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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Notes from Wrestling Observer Live:

-Heyman was supposed to be the big surprise at the ppv, but the deal fell through. So, they had to say it was Dreamer and hold off on the bigger announcement.

-Something about TNA's situation has worsened, and they're now looking Heyman as "the saviour."

-Almost everything Heyman has asked for(control over almost every aspect of the company, not just booking), they've offered him, but there are still issues.

-Ferrara being gone may be related to Heyman possibly coming in.

Methinks he just wants the chance to fire Eric Bischoff. :D

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The Pope really got some emotion going in his segment. Crowd seems to love him. His match with Angle has the potential to be good, two people with something to prove with them both coming back to TNA recently.

If it's ECW that Abyss is talking about then it would be appropriate because:

What was it that Abyss said, I'm in America right now and missed last weeks Impact?

Kurt Angle vs. The Pope ? Yass ! That sounds like a cracker.

It does indeed.

Sarita and Taylor Wilde are feuding blink.gif. No saw much of that pair of late either.

Yeah, they were the Xplosion match before Impact started when I was there. Crowd wasn't into it at all as you would expect with Xplosion matches.

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AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe was very good. Not seen Joe hit the Coquina Clutch in a while, not seen him in a good match for a while. Style/Kazarian should be good next week. When Styles reversed the Muscle Buster, I would've liked him to go into the Pelé.

#SPOILER# (dont know how to use the spoiler thing yet)

Joe used it again against RVD and Styles/Kaz is interupted by a certain Mr Flair and has a terrible finish (double countout) but the crowd were fully behind AJ.

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Abyss keeps saying to Hogan and others that "They're coming" and various other musings of a seemingly delusional man. "There's nothing you can do about it!" stuff of that ilk. Talking up an invasion of some sort.

And to put a spoiler bar, you type "spoiler" in between these [ ] and type it again with a \ after what you've typed

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Also, Abyss was putting nails into a 2x4, and said something to the extent of "'they' will be happy".

Taz openly speculating that the 'they' = ECW was odd.

I'm not sure if the ECW people are who Abyss is talking about now. We have to assume that "they" are heels but Tommy Dreamer's wee promo with him getting into the car gave me a face feeling. If they were heels then he could've been a bit more violent and maybe knocked the guy out rather than just saying that it was his personal time.

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WWE Judgement Day 2009

This is where the best fued of 2009 got going. It also features one of the worst getting started as well actually.

CM Punk vs. Umaga ( **3/4 )

Christian © vs. Jack Swagger - ECW Championship ( **1/2 )

Shelton Benjamin vs. John Morrison ( *** )

Rey Mysterio © vs. Chris Jericho - WWE Intercontinental Championship ( ***3/4 )

Randy Orton © vs. Batista - WWE Championship ( **1/2 )

The Big Show vs. John Cena ( * )

Edge © vs. Jeff Hardy - World Heavyweight Championship ( **** )

CM Punk vs. Umaga

Ah more solid booking from the WWE team here. I'll get to it later. Right hands from Punk and Umaga pushes him down. Punk with kicks to the chest, and Umaga with a knee. Kick and then Punk jumps right into the Swinging STO. Stomps to the back from Umaga. Into the corner and Umaga then with right hands. Punk with a fightback and then he runs into a Back Elbow. Kick to the back from Umaga. Punk is whipped hard into the buckle and Umaga has words for the audience. Punk hard into the corner a second time. Shot to the shoulder from Umaga and then more right hands. The fans are getting behind Punk, but Umaga with the Nerve Hold after a Headbutt to the back of the head. Punk gets into the middle rope. Punk then gets sent shoulder first into the ringpost. Snapmare from Umaga and then he locks the Nerve Hold again, so Umaga goes with the Arm Bar. Umaga then just throws down Punk and that gets a two count and Punk rolls onto the apron. Umaga into the ropes and he kicks Punk to the floor. Shoulders to the stomach from Punk and then Umaga just drops his weight on Punk when he tries the Sunset Flip. Umaga drops his weight on Punk for a second time. "CM Punk" chant breaks out. Umaga jumps right into the boots of Punk. Punk tries a slam and Umaga shifts his weight and gets a two count and then gets the Nerve Hold. Punk comes back with right hands and Umaga flattens him. To the second buckle. FLYING HEADBUTT ... MISSES !!! Umaga charges and ends up on the floor. PESCADO FROM PUNK !!! Into the ring and Punk with a series of kicks. Knee Lift. Running Leg Lariat from Punk and then Umaga runs into a boot and then misses a charge. High Knee from Punk. Punk thrown into the corner. SAMOAN WRECKING BALL ... MISSES !!! SECOND ROPE BULLDOG FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Punk onto the apron and a kick to the head. Springboard Clothesline gets a two count for Punk. Samoan Drop from Umaga gets a two count. SAMOAN SPIKE ... misses. Punk with kicks. SUPERKICK FROM UMAGA !!! SAMOAN WRECKING BALL !!! SAMOAN SPIKE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Right. So you have the Money in the Bank case holder fighting in his hometown. So what do you do ? You job the future #1 contender clean to a midcarder of course. The match wasn't all that great really. Just the standard opening match, but the good thing about that is that it's tailor made for getting an audience into the match and sure as hell they did. **3/4

Christian © vs. Jack Swagger - ECW Championship

The fued between these two guys continues. Swagger misses a charge. Christian then lands some right hands and gets sent into the ropes. He slides to the floor and then gets chased around the ring. Christian into the ropes and he runs into a boot. He avoids a Gorilla Press and tries for the Killswitch and that ends in a stalemate. Into the corner on a lockup and a Waistlock Takedown and they roll around down there. Elbows from Christian and then he hits the ropes and runs into the Shoulder Block. Irish Whip into the corner chest first. Christian into the ropes and then he pulls the top rope down and Swagger charges. Baseball Slide from Christian. SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA TO THE FLOOR FROM CHRISTIAN !!! Into the ring they go. Knee Lift when Christian tries to get back into the ring and then Swagger charges him to the floor. Swagger then tosses Christian ribs first into the ringpost and then stands on him. Back into the ring they go. Two count from the cover when they get into the ring. Body Scissors from Swagger. Swagger uses the middle rope for leverage and then lets go of the hold. Big stomp to the stomach from Swagger and then Christian attempts a fight back. He runs right into a knee in the stomach. That gets a two count. Body Slam from Swagger. RUNNING VADER BOMB IN THE CORNER ... HITS KNEES !!! Leaping European Uppercut from Christian and he might be back in the match. Christian runs into the ropes, but runs into Swagger. EDGE-O-MATIC FROM CHRISTIAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Swagger misses a charge and takes a kick and then another. Christian heads for the top rope. FLYING HEADBUTT FROM CHRISTIAN ... MISSES !!! DOCTOR BOMB ... Christian blocks. He sends Christian onto the apron. He jumps over Swagger and then causes him to run into the buckles. SWAGGER WITH A POP-UP SUPERPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Clotheslines from both men and they go down. SWAGGER ROLLS UP AND GRABS THE ROPES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kick from Christian. TORNADO DDT ... blocked. TORNADO REVERSE DDT FROM CHRISTIAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! KILLSWITCH ... COUNTERED TO A FACE DROP BACK DROP SUPLEX !!! DOCTOR BOMB ... COUNTERED TO THE ROLLUP AND HE HAS THE TIGHTS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Once again Jack Swagger tries to cheat and once again Christian's experience is too much for the challenger. The match just didn't click, but went along better than it could have thanks to nice nods to the previous matches, good exchanges and the work on the body from Swagger. It's probably worst of the series they had, but it's still good. **1/2

Shelton Benjamin vs. John Morrison

Lockup and Shelton with a cracking Suplex right off the bat and then right hands. Fireman's Carry and an Arm Bar from Shelton. This match has sure gotten off to a quick start. Kick to the stomach from Shelton but Morrison sends him to the ropes. Hiptoss is blocked by Shelton but Morrison with right hands and Shelton isn't happy and heads for the floor. MORRISON WITH A SPRINGBOARD 450 PLANCHA ONTO SHELTON !!! Shelton crotches Morrison on the top rope and then kicks him to the floor and the fans are loving this at the moment. Haas then sends Morrison into the ring. That's kinda lame as far as attacks behind the refs backs go. No wonder he got sacked. Anyways, back to the action where Shelton controls Morrison in the corner. Into the middle of the ring and a Modified Seated Abdominal Stretch. Morrison fights out but runs into a Back Elbow. Stomps from Shelton and then he rubs the face of Morrison into the canvas. Morrison fights out of the move, but Shelton with a Cravat Knee Lift. Very nice. Sleeper Hold from Shelton. Morrison fights his way out and gets a Sleeper Hold of his own, but Shelton sends him to the ropes and the heads of both men now collide. Back Drop Suplex from Shelton gets countered for a two count. Shelton into the corner and Morrison runs into a boot. Dropkick and strikes from Morrison. Tilt-a-Whirl Russian Legsweep gets a two count for Morrison. STARSHIP PAIN ... countered into a Backbreaker. That gets a two count. Leg Lariat from Morrison. RUNNING RAVE KNEE TO THE HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Shelton jumps into a kick. FLYING CHUCK ... COUNTERED INTO THE BUCKLE BOMB FROM SHELTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! PAYDIRT ... blocked. Drop Toe Hold into the corner from Morrison. FLYING CHUCK !!! STARSHIP PAIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I'm going to take 1/4* away for the botched Buckle Bomb, as it lost the crowd a bit. It was a solid match though. They got off to a good start which was weird to see as they usually have a very deliberate pace. They put together a good spotfest and it was basically used as a showcase for what both guys are capable of doing which I don't mind. We don't see it enough from them in one on one action around this point. ***

Rey Mysterio © vs. Chris Jericho - WWE Intercontinental Championship

Rey signals for the 619. Oh aye, now I remember the path that this match took. EARLY 619 ... Jericho rolls to the floor and makes sure it doesn't happen. Forearm from Jericho and then he lands right hands. Into the corner and then another corner and Jericho with the Snapmare and a kick to the back. Forearms with Rey and then into the ropes and he runs into a Back Elbow. Jericho slides Rey out of the ring and he just rolls onto his feet. Baseball Slide from Rey. RUNNING SEATED SENTON OFF OF THE APRON FROM REY !!! Kick to the stomach, but then Rey is sent into the railing. Into the ring. I can't believe they felt the need to set up that Guillotine Leg Drop there. Absolutely pathetic move. It gets a two count. Forearms from Rey and then he gets sent onto the apron. Jericho crotches Rey on the top rope. Springboard Dropkick sends Rey to the floor. Jericho heads for the floor and drops Rey on the railing chest first. Into the ring they go again and Jericho with a Slingshot Splash to the back and that gets a two count. Crossface Chickenwing from Jericho. Rey fights out of the move and Jericho lands a forearm. Rey lands an enziguri. 619 ... Jericho sweeps his way out of that and gets a two count. Rey heads for the floor to try and get himself together after that. Rey avoids a Suplex. TILT-A-WHIRL SPINNING BACK BREAKER FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Jericho then catapults Rey into the middle rope and that gets a two count. Jericho then kicks away at Rey. Rey set on the top rope and Jericho goes after the mask. Rey fights his way to the top rope. Leaping Seated Senton and a Springboard Cross Body gets a two count. KICK TO THE HEAD FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Jericho runs into an elbow. WALLS OF JERICHO ... spun out. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker gets a two count for Jericho. Kick to the stomach from Jericho and then he picks Rey up and lands a headbutt. Jericho likes the chants of 619. Bulldog is blocked by Rey. 619 ... avoided. SPRINGBOARD RANA ... COUNTERED INTO THE WALLS OF JERICHO ... COUNTERED AND THE 619 ... COUNTERED INTO THE WALLS OF JERICHO !!! NUCLEAR CROWD !!! JERICHO PULLS HIM INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE RING !!! SMALL PACKAGE FRM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Rey into the ropes. POWERBOMB FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kick to the stomach from Jericho. Jericho then slaps Rey around a little. Drop Toe Hold ... 619. SPRINGBOARD SPLASH FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Absolutely magnificent storytelling from both guys. Jericho's working on the back for the Walls of Jericho really setting the move up, and Rey constantly looking for the 619 and for the first time, that move was really built up as a killer. They would go onto have better matches in the future, but this was a cracking start to the fued. ***3/4

Randy Orton © vs. Batista - WWE Championship

Orton heads for the floor right away and he wants no part of Batista here. Back into the ring he gets. Lockup and a Headlock from Batista. Forearm to the body and then Batista into the ropes and he charges Orton down. Orton heads back for the floor. Back into the ring and Batista into the corner. He lands a big Clothesline on Orton and then lands a Suplex and that gets a two count. Forearm to the back from Batista and then he drops his weight on Orton multiple times. Shoulder Blocks to the back from Batista. Hard Irish Whip from Batista. Orton uses the trunks of Batista to send him out of the ring and lands a cracking Dropkick when Batista gets onto the apron. Orton heads out to the floor to meet Batista and then hits a Back Drop Suplex on the barricade. Into the ring they go and that gets a two count. Rake to the face from Orton and then he stomps the stomach and then Knee Drops to the head. That gets a two count. Chinlock from Orton. Batista comes back and lands right hands. Orton Backbreaker and that gets a two count. Orton then hits his series of stomps. Kicks to the stomach from Orton and then he goes back to the Chinlock. Batista with a Back Drop Suplex and that gets him back into the match again. Batista with right hands. Sleeper Hold from Orton is countered, but he then lands his Dropkick and Batista ends up on the apron and then on the floor. Batista with shoulders to the stomach and then Orton with a knee. HANGING DDT FROM ORTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Orton is now getting ready for the RKO. PUNT ... BATISTA STOPS THAT WITH THE SPEAR !!! Batista and Orton exchange right hands and the audience is firmly behind Orton here. Batista charges into a boot, but he then lands shoulder charges. Clothesline from Batista. Running Powerslam and that gets a two count. Orton heads for the floor and wants to be counted out. Batista is chasing Orton around the ring. He sends Orton in the ring and then lands a Clothesline and gets a two count from that. Snapmare from Batista and then a kick to the head and Orton heads for the floor. Throat dropped over the top rope and Orton brings a chair into the match. Batista makes sure that works and then into the ring they go. Batista heads for the top rope. FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE FROM BATISTA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE BATISTA BOMB ... Orton slips out of the ring and he runs with the gold. Batista goes on the charge yet again and Batista clubs him from behind and then back to the ring they go. Spinebuster from Batista. DEMON BOMB ... Orton fights out. RKO ... blocked. Batista then charges and hits nothing but ringpost. Orton is almost thrown into the ref. ORTON SLAPS THE REF !!! DQ !!!

That was some quality stuff near the end with Orton doing everything he could to escape with the gold. The match was solid enough and wasn't quite bad enough to get the "dull" rating. Both men know enough at this stage to keep people interested even if they aren't the best at facing each other. Randy Orton is also much better on offense than he used to be. **1/2

The Big Show vs. John Cena

Going into this match originally, I was looking forward to this match, because I was a fan of the match between The Big Show and John Cena at Wrestlemania XX and I was pretty sure both men had improved since then. Show is stalking Cena and he rolls out of the corner. Cena seems to be a little hurt in the ribcage. Cena kicks his way out of the corner and then the duelling chants are coming, which Show seems to like the sound of. Show is stalking Cena into the corner. Show catches the boots of Cena and goes right to the ribcage and now we head to Show's focal point, the right hands to the stomach. Knee to the stomach from Show and then he goes back to the right hands. Cena comes back with right hands and then into the ropes and he runs right into the brick wall that is The Big Show. Show then stands on Cena. Body Slam from Show. Cena uses Show to get to his feet and then avoids a Body Slam, but runs into a Sidewalk Slam and that gets a two count. Headbutt and down goes Cena. Show misses a big boot, but he puts the breaks on and sends Cena to the floor. Show then charges Cena into the ringpost ribs first. Show then goes for the Camel Clutch. Cena escapes, but then Show blocks the Bulldog and it's back to square one for Cena. Open hand slap to the chest from Show. Hard Irish Whip from the Show and then he charges into a boot. Cena jumps right into the Bearhug from Show. Cena escapes but he's hurt, and Show just regroups and waits for Cena to get up. Butt Bump in the corner from Show. Another Hard Irish Whip from Show and it might be time to send this match home lads. Show misses a charge and Cena comes back with rights and lefts and then Cena with a Chop Block. Somersault Neckbreaker from Cena and now he has a big advantage back. FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE FROM CENA !!! THE CHOKESLAM FROM SHOW ... COUNTERED TO THE STF !!! CENA GOES FOR THE STF ... he can't seem to get it though. Cena then runs right into the Clothesline from Show. Against the corner we go now. Show climbs. VADER BOMB FROM SHOW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Show then walks across Cena and climbs again. VADER BOMB FROM SHOW ... MISSES !!! STF FROM CENA ... he just can't reach and Show kicks Cena to the floor. Cena with a boot. TOP ROPE FAME ASSER FROM CENA !!! STF ... Cena STILL can't get that move on. ALLEYOOP FROM SHOW !!! Show is now setting up for the big finish. CENA HAS SHOW AND LANDS THE ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

When they headed into the final stretch with the STF, they really got the fans into it with Show blocking it at every turn. All of the work on the ribs just seemed a little bit pointless considering what they did with that though. As for the work on the ribs, Show was far too deliberate with it, and you could tell that he had no idea what to do at times as he just started repeating stuff. Boring as hell match with a nifty closing sequence. *

Edge © vs. Jeff Hardy - World Heavyweight Championship

Lockup and Edge works on the arm right off the bat. Hardy with the reversal. Edge with a Headlock. Edge into the ropes and he charges down Hardy and runs into a pair of Arm Drags and Hardy with the Arm Bar. Hardy jumps over Edge and locks in the exact same hold. Knee Drop to the arm and then into the corner they go. Knee to the stomach and then a right hand from Edge. Hardy into the corner and he comes out with the Head Scissor Takedown and then the Arm Drag and Arm Bar. Hardy into the ropes and Edge onto the apron and Hardy kicks him to the floor. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM HARDY !!! Back into the ring. WHISPER IN THE WIND FROM HARDY ... MISSES !!! Hardy rolls to the apron and Edge goes over. Edge whips Hardy into the ringpost and then spears him to the floor. Edge goes out to the floor and sends Hardy back into the ring. Edge with an Elbow Drop to the back for a two count and it seems like that might be a focal point. Edge chokes Hardy over the middle rope and then drops his body across the back of Hardy and that also gets a two count. Edge then stretches the arms and sticks his head into the back of Hardy. Hardy escapes and nails a kick to the stomach, but Edge lands an Edge-O-Matic and that gets a two count. Right hands from Edge and he sends Hardy into the ropes. Hardy with the Cross Body Block and that gets a two count. Jawbreaker from Hardy and then a Sitdown Front Suplex and he heads for the top rope. High Cross Body doesn't work and Hardy hits nothing but canvas. That gets a two count for Edge. Right hand to the back of the head from Edge. Hardy into the ropes and he lands the Savage Clothesline. Manhattan Drop and a Dropkick gets a two count for Hardy. To the top rope he goes and gets a High Cross Body and that gets a two count. Edge into the ropes and Hardy misses a Dropkick. Hardy kicks Edge into a Small Package and that gets a two count. Implant DDT is missed by Edge and Hardy then goes to the Sharpshooter which gets a mixed reaction. Edge finds his way into the middle rope. TWIST OF FATE FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Edge is now in the corner. Swinging Dropkick but Edge catches him. Hardy gets a Sunset Flip and that gets a two count. Hardy heads for the top rope and Edge crotches him up there. SUNSET BOMB FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Hardy sends Edge to the floor with a Dropkick. Hardy now sets the Smackdown announce table and he then puts Edge on it. HARDY WITH THE RAIL RUN ... AND EDGE SPEARS HIM OFF OF THE RAIL !!! The referee is counting Hardy out and Edge wants him to stay out there. Hardy JUMPS for the ring. Edge stomps away at Hardy. TWIST OF FATE OVER THE MIDDLE ROPE FROM HARDY !!! SLINGSHOT LEG DROP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! WHISPER IN THE WIND !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! To the floor and Hardy sets the steps. POETRY IN MOTION SENDS BOTH MEN OVER THE RAILING !!! MATT HARDY BELTS JEFF WITH HIS CAST IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD !!! Edge sends Hardy into the ring. ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Edge now awaits Jeff Hardy. SPEAR ... EDGE MISSES !!! Hardy heads for the top rope. Hardy is taking a LONG time to get to the top rope and Edge eventually stops him. SUPER IMPLANT DDT FROM EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was an amazing match. Why was Matt Hardy out there though ? They didn't follow it up and it became such a pointless thing to have happening. Could they not just have Edge go over clean or have some other bit of cheating that made more sense ? The vast chunk of the match seemed to be building for a more two sided big climax but the Matt Hardy interference took that away. There was a couple of magnificent "holy shit" spots in the match as well. A well structured and well delivered match from two guys with superb chemistry. ****

Another one of them PPVs that you just can't complain about. Most of the action pretty much sat at solid, one match was very very good and then you had the main event which was one of a couple of matches on the card which I wasn't as kind on when I watched it live, but you get to appreciate matches more when you go over them. This show continues the good run that WWE were having around the time.

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just seen a picture from Undertakers wedding to McCool, he just doesn't look right in a suit, I would have expected him to "and now you may tombstone piledrive the bride" 1,2,3

I now pronouce you intergender tag team champions

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WWE Extreme Rules 2009

This was the first of the Extreme Rules shows that had people bitching about how extreme the show with this name was, even though they knew it was a PG product. Fucking muppets.

Kofi Kingston © vs. William Regal vs. Matt Hardy vs. MVP - WWE United States Championship ( **1/2 )

Rey Mysterio © vs. Chris Jericho, No Holds Barred Match - WWE Intercontinental Championship ( ****1/4 )

Umaga vs. CM Punk, Samoan Strap Match ( *3/4 )

Christian © vs. Jack Swagger vs. Tommy Dreamer, Hardcore Match - ECW Championship ( **1/2 )

Santina vs. Vickie Guerrero, Hog Pen Match ( No rating since I'm flat out refusing to watch it )

Randy Orton © vs. Batista, Steel Cage Match - WWE Championship Match ( **3/4 )

The Big Show vs. John Cena, Submission Match ( DUD )

Edge © vs. Jeff Hardy, Ladder Match - World Heavyweight Championship ( ***1/2 )

Jeff Hardy © vs. CM Punk - World Heavyweight Championship ( N/A )

Kofi Kingston © vs. William Regal vs. Matt Hardy vs. MVP - WWE United States Championship

Regal and Hardy had something of a team going at this point. Regal throws Hardy into the babyfaces and then they go after Regal. Hardy onto the apron. Hardy sends Regal into a Double Back Elbow. Hardy sweeps MVP and then sends knees into the stomach. PESCADO FROM KINGSTON TO MVP AND HARDY !!! Kofi to the top rope. Cross Body Block and that gets a two count. Kick from MVP. Kingston sends him into the ropes and both men collide in the middle of the ring. Hardy onto the apron. Hardy is sent to the floor and Kingston hits MVP with a Jumping Back Elbow. Regal comes into the match with knee strikes to the head of Kingston and then a European Uppercut. Regal then works over Kingston in the corner. Kingston is set on the top rope. SUPER BUTTERFLY SUPLEX ... MVP TURNS THAT INTO A SUPER GERMAN SUPLEX ON BOTH MEN !!! HARDY COMES IN TO STEAL A PIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Clothesline from Hardy and then a Side Effect on Regal and that gets a two count. Body Slam on MVP and then Hardy to the middle buckle. Second Rope Leg Drop gets a two count. TWIST OF FATE ... Kingston with a Clothesline and then he lands a Dropkick on Hardy and a Leaping Clothesline. BOOM DROP ON BOTH REGAL AND HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Regal is sent to the floor. Kingston with the kick from the apron. He kicks MVP to the floor. Regal into the ring. HE SUPLEXES KOFI INTO HARDY INTO A PIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! YAKUZA KICK FROM MVP TO REGAL !!! Belly 2 Belly Suplex gets a two count for MVP on Kingston. Right hands to Hardy. Knee 2 Face. BALLIN' ELBOW DROP !!! Regal into the ring and he lands an Exploder Suplex. Kingston with right hands to MVP. Running Knee sends MVP out and then an Exploder. TROUBLE IN PARADISE FROM KINGSTON TO REGAL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

They kept it action packed, but there was a couple of botches in there. Any match where you botch the finish has to have points taken away from it. They did some good three way spots, but there was no point in having four guys in this match. Probably would have been better served taking MVP out of the match. **1/2

Rey Mysterio © vs. Chris Jericho, No Holds Barred Match - WWE Intercontinental Championship

I love the Jericho promo, going through the crowd and lambasting fans who get a touch of him. "Don't touch me. I'll knock you out junior." :lol: Rey kicks Jericho to the floor right off the bat and slams his head into the announce table. He throws the top of the RAW announce table at Jericho and then sends the challenger head first into the barrier. Head first into the barrier goes Rey and then the champ flips over the steps and Dropkicks them into Jericho. Kicks to the leg from Rey and then he sends Jericho into the ringsteps. Jericho is then sent into the barrier on the aisleway. Running Rana off of the ring apron and back into the ring. Slingshot Leg Drop gets a two count for Rey. Rey runs into a boot and then gets dropped stomach first over the top rope with a Front Suplex. Kick from Jericho and then he sends Rey into the bottom rope with a Catapult. That gets a two count. Head first into the top buckle and then Jericho with the choke with the boot. Rey sent onto the apron and he tries a springing move, but Jericho crotches Rey and he ends up on the apron. Jericho Springboards right into a Dropkick and now Jericho onto the apron. RINGPOST 619 TO THE CHEST !!! Rey heads for the top rope. TOP ROPE PLANCHA TO THE FLOOR ONTO JERICHO !!! SPRINGBOARD LEG DROP FROM REY IN THE RING !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Rey into the ropes and he lands a Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors, but Jericho blocks the 619 with a bit of a collision. Rey gets over Jericho and lands some kicks. Jericho runs into a boot. Wheelbarrow Victory Roll gets a two count for Rey. Rey tries for a Dropkick but ends up in the Walls of Jericho which he gets away from pretty easily. BIG KICK TO THE HEAD FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Rey then runs at Jericho and just runs right into a Clothesline for a two count. Jericho sends Rey to the floor under the bottom rope. Forearm from Jericho to Rey and then he hits a Front Suplex onto that top of the RAW announce table. Back into the ring they go and that gets a two count. Half Nelson from Jericho. Rey kicks his way out of the move. Rey into the corner and Jericho charges and hits the ringpost and ends up on the floor. REY WITH A BIG SUICIDE DIVE TO THE FLOOR !!! Back into the ring and Rey takes control. Rana from Rey and that gets a two count. Jericho runs into a Drop Toe Hold. TILT-A-WHIRL SPINNING BACKBREAKER FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Rey with a fightback and then into the ropes. POWERBOMB FROM JERICHO !!! LIONSAULT ... MISSRS !!! 619 TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD !!! SPRINGBOARD SPLASH ... INTO THE CODEBREAKER FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Jericho heads for the floor and brings a chair into the match. Rey dropkicks the chair into the face of Jericho. ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! ARABIAN FACEBUSTER FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Chair in the corner and Rey with the Drop Toe Hold into it. SPRINGING RANA OFF OF THE CHAIR ... INTO THE WALLS OF JERICHO !!! REY CHAIRS HIS WAY OUT OF THE HOLD !!! 619 ... HE GETS UNMASKED !!! SCHOOL BOY FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

What a glorious finish to the match that was. Great storytelling through the match too. You could have sworn pre-match that Jericho would have been the one making the most of the no holds barred, but Rey was so angered that he brought almost every big No DQ spot into it. Jericho just tried to stick with the simple moves to the ribs. It didn't go anywhere, but Jericho had the focus when it mattered. ****1/4

Umaga vs. CM Punk, Samoan Strap Match

Punk with a series of right hands but he runs into a Back Elbow. Umaga starts to touch the buckles. High Knee from Punk but he gets thrown into the middle of the ring. Splash misses from Umaga and Punk with kicks and he goes for the corners. Samoan Drop from Umaga and that starts things over. Umaga starts whipping Punk with the strap. Umaga whips away at the back of Punk and then a Headbutt. Jumping Headbutt. Umaga now drags Punk over to the corner and pulls his shoulder against the ringpost. Back into the ring. Front Suplex drops Punk stomach first on the apron and then Umaga sends Punk to the floor with a Superkick. Umaga is now touching the turnbuckles. Umaga is trying to pull Punk back into the ring and touch a third. Umaga jumps into a kick and then Punk lands a Springboard Clothesline and the referee decides that is enough to wave it off. GO 2 SLEEP ... countered, and Umaga lands the Spinning Heel Kick to send Punk down. Umaga misses a charge. Punk with a strap assisted low blow and Umaga heads for the floor. Punk then runs Umaga into the ringpost with the strap. High Knee in the corner and the Bulldog from Punk. Umaga comes back with a Swinging STO. Punk is going for the ropes and he pulls the top rope down so as Umaga goes over the top rope. Umaga pulls Punk back into the middle of the ring when he almost touches a fourth buckle and then to the top rope. Umaga is pulled back into the middle of the ring. Punk is going for the corners again. Umaga stops a third being touched. GO 2 SLEEP FROM PUNK !!! HE WINS !!!

The lack of being able to have believable nearfalls in this match hurt it. It clearly hurt the flow of the match as well. This was just a complete waste of a match and they could have had a much better gimmick than this, but the key point is that Punk went over. *3/4

Christian © vs. Jack Swagger vs. Tommy Dreamer, Hardcore Match - ECW Championship

"ECW" chant breaks out in the crowd. Swagger heads for the floor and Dreamer chases. Christian to the floor and then he comes back in to save Dreamer from a beating. Right hands from Christian but he runs into a takedown. Northern Lights Suplex from Swagger to Dreamer and then he heads for the floor. Dreamer and Christian now bring some weapons into the match. Dreamer with the kendo stick and Christian with a trashcan lid. Christian and Dreamer go to work. Kendo Stick Russian Legsweep gets a two count for Dreamer. Christian then works on Dreamer with a trashcan lid. Dreamer with a Kendo Stick Pump Handle Suplex and then Swagger attacks from behind. Face first into the top buckle goes Dreamer. Swagger is sent to the floor. Dreamer has a trashcan on the apron. DREAMER WITH A TRASHCAN CANNONBALL OFF OF THE APRON !!! Back into the ring they go. Dreamer has some more goodies. Dreamer with the kendo stick and a Kendo Stick Clothesline from the second buckle. Swagger set on the top rope and then in the Tree of Woe. Another trashcan is pulled out and Dreamer wants a Dropkick. Christian choses to sweep Dreamer and hit it instead and that gets a two count. Dreamer gets charged into the corner, and then Swagger attacks with the kendo stick. That gets a two count for him. Belly 2 Belly Suplex gets a two count for Swagger. Gutbuster and then a Gorilla Press Slam from Swagger and that gets a two count. Swagger now exposes the steel in a corner, and Dreamer nails him with a kendo stick. Dreamer comes in and smacks Christian with a trashcan lid. Elbow Drop hits nothing but trashcan lid for Dreamer and he heads for the floor. CHRISTIAN WITH A SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA TO SWAGGER ... RIGHT INTO A TRASHCAN LID !!! Dreamer throws loads of goodies into the ring and then throws a kendo stick in. Kendo stick to the gut from Dreamer, but Swagger with a Belly 2 Belly Suplex. Swagger now sets Dreamer on the top rope after setting three trashcans next to each other. CHRISTIAN POWERBOMBS BOTH MEN INTO THE TRASHCANS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Christian to the top rope. HE JUMPS INTO A DOCTOR BOMB ... blocked. CRUTCH IS BROKEN OVER THE HEAD OF SWAGGER !!! DDT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Fans weren't really interested from the standpoint of who wins the match, but they were definately right into quite a bit of the action that was in the match. I don't think anyone really thought Dreamer would lose here, so they were just wasting time untill he did just that. Some decent action in the match but that's about it. **1/4

Santina vs. Vickie Guerrero, Hog Pen Match

What the f**k ?!?! I'm not going to do PBP on this. Infact, I'm not even going to fucking watch it.

Randy Orton © vs. Batista, Steel Cage Match - WWE Championship Match

I can remember this match being contested at a ridiculously fast pace and being very enjoyable. Orton heads for the escape and Batista stops him. Orton with right hands and then he tries for the escape a second time. Back onto the top rope they go and Batista with right hands and then head first into the cage goes Orton. Orton falls into the middle of the ring. Into the corner and Batista with Shoulder Blocks to the stomach as a "You Can't Wrestle" chant breaks out, probably aimed at Batista. Shoulder Charges from Batista, but Orton lands a knee to counter one and goes for the escape. Clothesline from Batista. Suplex from Batista and that gets a two count for the challenger. Batista then chokes Orton with a boot against the cage. Orton into the ropes and he comes out with a kick and then he goes for the door and Batista stops him from doing that. Clothesline in the corner and then another one from Batista. Running Powerslam is blocked and Batista gets sent face first into the cage and then the Orton Backbreaker. He heads for the door of the cage. Batista grabs him before he escapes. Head first into the wall of the cage goes Orton and then again. RUNNING POWERSLAM FOR BATISTA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Orton with a Drop Toe Hold and then right hands in the corner and then a series of stomps. Batista sends Orton into the ropes and lands a Spinebuster. DEMON BOMB ... COUNTERED WITH A BACK BODY DROP INTO THE CAGE !!! Standing Dropkick from Orton and Batista falls through the ropes back into the ring and then he goes for the escape and he is considering finishing the job. THE PUNT ... MISSES !!! Orton goes for the escape. Batista catches him. BATISTA BOMB !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was a good fun paced match and with just enough time to make the match dramatic. Randy Orton's cockiness eventually getting the better of him was something of a satisfying payoff. The injury to Batista coming into this match was a blessing in disguise as it meant them shortening the match and a 20 minute borefest might have been on the cards otherwise. **3/4

The Big Show vs. John Cena, Submission Match

Kicks to the leg from Cena. Show catches a third kick and lands a Clothesline. He is looking for that Camel Clutch, but Cena escapes and goes for the STF. Cena goes back to the leg kicks. Who does he think he is ? Pedro Rizzo ? Superkick from Show. I'll take it he's Tim Sylvia then. Punches to the stomach from Show. Cole : "You wanna talk about the size of them hands ?" King : "No." :lol: Avalanche in the corner from Show. Should have been noted that Cole spoke about the hands anyways. Show blocks a Bulldog and sends Cena to the floor. Punch to the stomach when Cena gets back into the ring. Headbutts from Show. Show now tries to tie Cena up in the ropes and Cena then just jumps into the brick wall named Big Show. Punch to the stomach from Show. Headbutt from Show and Cena does his best to stay up from that. Full Nelson from Show. Cena manages to somehow escape that, but Show then just with a Headbutt to the back of the head. Cena into the corner and Show runs into a boot and then Cena with the Sleeper Hold. Show is now down to one knee and this might be enough to get the win. Naaaahhhhh. Well, it's still held in. Show pulls out and then lands they Alleyoop. Show then drops his weight on the body of Cena. Show then with an Open Hand Slap and then Cena tries a comeback and just gets clubbed down. Punch to the stomach from Show. Suplex from Show and down goes Cena. Show then stands on Cena and that is some pretty major damage. Show then walks across Cena. VADER BOMB ... MISSED !!! Body Slam is missed from Cena and Show locks in a Head and Arm Hold. Cena escapes, but Show just hammers him to the floor. This is absolute murder. Show then throws Cena ribs first into the ringpost. Into the ring and Show locks in the Abdominal Stretch. Cena escapes. CHOKESLAM FROM SHOW ... COUNTERED INTO THE DDT !!! STF ... no chance. Show then kicks Cena to the floor. Show pulls Cena onto the apron and he goes to the top rope and jumps into a Bearhug. Cena escapes and lands a Somersault Neckbreaker. FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE FROM CENA !!! Cena escapes a Chokeslam. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT FROM CENA !!! STF is blocked again. THE BIG RIGHT HAND FROM SHOW !!! Cena sends Show into the ringpost when they get to the floor. Cena and Show now battling their way to the ring and Cena to the top rope. TOP ROPE FAMEASSER FROM CENA !!! Cena uses the bottom and middle rope. CROSSFACE FROM CENA !!! SHOW TAPS BEFORE HE GOES OUT !!!

It's somewhat refreshing that the two guys in this match decided to forget altogether about putting a wrestling match on, and just put on one of the messiest Cena matches I've ever seen. Cena's comebacks are just so fucked as they seem to mix between really hopeful and hopeless, meaning that when the main one comes around, the fans couldn't give a shit. When the fans stop caring about a Cena comeback, you know you have problems. A horrible horrible match. DUD

Edge © vs. Jeff Hardy, Ladder Match - World Heavyweight Championship

Into the corner they go and Edge lands some right hands. Hardy gets over Edge and lands a Clothesline. Kicks to the stomach from Hardy and then a Body Slam and a Leg Drop. Knee to the stomach from Edge and then an elbow to the back of the head. Hardy into the corner and a shoulder tackle from Edge. Not quite a Spear there for anyone wondering. Implant DDT from Edge is blocked and Hardy lands a Sitdown Front Suplex. Hardy heads for the floor and gets a ladder. Edge with a baseball slide sends the ladder into Hardy. Edge has the ladder leaned against the apron. Into the ring go Edge and Hardy. Hardy drops Edge over the top rope onto the ladder against the apron. Hardy sets the ladder up and goes for the gold, but Edge grabs him and slams him face first into the ladder. Right hand from Edge. Hardy gets flapjacked onto a ladder and that is just sick. Into the ring they go and Edge has a ladder against the corner. Hardy is whipped into the ladder and then Edge sets it in another corner and puts Hardy on it. SPEAR FROM EDGE ... HITS NOTHING BUT LADDER !!! Hardy now has the ladder on Edge and lands a Swinging Dropkick. Ladder against the corner and Edge is put on there, but Hardy Dropkicks nothing but ladder. Edge then slams the ladder onto the legs of Hardy. LADDER ASSISTED SHARPSHOOTER FROM EDGE !!! Hardy is sent to the floor and Edge then sets the ladder up and heads for the gold. Hardy heads for the top rope. He Dropkicks the ladder and both men collide into the canvas. Hardy now has the ladder in an upside down position and has the stabilizers straightened. FRONT SUPLEX DROPS EDGE ONTO THE STABILIZERS OF THE LADDER !!! THAT'S FUCKING MADNESS !!! Hardy has a mammoth ladder and he sets it in the corner. TWIST OF FATE FROM HARDY !!! He then climbs the ladder in the corner. Edge decides to get the f**k away from that. HE PULLS HIMSELF TOWARDS THE BELT !!! EDGE PULLS HARDY DOWN AND HE LANDS FACE FIRST ON THE LADDER !!! That was some cool shit right there. The ladder is still set in the corner rather than the middle of the ring. What's going on here. Right hands from Edge. Edge gets whipped into the ladder and Hardy climbs. WHISPER IN THE WIND OFF OF THE LADDER FROM HARDY !!! Hardy now sets up another ladder and sends Edge to the floor with a Cactus Clothesline. Edge now bridges the barrier and the ring apron. Hardy throws a ladder at Edge. Edge sends Hardy into the steel steps. Hardy lands a Springboard Bulldog onto the barrier and then he puts Edge on the ladder bridge and sets up another big ladder. EDGE AND HARDY FALL OFF THE MASSIVE LADDER AND THROUGH THE LADDER BRIDGE !!! Hardy is up first and he goes for the gold. Edge climbs the bigger ladder. SPEAR FROM EDGE ... INTO AN ACE CRUSHER IN MID AIR !!! Hardy is now going for the gold again. Edge is somehow climbing the other side and he lands some right hands. Hardy grabs the feet and pulls Edge down. Hardy is now climbing for the gold. HE GETS IT !!!

All over the place for the most part. I think both guys had wrestled in so many normal matches with each other by this point that the chemistry in a ladder match was just completely gone. That's not to say this match didn't have it's appeal. There was a five minute spell where it all seemed to be coming together, and they also went through some absolutely horrific punishment. Especially Edge who had to take what is honestly one of the most vile ladder bumps of all time. Like all ladder matches, it's a war of attrition and it wins you over eventually, but it could have been much better. ***1/2

After the match, Jeff Hardy is gonna have an in-ring interview ... BUT HERE COMES CM PUNK !!!

Jeff Hardy © vs. CM Punk - World Heavyweight Championship

The referee rings the bell and this is off. GO 2 SLEEP RIGHT AWAY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! WOW !!! Punk isn't looking too happy with that. SMALL PACKAGE FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! High Kick. GO 2 SLEEP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Great moment. No match. N/A

My views on the Rey/Jericho match seem to be more positive than most people's. There really isn't much you need to get this for. It IS solid, but it features two matches which are just absolutely horrific and there isn't much that goes above solid. Even the ladder match can be a bit of a chore.

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Was that the picture where the vicar looks like he's a pure big Undertaker mark ?

aye but to be fair.... who isn't ph34r.gif

no idea if it was a small do or not, I wonder if Kane was the best man, wouldn't trust paul bearer with it anyway!

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Pretty sure it was a small do but people knew about it, Matt Stryker pretty much announced it on SD when LayCool were at the announce table and he said that many people have weddings in June so congrats to them and Layla said well done and stuff and McCool just went silent :lol:

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