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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Anyway, Smackdown continues to be shite. That Khali v Jackson match, terrible.

Even Daniel Bryan vs. Christian happened to be pretty poor. The opening promo was horrific when Bret spoke and that was most of it. The main event was fun between Sheamus and Mark Henry though. It's astonishing what Mark Henry can be when they want to do something with him, and now that they have Sheamus as his equal, they are creating TWO main eventers on Smackdown. Even thought Christian WON the title, this still feels like the first real threat to Randy Orton.

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Snr or Jnr?

No way will WWE sign Beer Money, at least not as a unit. I can them signing Roode in the future, but since the team is going to break up rather soon there's not much chance of them being signed.

Although they should since Beer Money are one of the best teams in wrestling and have been for a while.

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Hopefully the live show tomorrow night will give Smackdown a shot in the arm. There is some great talent on there but there are many weeks that go past with barely any story development on SD at all. The Mahal/Khali and Teddy/Aksana storylines are a waste of everyones time, it's only a few years since they done exactly the same seductive wench story with Teddy, except that time it was Kristal Marshall.

From last weeks SD I thought they done a good job rebuilding Ted DiBiase and Big Zeke as credible wrestlers. Ted's match with Orton was probably his best in the WWE and although it was always going to be a poor match, I thought Zeke's torture rack on Khali was very impressive.

Seamus and Mark Henry has also been a great feud that has brought out the best in the pair of them, although I imagine that will be coming to an end soon with Henry moving into the title picture and the inevitable resumption of his feud with Big Show and Kane. Maybe Seamus would be a good opponent for Barrett?

I am not sure what is planned for Christian, assuming he loses the cage match tomorrow night. I feel his character has been very bland since his heel turn, especially in comparision to his previous heel work in WWE and even TNA. His matches with Orton were great though, so it would be a real shame to see him dissappear back into the mid-card.

I'm not sure what they are doing with Daniel Bryan, if they are serious about having him in a title match at WM next year, he really needs to stop losing on TV every week if they want to build him up to be a serious championship contender.

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Have any of you had the misfortune of coming across SC23TV on youtube, twitter, or facebook ?

I was in school with this guy - played football with him, and occasionally "hung about" with him - and it's pretty cringeworthy, particularly the latest video titled "I hate my life but I love pro wrestling" ...

Edited by garymcc1874
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Cena and Del Rio promo upcoming...fun fun fun.

Cena - "I give my life for this industry, this business is the most important thing to me and the way you won that title was a disgrace"

Del Rio - tumblr_llnl3jn26k1qf5m9vo1_250.gif

"John, it was my destiny to win the WWE Title and it's my destiny to beat you at Night of Champions"


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