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Mo Wonderboy

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Just saw the One Pro Wrestling facebook group confirm Scott Hall for their event but it's disappeared........

edit: they deleted it but then reposted it in two statuses.

:o I'm going to have to miss that but it sounds unreal. Scott Hall is in my top 3 favourite ever.

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Lets think about 1PW's past though. I can't recommend enough that you don't buy a ticket untill the day when you know that 1) you know the show is going ahead and 2) you know that everyone is there.

I can't see there being much of an issue with both, but it'd be better to be cautious.

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I thought that Against All Odds was decent last night.

Opening match was alright. Bit gutted that it wasn't a four way with Gen Me in it. Could've had some nice spots between them and Kaz. Robbie E still isn't very good. But the crowd were well into Kazarian. Still not convinced by the Fade To Black (reverse tombstone piledriver) Mostly because it's like when Kane does the front version to Rey Mysterio, their head doesn't actually touch the mat.

The six man tag was good as well. Steiner and Beer Money are heavily over. Loved the wee Steiner/Terry muscle off and the low blow still gives that group the heel factor while pandering to the crowd.

Joe beat The Pope in what was a decent enough match, certainly for one involving the Pope. I'm never cute about my opinions of him, I think he's a shite wrestler, too slow. But this match was one of his best I've seen. The final spot/reversal, Joe was being rolled up (hard to explain but if you went for a pin instead of the german suplex off Doug Williams Rolling Chaos) he was being pinned and he just grabbed his tights and yanked him down into the rear naked choke.

Madison Rayne retained her title, again. Not really sure why they wouldn't drop the title to Mickie James. That's her second defeat to Madison, she really should be the champion but can't see her getting another title shot.

RVD beat Matt Hardy, what to say about this match? At one point it looked like Matt Hardy was dry humping RVD after he did his cool submission maneuver. There were people chanting for Hardy, who? Decent enough, no surprise that RVD won.

Bubba Ray beat Devon and his two sons. Decent enough match, after Devon told his sons they weren't gonna feature it wasn't a surprise that they came down. The "wassup" flying headbutt to the balls still makes me chuckle to this day. I'm just pissed off we need to see this feud continue.

Jarrett beat Angle, after hearing the stipulation(a Jarrett win meant Angle had to give Karen away when the Jarrett's renew their vows) I thought he'd pick up the victory. Pretty good match, absolutely layered with near falls. Fucking ref bump though, why? It literally provided no point, you could've had Angle break the count a few times if you wanted a slightly longer period of fighting outside the ring.

The ladder match was decent, guess Jeff Hardy's drug troubles are behind him. I was wondering before the match who would be next to face Anderson, there being an abundant lack of heel contenders, probably gonna be RVD to take a shot at Hardy next. Pfft. I'm waiting for AJ to get the nod. Some decent moves, no doubt Hardy botched the ending since he got up like a shot after they both fell at the end.

Probably wouldn't have bought it if I was a States-man, then again, I don't buy any PPVs, still worth a watch if you can.

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Against All Odds discussion based on what you've posted:

Why the f**k are they taking the title off Anderson so soon? WTF is that all about? Why did they have that match between Hardy and Anderson on Impact? Absolutely ridiculous. He's meant to be better now when he doesn't have Fortune as part of Immortal? Heap of shite.

The Jarrett-Angle stuff is the nuts.

Edited by Marshmallo
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Aye exactly. I'd have gone if I didn't have other stuff that night.

I feel like ditching the sportsman's dinner too.

And as for that Savage video further back. Look at how Hogan turns the guys question into something about what HE has done/accomplished and how HE was back in WWE for a period of time and not Macho. I love Hogan but he's an egomaniac.

Hogan may say he's in TNA to get the younger talent over but I don't think he or anyone else in TNA believes that themselves.

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Against All Odds discussion based on what you've posted:

Why the f**k are they taking the title off Anderson so soon? WTF is that all about? Why did they have that match between Hardy and Anderson on Impact? Absolutely ridiculous. He's meant to be better now when he doesn't have Fortune as part of Immortal? Heap of shite.

The Jarrett-Angle stuff is the nuts.

No, the Angle Jarrett stuff is nuts. Totally ridiculous. I saw the funny side of the MMA Challenge but this is just really lazy booking. It's a waste of time and talent and it's making me sick.

I didn't think things could get worse than Abyssamania but this storyline is horse piss and doesn't reflect well on the company. When has a storyline that involved kids ever worked?

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No, the Angle Jarrett stuff is nuts. Totally ridiculous. I saw the funny side of the MMA Challenge but this is just really lazy booking. It's a waste of time and talent and it's making me sick.

It's supposed to make you feel sick. This "reality" stuff is the new kayfabe IMO.

I didn't think things could get worse than Abyssamania but this storyline is horse piss and doesn't reflect well on the company. When has a storyline that involved kids ever worked?

You watched my Rise and Fall of ECW DVD last night, you tell me.

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It's supposed to make you feel sick. This "reality" stuff is the new kayfabe IMO.

You watched my Rise and Fall of ECW DVD last night, you tell me.

And how long does that take before it's run its course? If that is the new kayfabe then in about a month, they won't have anything else to do. Did WWE make a storyline of Y2J, The Hurricane and Matt Hardy getting arrested, no. Why? Because it doesn't cater to the ehole audience and most won't have a scooby what is going on. TNA need ot break away from pleasing the core fanbase all the time.

Is that where Raven had to come out and apologies for his actions? Aye, that sure did work.

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Against All Odds discussion based on what you've posted:

Why the f**k are they taking the title off Anderson so soon? WTF is that all about? Why did they have that match between Hardy and Anderson on Impact? Absolutely ridiculous. He's meant to be better now when he doesn't have Fortune as part of Immortal? Heap of shite.

The Jarrett-Angle stuff is the nuts.

Only reason Hardy dropped the title was because of his drug charges, obviously TNA didn't want to have their champ in jail. Presumably the charges have been settled or he's certain to avoid doing "hard time" so they put the title back on him.

I can see where you're coming from, they do seem to drop titles the PPV after someone's won it but Hardy being the champ will prove better for a future storyline line since all the main contenders for it(Anderson, RVD, AJ, Angle, Morgan) are all faces. Maybe Samoa Joe as well since he's been the champ before.

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on the subject of randy savage a few pages back i was shown this by a friend. the lot of you probably seen it before but what the heck

If you watch the Lanny Poffo video that's referenced in that video, he even says it's just a rumour and not FACT.

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And how long does that take before it's run its course? If that is the new kayfabe then in about a month, they won't have anything else to do. Did WWE make a storyline of Y2J, The Hurricane and Matt Hardy getting arrested, no. Why? Because it doesn't cater to the ehole audience and most won't have a scooby what is going on. TNA need ot break away from pleasing the core fanbase all the time.

They could've made an angle of that and I'd have enjoyed it. I couldn't really care less about the more casual fans, I care about what I enjoy.

Is that where Raven had to come out and apologies for his actions? Aye, that sure did work.

That was when he used religious imagery which offended large sections of the audience. The stuff with Sandman's son added depth to the Sandman character and made Raven look like an utter b*****d.

Only reason Hardy dropped the title was because of his drug charges, obviously TNA didn't want to have their champ in jail. Presumably the charges have been settled or he's certain to avoid doing "hard time" so they put the title back on him.

I can see where you're coming from, they do seem to drop titles the PPV after someone's won it but Hardy being the champ will prove better for a future storyline line since all the main contenders for it(Anderson, RVD, AJ, Angle, Morgan) are all faces. Maybe Samoa Joe as well since he's been the champ before.

I thought his trial had just been postponed although I could be wrong. Is there plan going to be to have the title on Hardy until he is next due in front of a judge, then he'll drop it again?

I agree that most of the top contenders are faces but that is down to horrendous TNA booking. AJ Styles would still be a heel if they'd actually done their business correctly and been able to bring in the MEM.

I was meaning that it's a disgrace that Anderson's dropped the belt. What more is he meant to do? He's the most over guy in the company by a mile, is phenomenal on the mike and has good matches.

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JJ/Angle was pretty damn good btw. Not as good as their incredible first two matches, but a worthy part 3. Matt/RVD was infinately better than their first match and Hardy and Anderson wasn't too bad at all.

I kinda enjoyed the show. I'll give more detailed spoiler filled thoughts later.

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