AC Slater" chant is met with a "Shut The f**k Up" chant. They lock hands and then Xavier bridges back Ki. Ki then puts his feet in the face of Xavier and then kicks him. That's just vile stuff there. More kicks from Ki and then Xavier with kicks of his own and a Suplex and a Side Headlock. Xavier sent into the ropes and he charges Ki down. Ki with a Dropkick to the knee and then he unloads with the kicks to the chest. Xavier blocks the third kick. KI HITS THAT THIRD BIG KICK TO THE HEAD !!! Mongolian Chops in the corner. Snapmare and a kick to the back from Ki and then another. FUCKING VILE KICK TO THE BACK !!! Xavier tries the same and that just isn't working and he has just managed to annoy Low Ki with that. Xavier slaps Ki. Ki slaps back. Chops from both men. Xavier into the ropes. Ki into the ropes and then Xavier botches a move. Torture Rack from Xavier. TORTURE RACK SLAM FROM XAVIER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Xavier lifts Ki and then charges him into the corner and then hits his Running Back Body Drop and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Xavier. Camel Clutch follows that from Xavier. Xavier then drops his weight on the back. Chop from Xavier and then a knee strike to the head and another. Knee Lift from Xavier gets a two count. X-BREAKER ... countered. ROLLING KOPPOU KICK FROM KI !!! That will get the control of the match back. Xavier with a shoulder to the stomach. Xavier to the top rope. KI WITH THE ROLLING KOPPOU KICK TO SEND XAVIER TO THE FLOOR !!! Xavier is then sent into the worst railing ever. Body Slam from Ki and then he hits the Power Elbow out there. Back into the ring and Ki hands out some more punishment. Ki into the ropes and he comes out with the Forearm Smash. Into the corner and Xavier is sent in. Clothesline in the corner and then a Suplex gets a two count for Ki. Chop exchange from these guys again. Ki misses a Clothesline. BUCKLE BOMB FROM XAVIER !!! Butterfly Suplex from Xavier and then a Bridging Butterfly Lock. That is broken up. Xavier with a slam. Knee Drop from Xavier. That gets a two count. Ki then gets sent to the floor. Xavier misses a Baseball Slide. KI MURDERS HIM WITH A KICK TO THE FACE !!! Xavier falls to the floor and this match has seen some really big brutality to it. Back into the ring they go and then a Body Slam and Ki heads for the top rope. FLYING ELBOW DROP FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Snapmare from Ki and then he chops the back and the chest and that gets a two count. Mongolian Chop from Ki. Xavier is then sent to the floor. KI KRUSHER ... Xavier escapes and gets a two count from a Roll Up. More kicking and chopping from Ki. Ki and Xavier then conspire to spoil a move and that leads to a two count. Mongolian Chop and then a kick to the chest. Powerslam from Xavier and that gets a two count. X-BREAKER ... countered with a kick to the back of the head from Ki. Ki then sets Xavier on the top rope. Kick to the back from Ki from there. THE HANGING DRAGON FROM LOW KI !!! HE TURNS IT INTO THE DRAGON CLUTCH !!! Xavier covers that into the pinfall. Springboard is blocked. XAVIER WITH THE KISS YOUR X GOODBYE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Christopher Daniels is now heading for the ring. Xavier then with a Chop Block. Low Ki seems to want to head for the floor but gets stopped. Falling Kneebreaker from Xavier. Xavier now heading for the top rope. 450 SPLASH ... missed. Running Forearm from Ki. KAWADA KICKS FROM KI !!! Xavier ends up sitting in the corner. Low Ki has now spotted Christopher Daniels on the floor and decides to head out and go and deal with him. Xavier with a Chop Block on the floor and then he confirms that he is joining The Prophecy. Xavier then puts a concrete slab on the chest of Low Ki. Xavier has the chair. XAVIER CHAIRS THE CONCRETE INTO THE CHEST OF LOW KI !!! Low Ki is crawling to the ring. Xavier then heads for the top rope. 450 SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The match was nowhere near as bad as some will have you believe. I loved the story to it. Xavier just took everything that Low Ki had to dish out and never backed down once. This was to make sure that the ending wasn't TOO bad and to let you know that to some extent, Xavier can hang in the main events. The ending was also good as it made fans really hate ROH and when you're dealing with the IWC as your fanbase, you have to do that. ***

Takao Omori vs. Sonny Siaki

I totally forgot that Siaki wrestled in ROH. Omori goes right on the attack from the word go. Headlock from Omori and he's sent to the ropes. Superkick from Siaki. That gets a two count. Omori wants to hear the fans. Omori goes behind and Siaki goes behind. Hammerlock and a Headlock and a takedown and he does some cracking stuff, but that leads to Omori going to the Hammerlock. Siaki gets into the ropes. Arm Bar from Omori and Siaki with some moving around and then he goes to the Hammerlock. Headlock from Siaki. European Uppercut and then chops from Omori. Into the corner and then some chops from Siaki and then shot after shot. Kick to the stomach and then a Suplex is blocked. Siaki drops behind and then Omori with a kick to the gut. Suplex from Omori. Stomp to the face from Omori and then a Chinlock. Camel Clutch then comes next from Omori. He then adds a Body Scissors to a Chinlock and Omori is being very methodical. Siaki tries to get a two count from that. European Uppercut from Siaki. Knee to the head and then he chokes Siaki over the bottom rope. Siaki is coming back with right hands and then Omori just kicks him right back down again. Fist Drop from Omori. PILEDRIVER FROM OMORI !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Siaki then with a Back Body Drop to escape a Piledriver attempt. Running Back Elbow from Siaki and then he runs into a kick, but then Omori runs into a Lariat and that gets a two count. Somersault Neckbreaker gets a two count for Siaki. Spinning Heel Kick from Siaki and that gets a two count. JIG N TONIC FROM OMORI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match honestly could NOT have been more dull. DUD

Jay Briscoe vs. The Amazing Red

Here comes a rematch from the first ever ROH show as Jay Briscoe tries to avenge the loss from the first show. Red with kicks right off the bat. Jay sweeps down Red and then a Dropkick to the knee from Jay. Jay and Red then exchange some nice reversals. Both men then try and go for covers and we have the stalemate from that. Jay locks the hands and then Red with a Rana but he runs into a Back Elbow. Jay into the ropes and a Drop Toe Hold from Red. High Knee from Red. Red into the ropes and he gets sent onto the apron. Red then drags Jay to the floor and kicks him twice. Jay and Red then block some strikes. We have a stalemate on the floor and they both head back into the ring. The referee wants them back in there. They both get back into the ring and a Headlock from Red and he goes behind and gets a Hammerlock. Jay with an Overhead Wristlock. Red with an Arm Bar. Kick to the stomach from Red. TILT-A-WHIRL REVERSE DDT FROM RED !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Red. Jay into the corner and Red hits his Climbing Kick. BRUTAL Clothesline from Jay stops the momentum of Red. Right hand from Jay and then Red into the corner and hard. Red into the opposite corner and Jay runs into a boot. Jay sends Red into the middle of the ring and then puts in the Indian Deathlock. He lets that go and wants the applause from the audience. Come on, just get on with it. HURRICANE KICK FROM RED !!! Red onto the middle rope and he flips over Jay. RED DROPS JAY RIGHT ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Red is now heading for the top rope. Swanton Bomb misses. YAKUZA KICK AND A BRUTAL ONE FROM JAY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Body Slam from Jay and then he heads for the top rope. Red stops him up there and goes up top. SUPER CODE RED FROM RED !!! HOLY SHIT !!! RED STAR PRESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Jay reverses a second Code Red by dropping him on his head. BRUTAL POWERBOMB !!! JAY DRILLER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Was really nice to see these two guys having a finisher kickout that actually meant something. That was right down to the determination of Jay Briscoe to get his win back. This match did still have the sillyness of Red doing moves that he shouldn't be doing as midmatch moves, but it was limited here. Some great exchanges and a good match. **3/4

Michael Shane vs. Paul London, Street Fight

Here was the match that was remembered for the RIGHT reasons. London gets over Shane and does a flip and then a Spinning Heel Kick and then the Dropsault and this one has kicked off. London misses a Clothesline and then sends Shane to the floor. London goes to the floor and meets Shane and hits a forearm and the brawl heads around ringside. London then sent into the ringpost. Back into the ring they go. Shane to the top rope and then London throws him crotch first into the top rope and then the Enziguri from London gets a two count. Shane into the corner and a Clothesline in there from London. London then with a series of chops. German Suplex avoided from London. London Skins the Cat ... SHANE SPEARS HIM TO THE FLOOR IN THAT POSITION !!! Forearms from Shane and then London gets sent through a railing. Shane : "I'll show you a god damned street fight !". Shane goes under the ring and pulls a table out. He sets it on the floor. London then with right hands and he sends Shane into the ring and he goes under the ring and he gets a chair. SHANE WITH A SOMERSAULT PLANCHA TO SEND THE CHAIR INTO THE FACE OF LONDON !!! That is a hard enough shot to bust open Paul London. London gets back into the ring. Shane has a chair in there. He throws the chair into the head of London and that gets a two count. Suplex on the chair from Shane and that gets a two count. London with a comeback, but then Shane with a finger to the eye. Cravat from Shane. London comes back into the match. Forearms from London and then he gets sent hard into the corner. Shane then gives the fans the finger and wedges the chair between the top and middle rope. Chop exchange and that ends with a knee. Shane gets sent into the chair and that busts him open. London tries to knock Shane off of the apron and fails. London jumps into a knee. Shane goes back under the ring and he brings a ladder out from under there. Springboard Kick sends the ladder into Shane. Back into the ring they go and London puts the ladder back into the ring. London then heads to the top rope and they manage to botch something. London now sets the ladder against the corner. Shane then tries to whip London in, but London counters. BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX ONTO THE LADDER FROM SHANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Body Slam from Shane and then he mockingly drops the ladder across the back. London attempts a fight back and then into the corner they go where Shane with some chopping. Shane onto the apron. HEAD SCISSOR TAKEDOWN SENDS SHANE THROUGH THE TABLE ON THE FLOOR !!! London then goes around the ring and pulls a big ladder out from under the ring. BRUTAL Dropkick to the face from London. Into the ring we all go now. Kick to the stomach from London and then he sets the big ladder against the corner. High Knee in the corner from London. BACK BODY DROP SENDS SHANE INTO THE LADDER !!! Shane heads for the floor to try and buy some time and he doesn't count on what happens next. LONDON RUNS UP THE LADDER AND HITS A SOMERSAULT PLANCHA !!! HOLY FUCKING MOTHER OF GOD WHAT A MOVE !!! That is a well earned "Holy Shit" chant for the mentalist. The fans chant London's name and rightly so. Into the ring they go. London now sets the smaller ladder in the corner and climbs to the top rope. LEAPFROG ... RIGHT INTO A SITDOWN POWERBOMB FROM SHANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Shane then heads for the top rope and London crotches him up there. London pushed into the middle of the ring. PICTURE PERFECT ELBOW FROM SHANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Superkick from London. LONDON WITH THE SHOOTING STAR PRESS ON SHANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! London now sets the ladder and decides he wants to climb it. Shane then throws London off of the ladder. PICTURE PERFECT ELBOW OFF OF THE LADDER FROM SHANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! London with a kick sends Shane off of the ladder and he climbs. LONDON WITH A BATSHIT INSANE SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM THE LADDER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The match loses a 1/4* for the major spot botch in the middle of the match when there was no need for such a complicated spot. However, Paul London completely stole the show here with two spots which would not be out of place in any crazy spotfest that you're likely to see. The final Shooting Star Press was just the icing on the cake of the Paul London show. Of course, Michael Shane played his part too. ****1/4

Christopher Daniels and Donovan Morgan vs. American Dragon and Mike Modest - ROH Tag Team Championships

Daniels and Modest are going to open the match and Daniels with the Hammerlock. Modest with one of his own and then Daniels attempts to tag. I'd have thought that Morgan would have let that happen. Daniels into the ropes and he charges down Modest and tags out. Forearms from Morgan and Modest into the corner. Clothesline and a Snapmare and a kick to the back from Morgan gets a two count. Modest with a kick to the back of his own. Modest into the ropes and they collide. BIG forearm knocks down Morgan and then in comes Dragon and a kick to the stomach. Dragon and Morgan then exchange forearms. Cravat from Dragon and a Snapmare and a Chinlock. Surfboard with a knee in the back from Dragon. Crucifix follows that from Dragon and then into the corner and in comes Daniels with Shoulder Blocks. Snapmare and a Knee Drop and a Neck Snap from Daniels. Dragon Screw from Daniels and then in comes Morgan. Elbow on the leg from Morgan. Morgan then works on the leg. Modest tries to get the fans behind Dragon. Daniels is tagged into the match and a Wishbone Legsplit from the Prophecy. Dragon gets sent to the floor and then Morgan with a whip into the railing behind the back of the referee. Back into the ring with Dragon. Knee Breaker from Daniels and kicks to the stomach. Into the corner and more kicks to the stomach from Daniels. Enziguri from Dragon to the back of the head of Dragon to get back into the match. Modest is tagged into the match and the referee never seen it. DANIELS WITH THE TARANTULA !!! Morgan adds a Dropkick to the head and then a second. Dragon then gets sent into the railing. Dragon gets sent into another railing and it's getting a bit boring with that now. Into the ring they go. Daniels with a cover and he gets a two count and back in comes Morgan. Forearms from Morgan. CRAVAT SUPLEX FROM DRAGON !!! Modest is tagged in and forearms from Modest and he runs into an elbow. HANDSTAND SUPER RANA FROM MODEST !!! Diving Headbutt gets a two count for Modest. Daniels with a fight back attempt. Flapjack from Modest. Michinoku Driver from Morgan. ROARING ELBOW FROM DRAGON !!! Enziguri from Daniels and everyone is down. Morgan into the ropes and he heads for the floor. Modest follows. Morgan gets sent into the railing. ARABIAN PRESS TO THE FLOOR FROM DANIELS !!! DRAGON WITH THE SUICIDE DIVE ONTO DANIELS !!! Daniels and Morgan in the ring. Exploder Suplex from Modest and that gets a two count. Daniels then gets set on the top rope. SUPER FISHERMAN SUPLEX FROM MODEST !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... MORGAN SAVES !!! Morgan tagged in. GOLDEN GATE SPIN FROM MORGAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Northern Lariat from Modest and in comes Dragon. ROARING FOREARM TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD FROM DRAGON !!! THE REGAL PLEX FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CATTLE MUTILATION FROM DRAGON !!! Daniels makes the save. Morgan gets set on the top rope. SUPER BOMB FROM MORGAN !!! BEST MOONSAULT EVER FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BLUE THUNDER BOMB ON DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! LAST RITES ... countered. Novacaine from Daniels ... INTO THE KOJI CLUTCH !!! Modest breaks it and now everyone is in the ring. We're left with Daniels and Dragon in the ring, and Dragon hits an Enziguri for a two count. Daniels then gets set on the top rope. DANIELS COUNTERS THE SUPER BACK DROP SUPLEX !!! LAST RITES FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I don't see why ROH felt the need to have these guys wrestle for so long out there. They were never going to be able to put on the sort of match that ROH were hoping for. The crowd were knackered. The wrestlers were knackered. Any chance of real drama in the match was gone before a lockup even happened. All four men gave their all though and it turned out to be a good little match, but given the four men involved, you could only have hoped that a rematch would happen and they would have a proper chance to show what they can do. ***



Far too much stuff on this show, far too muddled and a nightmare to sit through. There was some good stuff, but the nightmare was getting to that stuff. If you can find the London/Shane match elsewhere, I'd go and I'd find it. Otherwise, don't get this.

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Remember on Impact last week Nash and Hall said there was going to be a new member of The Band joining tonight to replace X-Pac. I heard that its going to be Lex Luger. Should be interesting.

Nice, you've just reminded me that I still aint watched last weeks Impact so I might watch that later.

So is Waltman done with TNA then?

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Impact is moving back to Thursdays. Will probably be announced officially tonight. Failed experiment that was. Right decision I have to say though.

That'll be a Spike TV decision, not a TNA one thats for sure.

Maybe WWE can send some main eventers back to Smackdown then since they have nothing to worry about on Monday nights again, even though they never really did.

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Yeah, they were getting totally hammered by Raw in the ratings. Looks like the fabled Hogan midas touch has stoppped working.

Shame it didn't work out, as Raw has been terrible for a long time now and competition is the only thing that would make WWE up their game.

At least we only have to avoid TNA spoilers for 2 nights again now, instead of the whole week!

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that Impact was the worst I've seen in a long long time, pure trash tv, utter shite! It's the right move to go back to thursdays, I hate the spin they put on it, Taz: "we listened to you fans and you want us back on thursday nights and you got it" oh so nothing to do with ratings then?

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that Impact was the worst I've seen in a long long time, pure trash tv, utter shite! It's the right move to go back to thursdays, I hate the spin they put on it, Taz: "we listened to you fans and you want us back on thursday nights and you got it" oh so nothing to do with ratings then?

He was hardly gonna say "well guys, we weren't good enough !".

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I'm sort of hoping that Sheamus is going to be part of the main event now that he has earned his spot there.

The Miz and Chris Jericho is a brilliant idea. I love that WWE have really put the spotlight on the tag team titles for the last few months.

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I think a Miz/Jericho feud would be a far better idea than having them as partners personally.

I'm probably in the minority, but I thought Raw was decent this week, the guest host apart. They really need to get a full time GM again to generate some heat.

I think it was the first time one of the Bellas in a legitimate as well.

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