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Mo Wonderboy

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Regal leading Desmond Wolfe, Rob Terry, Brutus Magnus and Doug Williams in a faction would be brilliant, British Invasion was alright but missed a mouthy guy on the mic, a leader, like Flairs role in Fortune.

Regal's far too good for TNA.

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Angle, Anderson, Hardy, Rob Van Dam, Aj Styles.

Nice to see Kris Boyd return to the Wrestling Thread though.

Regal's been in WWE for over a decade, I assume they'll find a position for him within the company. Good performer and drew a lot of heat back in the day.

Anyone going to Maximum Impact in January?

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Content for the Bobby Heenan DVD

Disc 1:

Chicago Root

Manage like a wrestler

Orange Fire

Weasal Suit

Remembering AWA

Bright Lights, Big City

Heenan Family


I Am Not a Weasal

Manager of Champions


The Bobby Heenan Show

Commentating with Gorilla

Leaving WWE


Health Issues

Hall of Fame

The Executioners

AWA Manager of the Year 1976

AWA All-Star Wrestling 25th December, 1976

The Wrestling Bear


"Honey, I'm Home!"

The Other Weasel Suit

"I Am Not A Weasel"

Tuesday Night Titans 2nd October, 1984

Bobby Heenan & Gorilla Monsoon go to Busch Gardens

Prime Time Wrestling 12th December, 1988

Get Your Popcorn Ready

Golfing Tips with Bobby Heenan & "Mean" Gene Okerlund

Sterling Farms Golf Course October 1991

Bobby's Big Entrance

WrestleMania IX 4th April, 1993

Gorilla Monsoon Fires Bobby Heenan

RAW 6th December, 1993

The Humor of Bobby Heenan

A Farewell to Gorilla

Nitro 11th October, 1999

The Wedding Eulogy

"Freakish Noises"

WrestleMania XX 14th March, 2004

Bobby Heenan's Induction into the WWE Hall of Fame

WWE Hall of Fame 13th March, 2004

Disc 2:

Battle of the Managers

Bobby Heenan vs. Lord Alfred Hayes

AWA St. Paul, MN 13th January, 1980

Weasel Suit Match

Bobby Heenan vs. Greg Gagne

AWA St. Paul, MN 17th August, 1980

Handicap Match

Hulk Hogan vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan

AWA - St. Paul, MN 2nd May, 1981

Bobby Heenan vs. Salvatore Bellomo

Madison Square Garden 26th November, 1984

Weasel Suit Match

Bobby Heenan vs. Ultimate Warrior

WrestleFest '88 31st July, 1988

The Royal Rumble Match

Royal Rumble 19th January, 1992

Commentary By: Bobby Heenan & Gorilla Monsoon

Gimmick Battle Royal

WrestleMania X7 1st April, 2001

Commentary By: Bobby Heenan & Gene Okerlund

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Some Impact thoughts.

* Loved the opening promo. Felt like many things coming together from the previous weeks. Rob Van Dam is still useless on the mic, but has a bit of fire about him, so fair enough. Jeff Hardy continues to be awesome. "Over-rated my ass !".

* While Robbie E is still showing improvement, Cookie is fucking awful. Taylor Wilde remains a firey character, if completely charismaless.

* Not the worst promo ever with Team 3D, but there was always going to be a turn of some sort coming since the "last match ever" stuff came out.

* The Angle/Joe/Jarrett stuff looked good, but are we heading for a sort of three way fued here. I can't see Joe turning heel completely and joining Immortal, but I CAN see a fued of sorts going.

* Rhino leaving EV 2.0 is disappointing. He's bland as f**k and now he's getting some sort of attention ?

* Not much else to say.

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“I’m having a great tour and wrestling Daniel Bryan has made me realize that unless I can keep up to that standard it’s possibly time for me to start winding down.I said it might be my last tour the other day not that it was.I would like to continue with quality and not quantity. Take care."

There you are from Regal's twitter.

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Just finished watching SmackDown! and it was a pretty good episode I thought. The stuff between Edge and Nexus was pretty good. The stuff with Edge/Bearer/Kane was really good and seemed really old school, like something from attitude.

i think that the whole nexus thing is more suited to smackdown anyway. theyve been on smackdown as last 2 weeks and already it looks more interesting......and thats without barrett

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Regal leading Desmond Wolfe, Rob Terry, Brutus Magnus and Doug Williams in a faction would be brilliant, British Invasion was alright but missed a mouthy guy on the mic, a leader, like Flairs role in Fortune.

i only watch TNA from time to time, but from what i see the last thing that company needs is another faction

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My thoughts on this week's wrestling, starting with Turning Point:

Turning Point:

The X-division match was alright. Although Robbie E has been getting better he is still not champion material. Taking the belt off him is just stupid.

The Mickie James and Tara match was good. Those are two good wrestlers, probably the best women's match you're gonna see all year.

MCMG and 3D was good. A lot of near falls which had the excitement going. Have to agree and say that it's the best 3D match for a while.

RVD and Dreamer was decent. Nasty injury to Dreamer, I've seen people put through tables, fall of ladders, been wrapped in barbed wire and set of fire but that's one of the few times, since I was over the age of like 14 and not a pussy, that I've really cringed at something in wrestling. I was really feeling that one. The match itself, well it had it's moments.

Fortune and EV2. Pretty good. Really should've been longer. If you had taken out the RVD match and put him in for the World Title match then it could've been a lot longer. I understand that EV maybe can't go for that long but in a 9+ man tag it shouldn't be that much of an issue. Richard's superkick to Williams(?) was really good when they were all taking turns to do their finishers. Good connection. Unlucky with the Kendrick injury, especially after Dreamer's, hope he's back soon. I noticed that Storm broke character, lucky he's not in WWE or he'd be fired, and looked to be checking on Kendrick. Two good wrestlers with him and Punk being off the air for a while. Flair's comment about not liking the Sheik was funny. Also, Taz might wanna stop calling Kendrick a jedi, they'll end up getting sued by George Lucas.

Abyss and The Pope was shite. So much potential but I didn't like it.

Jarrett and Joe was similarly shite.

Hardy and Morgan was surprisingly good. I'm not a massive Morgan fan but he was decent. The referee botching the count was a good wee bit. Didn't see it coming. Surprised that Hardy used the Whisper in the Wind, thought they'd be trying to avoid using high impact moves as it's likely to make the fans cheer for him.

Overall, not gonna be in the top ten PPVs of the year, that's for damn sure.


The Cena/Otunga match was fun, nothing like a good squash match to setup the rest of the show.

Goldust is amazing, I really do mark out for him. Didn't really like his Dark Reign character is TNA but Goldust is just great to watch.

Some good parts in it. As much as I don't like Santino, I have to admit that his bit with Seamus was quite funny. The various ginger and whitey jibes got me chuckling.

The main event was alright, some good moments but not fantastic.

How can they use the WWF logo for this Old School thing on Monday? Was surprised at seeing that again.

TNA Impact:

Opening segment was good. Nice to just see the people queuing up to announce their opposition to Immortal. Just as I thought when I saw the initial photo, that belt is fucking rank. It doesn't even say TNA on the main bit, only on the sides, fucking stupid. And it's purple!! f**k off Hogan.

The mixed tag match was pretty awful tbh. I don't believe for a second that Taylor Wilde, a wrestler, wouldn't be able to catch Cookie, a Jersey Shorer who didn't want to wrestle so can't be the hands-on athletic type.

Read about the Bubba heel turn before I saw it so I'm not sure if I would've been surprised or not. From the brief moments we saw them before Hardcore Justice I can't say it fills me with excitement when I think they are gonna have single's matches.

Again, a nice squash match for Joe. Bit of resisitance from Gunnar and Murphy but eventually they get their ass kicked, last laugh and all that right enough. Nice "comeback" from Angle.

Kazarian and RVD was decent. Fucking ref bump again. I can't remember the last Impact or PPV where they didn't use the ref bump. I can't help but think that Rhino double crossing them would've been much better at the PPV, rather than on Impact.

AJ and Richards was good. AJ's moonsault onto Richards as he was between the ropes was great. Springboard into the Stevie Kick was good. Liked the way he set up the Styles' Clash, picking him up after Richards was "folded up like an accordion". Yeah, good match.

The handicap match was decent, mostly because Bischoff's commentary was funny.

Spoiler's just so it's not a massive post.

Edited by forehead7
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How can they use the WWF logo for this Old School thing on Monday? Was surprised at seeing that again.

Because it's only the scratch WWF logo they cant use, they can use the really old one whenever they want and have been for years.

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