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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Have any of you had the misfortune of coming across SC23TV on youtube, twitter, or facebook ?

I was in school with this guy - played football with him, and occasionally "hung about" with him - and it's pretty cringeworthy, particularly the latest video titled "I hate my life but I love pro wrestling" ...

Cheers for pointing this out. I'll have fun watching the videos.

http://www.youtube.com/user/SC23TV#p/u/38/Lc9htcNxrQ8 - HAHAHA

Edited by Denji
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That's a fairly small venue, so if you're looking to go to see Foley, I'd get tickets right away. Apparently he's pretty good and is very natural on stage.

Stuff from WWE PPV in 2002

In order to get my ratings archive a bit more complete I've been running through a bunch of stuff. I've reached Vengeance of 2002 and I'm trying to get more stuff. I've already watched the big stuff from Summerslam that year too so it's onto the other stuff.

The Undertaker © vs. Kurt Angle vs. The Rock - WWE Undisputed Championship - WWE Vengeance 2002 ( ***1/2 )

Eddie Guerrero vs. Edge - WWE Unforgiven 2002 ( ***3/4 )

Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit - WWE Unforgiven 2002 ( ****1/2 )

Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit vs. Edge and Rey Mysterio - WWE Tag Team Championships - WWE No Mercy 2002 ( ****3/4 )

Brock Lesnar © vs. The Undertaker, Hell in a Cell Match - WWE Championship - WWE No Mercy 2002 ( *** )

Los Guerreros vs. Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit - WWE Rebellion 2002 ( ****1/4 )

Rey Mysterio and Edge © vs. Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit vs. Los Guerreros - WWE Tag Team Championships - WWE Survivor Series 2002 ( ***1/4 )

Triple H © vs. Chris Jericho vs. Booker T. vs. Kane vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam, Elimination Chamber - World Heavyweight Championship - WWE Survivor Series 2002 ( *** )

Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit - WWE Armageddon 2002 ( **1/2 )

The Undertaker © vs. Kurt Angle vs. The Rock - WWE Undisputed Championship - WWE Vengeance 2002

The bell rings and this one is underway. Angle wants to be a part of this thing and he finally gets noticed. Taker and Rock then lay a beating on Angle. Angle into the ropes and a Big Boot from Taker. Angle is sent to the floor and Taker goes to work on Rock in the ring with right hands. Back Elbow from Taker and then Rock into the ropes and he slams the face of Taker into the canvas and then lands right hands of his own. Flying Clothesline off of the ropes from Taker and then he gets sent to the ropes and Angle is sent off of the apron. Angle sends Taker over the ring steps and Angle back onto the apron and Rock brings him into the ring and lands a right hand. Release German Suplex from Angle and then he goes to the stomps on Rock and then he chokes Rock with the boot. Angle then with big chops to Rock. Rock then comes back with a load of chops but Angle with the Belly 2 Belly Suplex. The second Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Angle and the fans aren't happy with the way things are going in this one. DDT from Rock and that gets a two count. Clothesline on the floor from Angle but then Taker gets involved and lands a Clothesline of his own. Knees to the gut from Taker and then right hands against the barrier on Rock and back into the ring they go. Stomp to the back from Taker and then to the feet and into the corner they go and more right hands and boots and knees. Another right hand from Taker and the fans are getting on the back. Rock comes back with right hands and hits the ropes, but then Taker with the Sidewalk Slam puts a stop to that and it gets a two count. Angle then knocked off of the apron. THE ROCK WITH THE CHOKESLAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! ANGLE SAVES !!! The fans aren't liking The Rock here and that sure as hell won't help. Right hands from Angle. Rock into the ropes and he comes off with the Clothesline. THE ANKLE LOCK ON ANGLE FROM THE ROCK !!! ANGLE WITH THE ROCK BOTTOM !!! ONE ! TWO ! TAKER BREAKS !!! The referee didn't even start the count there which is just bizarre. THE ANGLE SLAM ON TAKER ... stopped. TAKER WITH THE ANGLE SLAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! ROCK WITH THE SAVE !!! Right hand from Rock and then he gets sent into the ropes and he kips up. Clothesline from Rock and then he sends Angle to the floor. Spinebuster from Rock. THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW FROM THE ROCK !!! Angle then drags Rock to the floor and drops him on the announce table and gets a two count from that. Right hands from Angle now in the corner. Kicks in the corner from Angle and then he chokes Taker. Angle sent into the corner and Taker lands a series of rights and lefts. Clothesline in the corner from Taker. Angle misses a charge and hits the ringpost. Right hands from Taker to Angle on the floor and then he sends him into the ringpost. Rock comes over and gets involved by spitting water in the face of Taker and then he lands some right hands. Rock is sent face first into the English announce table and then another right hand from Taker. Taker goes over to deal with Angle and lands some right hands. Angle is now busted open from the ringpost shot. Leg Drop from Taker on the apron now. Angle is dripping blood here. Headbutt from Taker and The Rock is beginning to stir on the floor. OLD SCHOOL FROM TAKER !!! Rock is walking around on the floor and he comes in to stop a three count and then he lands a series of right hands. Jumping DDT from Taker and that gets a two count. Angle now has a steel chair and there is No DQs in a triple threat match of this ilk. Taker and Rock now with right hands on Angle, taking turns. Low blow from The Rock but then the referee gets knocked down and now Angle is on his feet with the chair. BRUTAL CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD FROM ANGLE !!! ANGLE SLAM ON THE ROCK !!! Everyone is down though and that gives the right amount of time for Taker to be able to kick out. Dragon Screw from The Rock. THE SHARPSHOOTER FROM THE ROCK !!! Taker with a boot to the back of the head puts a stop to that. THE LAST RITES FROM THE UNDERTAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... ANGLE BREAKS AND LOCKS IN THE ANGLE LOCK ON TAKER !!! Taker to his feet and Taker manages to counter his way out. THE LAST RITES ON ANGLE ... ANGLE LOCKS IN THE TRIANGLE CHOKE ON TAKER !!! Taker with a Powerbomb to lock in. ANGLE GROUNDS TAKER WITH THE TRIANGLE CHOKE !!! THE ROCK BREAKS THE MOVE !!! ANGLE WITH THE ANGLE LOCK ON THE ROCK !!! THE ROCK WITH THE VICTORY ROLL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CHOKESLAM ON ANGLE !!! THE ROCK BOTTOM FROM THE ROCK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Big Boot on Rock. THE ANGLE SLAM ON THE UNDERTAKER !!! The straps now come down. THE ROCK BOTTOM ON ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The exchange of finishers was pretty cool but it seemed to be too early in the match. The pace is all over the place and the action isn't even nearly as non-stop as some would have you believe. Infact the match is pretty bloody boring a lot of the time. There's only so much of plodding punch/kick action you can take in one match. The match is still good purely because those involved are good enough to make even the most minimal action work to some degree, but you would expect much better in a match like this. ***1/2

Eddie Guerrero vs. Edge - WWE Unforgiven 2002

Eddie heads for the floor to get this one going in an effort to frustrate Edge right from the word go, and then runs in and gets a two count from a School Boy. Edge chases Eddie around and runs into a series of stomps. Into the corner and Eddie lays in a beating. Back Body Drop from Edge and then a Flapjack. Right hands from Edge and then down goes Eddie. Right hands and kicks in the corner and chops from Edge. Eddie with a right hand and then some forearms in the corner. Powerslam from Edge and that gets a two count. Hanging Vertical Suplex from Edge and that gets a two count. Kick to the back of the head from Edge and then a kick in the corner. Edge runs into the back elbow from Eddie. LEAPING DDT FROM EDDIE !!! Edge got dropped right on his head there. Edge is groggy and Eddie now goes to work with the stomps to the head and Eddie with the Suplex and that gets a two count and then he looks to twist the head of Edge. Edge now kicks his way out of the move but he isn't recovered. Eddie with the Back Drop Suplex and that gets a two count. Front Facelock from Eddie. Cravat then follows that from Eddie. Edge battles back to the feet and fights out and hits the ropes and runs right into the Back Elbow from Eddie. Eddie dances around and lands some stomps. Edge with attempts at right hands and Eddie gets one of his own. Edge with a big right hand and down goes Eddie like a tree. Both men up and Edge misses a charge and Eddie goes back to the right hands. Mixed reaction for the ever popular Guerrero. Eddie then stands on the face of Edge. Edge with the School Boy and that gets a two count. Small Package and that gets a two count. Edge with the Swinging Neckbreaker but his head is hurt. Eddie with some right hands and Edge with some of his own on their knees. Right hands now from Edge and then the Manhattan Drop and a Flying Forearm and the Faceplant from Edge and that gets a two count. Eddie gets over Edge and lands some forearms. Edge goes behind. EDGE-O-MATIC FROM EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Jawbreaker from Eddie to come back into the match. SPRINGBOARD RANA ... COUNTERED INTO THE SITDOWN POWERBOMB BY EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Eddie into the ropes. Electric Chair Drop into the top buckle. THE SPEAR FROM EDGE ... MISSED !!! THE IMPLANT DDT FROM EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Edge then heads for the top rope. Missile Dropkick from Edge and that one misses. Eddie exposes the steel buckle. EDGE SPEARS EDDIE INTO THE BUCKLE PAD !!! Eddie then gets crotched on the top rope. SUNSET BOMB OFF THE TOP FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

A very solid wrestling match from these two guys. Edge never forgot to sell the head which was good considering he completely forgot about his shoulder injury in their Summerslam match as they went to the finish. ***3/4

Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit - WWE Unforgiven 2002

Lockup and against the ropes they go and then they head for the floor and they head back into the ring. Both men looking aggressive to get this one going. Angle with the Takedown and Benoit gets away and now both men back and forth and Angle rolls Benoit over and then mounts. Benoit goes to the Crippler Crossface and Angle finds the bottom rope before anything can be locked in properly. Angle takes down Benoit and then goes behind and rides him a bit before going to the Angle Lock and Benoit finds the bottom rope pretty quickly. Benoit with the Overhead Wristlock and Angle goes to the Hammerlock and holds on and then goes to the Headlock. Angle charges down Benoit and then Benoit goes for the Crippler but opts for a Sunset Flip which leads to a pinfall exchange between the two men. Benoit finds his way into the Crippler Crossface from there and Angle heads for the floor and the fans loved that last exchange between the two men. Angle back into the ring and they lockup and Benoit goes for the takedown but gets sent to the floor from Angle. Angle then heads for the floor and clubs away at Benoit and then drops him on the barrier. Back into the ring they go and Angle goes to the stomps on Benoit. Backbreaker from Angle and that gets a two count. Body Scissors from Angle. Benoit tries to use his feet to break the move and can't quite do that, so he uses pure strength instead and has a grip of the ankle. Benoit into the ropes and Angle with the knee to the gut and Angle takes the control right back in the match. Shoulder Blocks in the corner from Angle and the referee wants them to get out of the corner. Angle misses the charge and that changes things for the two men. Angle then sent shoulder first into another ringpost. Back Drop Suplex from Benoit and that gets a two count. Benoit with a clubbing blow to the back of the head while holding the arm, and then a Short Arm Clothesline from Benoit. Knees to the gut from Benoit and then Angle goes behind and then looks for a variety of Suplexes, and ends up settling for the T-Bone Suplex. That's a nice twist to the counters between the two men right there. THE ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM BENOIT !!! Angle blocks. ANGLE WITH THE GERMAN SUPLEXES ON BENOIT !!! BENOIT GOES TO THE ROLLING GERMANS AGAIN ON ANGLE !!! ANGLE WITH THE GERMANS AGAIN !!! Angle is the one that gets the better of that exchange and the fans are really in this. The straps come down. ANGLE SLAM ... blocked. THE BRUTAL RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM BENOIT !!! HOLY SHIT !!! The fans agree with that assessment. Benoit heads for the top rope. ANGLE WITH THE POP UP BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX ON BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! ANGLE LOCK !!! Benoit kicks his way out of the move. Counters from both men and Benoit with the Shoulder Breaker on Benoit and then he heads for the top rope. FLYING HEADBUTT OFF THE TOP FROM BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM BENOIT !!! ANGLE IS HOLDING ONTO THE ANKLE AND LOCKS IN THE ANGLE LOCK TO BREAK IT !!! BENOIT ROLLS THROUGH TO THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE !!! ANGLE ROLLS THROUGH TO THE ANGLE LOCK !!! BENOIT REACHES THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! ANGLE WITH THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE !!! BENOIT STEALS THE WIN !!!

A magnificent match between the two men. The crowd were eating every moment of the match up and quite rightly so. The counters and plays on the usual stuff was a delight to watch. It was very similar to the Wrestlemania X-7 match, but there was more chemistry and in the part of Angle, more experience. ****1/2

Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit vs. Edge and Rey Mysterio - WWE Tag Team Championships - WWE No Mercy 2002

The previous two matches were pretty much a precurser to the Smackdown Six which would dominate the landscape on Smackdown for a while, with Brock Lesnar's reign as a champion only solidifying how good the show was back then. Angle and Rey open the match and Angle with the quick takedown and Angle is happy with things at the moment. Lockup and Angle with the Waistlock Takedown and then he mockingly lays some smackdown on Rey. Angle with the takedown and then he just tosses Rey across the ring and now he wants some of Edge so as he can do the same to him. Rey wants some more of Angle though and Edge allows that. Lockup and Angle goes behind Rey just relaxes his body and then stomps on the foot and then Dropkicks the knee and then lands a Leg Drop to the back of the head. Angle runs into the boot and then lands a Flying Head Scissors. Drop Toe Hold and then mocking slapping from Rey and he heads for the floor. Edge now back into the ring. Edge with the Takedown and Angle goes to the Hammerlock and the Headlock. Edge charged down and then he lands a Hiptoss and an Arm Drag and a Dropkick. Benoit now into the ring and Edge takes him down and then a Headlock from Benoit. Edge goes to the Arm Bar on Benoit. Knees to the gut from Benoit and then a Headlock. Headlock Takedown from Benoit and the Side Headlock. Benoit into the ropes and he charges Edge down and then runs right into the knee in the gut. Gutbuster from Edge and that gets a two count. Knees to the gut from Edge and then a Backbreaker and that gets another two count. Kick to the back and more of the same from Edge. Into the corner and Edge with a shoulder and then some chops. Benoit comes back with chops of his own. Flapjack from Edge and then the Oklahoma Roll and that gets a two count for Edge. Into the corner they go and Edge with a right hand. Edge is sent into a knee in the back from Angle and the fans aren't happy with that. Forearm from Benoit. EDGE TAKES ANGLE OFF OF THE APRON WITH A SPEAR !!! Benoit then goes behind and then the O'Connor Roll. Angle with another cheap shot and Benoit with a Clothesline and then Benoit with the elbow drop. Neckbreaker from Benoit and then in comes Angle. Kick to the gut from Angle. Stomps to the gut now from Angle and he is ruthless here and then he chokes Edge with the boot. Right hand from Angle. Edge then comes back with the right hands. Edge into the ropes and a knee to the gut from Angle and that gets a two count as well. Body Scissors from Angle and he adds a Chinlock to that. Angle runs into the boot, but then he lands the Belly 2 Belly Suplex. Benoit comes into the ring and then into the corner and he lands some chops and then kicks to the gut. Edge sent into the corner chest first. Edge sent into the corner and then Rey gets behind his partner. Knee to the gut and then the same again from Benoit and then Benoit with the forearm to the face of Edge. Edge into the corner. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM BENOIT !!! Benoit then knocks Edge to the floor and heads for the top rope but not before blowing the snot rocket. Edge stops Benoit on the top rope though before he has the chance to fly from there. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM EDGE !!! THE HOT TAG !!! Rey is the house on fire and he gets the Flying Head Scissors on Benoit. Drop Toe Hold sends Benoit into the corner and then the Running Dropkick to the face. Dropkick sends Angle to the floor and then Rey with a series of shots. GUILLOTINE LEG DROP BRINGS BENOIT INTO THE RING !!! ONE ! TWO ! ANGLE SAVES !!! Edge and Angle wind up on the floor. Rey into the ropes. WHEELBARROW DROP INTO THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM BENOIT !!! EDGE MAKES THE SAVE !!! Angle then drags Edge to the floor and he gets sent into the steps. 619 ... caught. Edge with the Missile Dropkick gets a two count for Rey. Rey then heads for the top rope. ANGLE WITH THE POP UP BELLY 2 BELLY SUPERPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Angle into the ring and he beats on Rey and this is revenge for earlier on. Backbreaker from Angle and that gets a two count. Suplex from Angle and that also gets a two count and then Angle with the Front Facelock. Rey with a nice Suplex and he gets sent into the ropes and planted with the Belly 2 Belly Suplex and that gets a two count. Into the corner they go and in comes Benoit. Rey into the ropes and a Back Body Drop from Benoit and that gets a two count. Benoit with the Suplex and that gets a two count. The fans now getting behind the babyfaces here. Benoit with chops in the corner on Rey. Benoit runs into the boots and then he gets the Head Scissors and he sends Benoit into the ringpost and Rey is heading for the corner. Angle gets the fans behind him. Edge with a series of Clotheslines. Angle into the ropes and a Back Body Drop from Edge and then the Faceplant on Benoit. EDGE-O-MATIC ON ANGLE !!! Benoit gets involved. SPEAR IN THE CORNER ON BENOIT !!! BRONCO BUSTER FROM REY !!! Angle into the corner and then set on the top. ALLEYOOP RANA FROM REY AND ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... BENOITS HIS OWN PARTNER WITH THE FLYING HEADBUTT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! The fans boo when they realise that there aren't new champions after. Release German Suplex out of nowhere from Angle. BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX LAUNCHES REY INTO ANGLE !!! BENOIT GOES TO THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE ON EDGE !!! REY BREAKS IT WITH THE 619 !!! ANGLE SLAM ON REY !!! THE ANGLE LOCK ... COUNTERED TO A SLINGSHOT SMALL PACKAGE FROM EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTT !!! THE SPEAR FROM EDGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... BENOIT MAKES THE SAVE !!! REY WITH THE MOONSAULT PRESS OFF OF EDGE ONTO BENOIT !!! THE IMPLANT DDT FROM EDGE ... COUNTERED TO THE ANGLE LOCK !!! VICTORY ROLL COUNTER TO THE ANKLE LOCK FROM EDGE !!! THE ANGLE LOCK !!! EDGE WITH THE TAPOUT !!!

That is some epic tag team wrestling though. You'd have been forgiven for thinking we were in the closing stretch before the second part of the extended formula took place. What it wound up turning into was one of them Puro style sprint tag team matches where things just go absolutely mental. That was a terrific match. ****3/4

Brock Lesnar © vs. The Undertaker, Hell in a Cell Match - WWE Championship - WWE No Mercy 2002

Lesnar doesn't look worried at all in the ring. Lesnar goes behind and takes Taker down and ends up eating some elbows. Knee to the gut and then another Back Elbow from Taker. Powerslam from Lesnar and that gets a two count. Heyman is on the outside of the cell going mental. Shoulder Tackles from Lesnar and then Taker into the corner and Lesnar misses a charge and a big right hand to the gut with the cast. Kick to the gut from Taker and then Lesnar into the ropes and he hits the breaks and to the floor he goes right away. Lesnar now wants out of the cell. Lesnar seems to settle for his predicament. Lesnar into the ring and then some kicks and clubbing blows. He then has a shot at the hand of Taker and kicks the hand. Lesnar then clubs on the back of Taker. Lesnar to the Arm Bar but he seems to be holding onto the wrist rather than further up. Big right hand from Taker with the cast, but then Lesnar with a knee to the gut. Cast to the head for a second time and Lesnar heads for the floor again. Heyman is doing my tits in. Lesnar is busted open from the cast shots. Right hands now from Taker. Lesnar then gets sent face first into the steps. Lesnar then gets sent into the wall of the cell. Taker then rakes the face of Lesnar into the wall of the cell. Lesnar then sent into the wall of the cell and the Clothesline from the Taker and that gets a two count. Right hands out there now from Taker. Lesnar has his face raked into the cell again and this is some vicious shit between them. Lesnar then gets LAUNCHED into the cell wall. Lesnar is now draped over the apron and the cast goes to the head. Leg Drop over the apron from Taker. Taker heading for the top. They manage to botch that big move and it gets a two count for Taker. He opts to just launch Lesnar into the cell. Right hand from Taker and Heyman is trying to reach into the cage. Taker with a Big Boot to Heyman and then he sends Lesnar into the steps. Taker then drags Heyman into the cell over and over again and then Lesnar is gutted to miss Taker and hit the cell. Flapjack sends Taker into the cell and then Lesnar drives him into the wall of the cell and then the ringpost and things seem to be changing in the favour of the champion. Lesnar takes Heyman's belt and now he has the belt wrapped around the cast. Heyman now holds the belt and Lesnar goes and gets a steel chair and smacks the back of Taker. Heyman is raging. CHAIR TO THE BROKEN HAND OVER AND OVER AGAIN !!! Lesnar is now ripping the cast off of the hand, but Taker is fighting back out of pure desperation. Taker's hand gets rammed into the cage. Taker with a kick to the face of Lesnar and this is becoming a bit of a mess at the moment, but a bit of a war all the same. Lesnar goes back to work on the cast of Taker. Stomps now from Lesnar. The cast finally comes off and that gets a response from the audience who aren't happy. Stomps to the hand from Lesnar and then he stretches it over the middle rope and the fans are getting right behind the challenger who is in all sorts of trouble. Lesnar is then set on the top rope. Lesnar then with kicks to Taker and then kicks to the head. Low blow from Taker and then he pushes Lesnar into the middle of the ring and Heyman is busted open badly. Top Rope Elbow Drop from Taker. Lesnar heads for the apron but then he drops the throat of Taker over the top rope. Taker kicks Lesnar off of the apron and into the wall of the cell. Taker hits the ropes. THE SUICIDE DIVE FROM THE UNDERTAKER !!! Taker is then sent into the cage wall and then the Clothesline from Lesnar. Lesnar now has his eyes on Taker. STEPS TO THE HEAD OF THE UNDERTAKER !!! That is enough to bust open The Undertaker, and that is a DISGUSTING blade job there. BRUTAL STAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD OF THE UNDERTAKER !!! Even Lesnar looks a bit shocked at that when he first sees it, turning around and then completely stopping in his tracks before continuing on his way. Taker into the ring and he comes back with right hands. Spinebuster from Lesnar and that gets a two count. Right hands from Lesnar. Taker tells Lesnar to bring it and Lesnar just lays on the beating. Taker comes back with the right hands out of nowhere and he seems to be completely no selling the hand now. Stomp to the hand from Taker. Aye, because he's forgotten that his own hand is broken, but he hasn't forgotten to go after the hand of Lesnar. THE OLD SCHOOL FROM TAKER ... Lesnar puts a stop to that. Kick to the gut from Lesnar. THE F-5 FROM LESNAR ... TAKER MANAGES TO ESCAPE AND LAND THE CHOKESLAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Clothesline in the corner from Taker and then he sends Lesnar into another corner and runs into the boot. Back Body Drop from Taker to counter the Powerbomb. Leaping DDT from Taker and that gets a two count. THE LAST RIDE FROM TAKER ... Lesnar charges Taker into the corner and lands repeated shoulders and then he climbs and lands a series of right hands. TAKER FINDS THE LAST RIDE ON BROCK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... LESNAR FINDS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Taker signals for The Tombstone. THE TOMBSTONE FROM TAKER ... LESNAR TURNS THAT INTO THE F-5 !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

A bit of a mess in all honesty. It ticked some of the right boxes for such a match. It felt like an absolute war between the two men and there were times when the messy nature of things actually did that a favour. You hear horror stories about the blade job that The Undertaker does and to be honest, the only place that amount of blood should be seen is in a horror story. ***

Los Guerreros vs. Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit - WWE Rebellion 2002

For the second year running, Rebellion was actually a not bad show, but this match was the clear standout on there. Angle and Benoit were the babyfaces for the crowd here on the basis of the fact that Kurt Angle is a favourite of the UK audiences. The fans want to see Angle in the ring. Angle starts the match with Eddie and then Chavo tags into the match and the fans aren't happy with that. Rabid crowd for Angle here. Headlock Takedown from Angle to the Side Headlock on Chavo. Chavo sends Angle into the ropes and he charges down Chavo and then a Hiptoss from Angle and the fans cheer. Back Body Drop and the audience is cheering every single move. Benoit tags himself in and that makes the fans boo. "We Want Angle!" chant breaks out from the audience. Eddie now into the ring and Eddie with the Hammerlock and Benoit goes behind and Eddie to the Headlock and he tries to bring down Benoit. Eddie into the ropes and he charges down Benoit. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker and a back elbow to Chavo and then Benoit goes to work on Eddie. Eddie into the corner hard and down he goes. The fans chant for some chops but then then in comes Angle and that gets a huge cheer from the UK audience. Eddie with the Back Elbow and then in comes Chavo and he lays the stomps on Angle. European Uppercut from Chavo and then Angle goes behind and lands a BRUTAL Release German Suplex. Eddie attacks from behind. Benoit comes in with a German Suplex of his own and it nearly breaks down. The two men with German Suplexes on Los Gurreros and Chavo gets the hell out of there. Chavo is then brought into the ring and the referee makes the X. Back Elbow from Angle and is Eddie injured on the floor? I assume so. Suplex from Angle and that gets a two count. Eddie is then sent into the ringpost and in comes Benoit. Kick to the gut from Benoit and Chavo into the ropes and a knee to the gut from Benoit. Eddie is on the apron now and Eddie tagged into the match and he goes to work on Benoit and he is intense. If he was hurt, he sure as hell isn't anymore, and then Chavo gets some cheap shots in there. Into the corner and then Eddie taunts Angle. Eddie with the forearm and then he picks up Benoit and lands the Back Drop Driver and the fans want Angle in the ring. Kick to the gut and then Chavo clubs away at Benoit and then Benoit comes back with the chops and Chavo then with chops on Benoit and we have an exchange between the two men. CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM BENOIT ... Chavo finds the bottom rope before anything major can happen and Benoit is sent to the floor. Eddie with a Suplex on the floor when the referee can't see what's going on. The referee tells Eddie to get back into the corner and then he's tagged into the match. Slingshot Hilo and that gets a two count for Eddie. Forearms from Eddie and then he goes to the Gory Special. Chavo comes into the ring and unloads with some stomps when Eddie brings him back into the ring. European Uppercuts from Chavo and then a Backslide from Benoit and that gets a two count. Back Drop Suplex from Chavo and then he gets a cheap shot at Angle which the fans clearly don't like. Eddie in the ring now and he's sent into the ropes and Benoit with the Flapjack. THE WILD BOMB FROM BENOIT !!! Chavo then gets a cheap shot in there behind the back of the referee. Chavo is tagged in. THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM BENOIT !!! Angle then comes into the ring and the referee paps him out of the ring. FROG SPLASH FROM EDDIE BUT HE HITS CHAVO !!! WE HAVE THE HOT TAG !!! Angle is the house on fire for this match. Back Body Drop on Eddie. Release German Suplex on Chavo now. Belly 2 Belly Suplex gets a two count for Angle as Chavo saves. Dropkick from Chavo and then Benoit into the ring. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES ON CHAVO AND THEN ON EDDIE !!! Benoit then heads for the top rope. FLYING HEADBUTT FROM BENOIT !!! ANGLE MAKES THE COVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... CHAVO MAKES THE SAVE !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM CHAVO TO ANGLE !!! EDDIE MAKES THE COVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Eddie then heads for the top rope. FROG SPLASH FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... BENOIT SAVES !!! BENOIT WITH THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE ON EDDIE !!! Benoit goes behind and dumps Chavo to the floor. Angle and Benoit collide. Dropkick to the knee from Eddie. LASO FROM EL PASO FROM EDDIE !!! ANGLE COUNTERS TO THE ANGLE LOCK ON EDDIE !!! CHAVO COMES IN AND HITS ANGLE WITH THE BELT !!! EDDIE MAKES THE COVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BENOIT SENDS CHAVO CRASHING OFF OF THE TOP ROPE !!! ANGLE SLAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Even accounting for both teams leaving quite a bit in the locker, this match was amazing. Los Guerreros was the only ever time that Chavo was worth watching. ****1/4

Rey Mysterio and Edge © vs. Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit vs. Los Guerreros - WWE Tag Team Championships - WWE Survivor Series 2002

And the Smackdown Six all come to a head at THIS PPV with this triple threat match. They have a stage for the fireworks so as they can have the usual MSG entrance way. I've always liked that entrance way as it gives the shows that we see it a big deal. All six men seem unsure of what to do next. Angle pushes Chavo and everyone is in there. Angle and Benoit get on with each other. Benoit and Rey come into the ring. Rey into the ropes and he goes under Benoit and gets chopped. Kick from Rey and chops from Benoit. Rey into the ropes and a Rana to counter the Flapjack. Flapjack from Rey and then a Leg Drop to the back of the head and he gets a cheap shot to Angle. Drop Toe Hold sends Benoit into the middle buckle and then in comes Edge. Double Hiptoss from the champs and then Edge takes some chops from Benoit and then in comes Angle. Back Body Drop from Edge and then a Flying Forearm. Angle hits the breaks and then Chavo is tagged into the ring. Drop Toe Hold from Edge and then he's into the ropes. Chavo kips up but he eats a Dropkick and then a Body Slam from Edge. Rey with a Springboard Splash and that gets a two count. Rey with the Arm Drag to escape the Powerbomb. Flapjack from Chavo and then in comes Eddie and that gets some chants. Kicks to the back from Eddie. Rey into the ropes and he comes out with the Satellite Head Scissors and then a Monkey Flip and then Angle is tagged into the match. Angle with right hands and forearms. Rey into the ropes and he hits the breaks and then another Head Scissor Takedown. Rey forces Angle to miss a charge and hit the ringpost. REY IS DROPPED IN THE CORNER AND HE IS RIGHT ON HIS HEAD !!! Angle now with stomps and then he lands a Suplex and that gets a two count. Rey wants a tag and Angle lands a Short Arm Clothesline and then he tags Benoit into the ring. Neckbreaker from Benoit. Back Drop Suplex from Benoit and that gets a two count. Rey into the corner and that was hard and then in comes Angle. Back Drop Suplex from Angle and that gets a two count. Kicks to the gut from Angle and then he knocks Edge off of the apron. ANGLE SLAM ... countered to the Arm Drag, but Angle with the brutal Clothesline and that gets a two count. In comes Benoit with a kick to the gut. Knee to the gut from Benoit. Snap Suplex from Benoit and that gets a two count. Angle then tagged back into the match. Snapmare and then Angle turns Rey around and locks in the Front Facelock. Edge is trying to rally the audience into this thing but the fans don't seem to be very concerned with this match in any way. There's the odd bit of clapping going on but all in all they're not into it. Rey tries a fight out and then avoids a Suplex and lands some right hands and hits the ropes. Rey avoids the German Suplex and then lands a Spinning Heel Kick and that might be what Rey needs here. Angle wanted to tag out and that didn't work out so in comes Edge and Benoit and Edge is the man in control and then he takes cheap shot. Faceplant on Benoit and then Angle with some forearms. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Edge and then he dumps Chavo to the floor. Running Rana sends Eddie over the top rope. DROP TOE HOLD INTO THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE/ANGLE LOCK COMBO ON EDGE !!! REY WITH THE SPRINGBOARD SEATED SENTON TO MAKE THE SAVE !!! Angle into the ropes and he gets dragged to the floor by Chavo. CORKSCREW PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE FROM REY !!! BENOIT WITH THE GERMAN SUPLEXES IN THE RING !!! Eddie up top. SUNSET FLIP/GERMAN SUPLEX COMBO FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Eddie dumped over the top rope. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM BENOIT !!! THE FROG SPLASH FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... HEADBUTT BREAKS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SAVE MADE !!! ANGLE LOCK ON EDDIE !!! CRIPPLER CROSSFACE ON EDGE !!! BELT TO THE BACK OF THE HEADOF BENOIT !!! Benoit sees Angle with the title belt and thinks he's used the belt. REY COMES IN !!! Baseball Slide Head Scissors on Chavo. THE SPEAR ON BENOIT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Angle comes in with the German Suplex and then he and Benoit lay on a beating. Angle and Benoit then have an arguement but not before going after the other guys. ANGLE SLAM ON EDGE !!! EDDIE STEALS A PIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Eddie now with forearms and lands a Suplex on Edge and he tags in Chavo. Chavo with the european uppercut and then some kicks and a Snapmare, and Eddie comes in with the Slingshot Hilo and that gets a two count. Eddie beats on Edge and then into the ropes and he gets the Sleeper Hold on Edge. Edge into the ropes and a Dropkick from Chavo and that gets a two count. Chavo distracts the ref and Eddie with some cheating. Chavo comes back into the match and tags in Eddie. Back Drop Suplex from Eddie and that gets a two count and then Eddie with the Front Facelock and Edge battles back to his feet. Chavo now back into the ring and a Snapmare on Edge and a Running Dropkick and that gets a two count and Eddie now back into the ring. Double Flapjack on Los Guerreros. Rey into the match and he hits a Rana on Chavo. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker on Eddie. Chavo with the Stinger Splash. EDGE WITH THE SPEAR ON BOTH MEN !!! Running Dropkick to the face of Eddie and then Edge sets him up. ALLEYOOP RANA ON EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... CHAVO WITH THE SAVE !!! Chavo gets sent out of the ring and Eddie is back up. Edge then sets Eddie. 619 !!! THE WEST COAST POP ... CHAVO WITH THE TITLE SHOT !!! EDDIE WITH THE LASO FROM EL PASO ON REY !!! REY TAPS !!!

The match lost a lot of momentum when Angle and Benoit went out of the match. What followed that was an average tag battle between the two weaker teams in the Smackdown Six. ***1/4

Triple H © vs. Chris Jericho vs. Booker T. vs. Kane vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam, Elimination Chamber - World Heavyweight Championship - WWE Survivor Series 2002

RVD and HHH are going to be the first two men in the match to get this thing going. They're now locked in and this thing is underway and into the corner they go. Right hands from RVD and then kicks and more right hands. RVD into the ropes and he lands the Spinning Heel Kick and the another Spin Kick knocks down HHH. Knee 2 Face from HHH turns the tide a bit and then he looks for the Pedigree but then winds up getting dropped onto the steel at ringside. RVD with the stomps to HHH on the steel. HHH then gets sent into the chain fence. The same thing happens a second and then a third time and just over and over again and the fans get behind RVD. Right hands from RVD to HHH and it seems the champ is busted open. Monkey Flip on the steel from RVD and then he heads into the ring. ROLLING THUNDER OVER THE TOP ROPE TO HHH ON THE STEEL !!! HHH is then sent back into the ring. Body Slam from RVD and then he heads for the top of the chamber. Jericho grabs RVD and makes sure he can't leap from the chamber. HHH is then crotched on the top rope and RVD decides to get down. Cannonball off of the top rope from RVD to HHH and this feels more like an RVD showcase than anything else. RVD then sends HHH into the chain fence and he falls into the ring where RVD soon follows. Right hands from RVD and then into the corner where he continues his beating. The countdown is now on and we have a new man in the match. Chris Jericho into the chamber and he runs right into the Spin Kick of RVD and then a Standing Moonsault and that gets a two count. RVD into the corner and Jericho runs into an elbow and then a Springboard Side Kick from RVD and then he sends Jericho to the steel. RVD to the top rope and then he latches onto the wall and comes off with the Cross Body and the audience liked that one. HHH with the Clothesline and that's going to be the turning point of the match. Jericho lays in the stomps. Back Drop Suplex from Jericho and then the cocky cover gets him nowhere. RVD comes back into the match with right hands to both men. High Knee from HHH and then Jericho with a Senton Splash and that gets a two count. Jericho holds RVD and HHH lays on a beating on the fan favourite of the match. RVD then gets sent out to the steel and HHH and Jericho head out to deal with him again. RVD then gets his back slammed into the wall again and Jericho claims that he's the "King of the World". RVD then gets sent back out to the steel and then sent into the wall of the cage over and over again. Jericho with chops on RVD. RVD gets over Jericho and starts coming back into the match and that livens the crowd up. Nicely built stuff so far. BRUTAL DDT FROM HHH !!! The countdown is on again and we're going to get the next man in the match. Booker T. is in the ring and he goes to work on the heels and hands out some Harlem Sidekicks. HHH sent back out to the steel and then he is now in the middle. SPINAROONIE !!! He and RVD are now in the middle of the ring and we have right hands and forearms. RVD over Booker and then he runs into the Harlem Sidekick and that gets a two count. RVD drops behind and then gets the Spin Kick and that gets a two count. Booker runs into an elbow and then another Harlem Sidekick and that gets a two count. A bit reliant on the one move. Booker in the ropes and then he kicks HHH. THE AXE KICK TAKES DOWN HHH !!! Jericho comes in but eats a hard Dropkick and then RVD heads for the top rope and then he looks at the chamber. THE FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH FROM THE CHAMBER !!! Booker to the top rope. MISSILE DROPKICK OFF THE TOP FROM BOOKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! RVD is eliminated.

The fans didn't like that one at all. He tries to steal a cover from HHH and that gets a two count. Jericho then chokes Booker with the boot. Jericho then unleashes the chops on Booker and lands the Bulldog. LIONSAULT ... MISSES !!! 110th STREET SLAM FROM BOOKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! The countdown is on and we have the next name in the match, and it's Kane unsurprisingly. He goes after both heels and faces. Back Body Drop on Jericho and then he works on Booker in the corner. We then see Jericho getting thrown onto the steel and then Jericho gets darted into the steel. OUCH! JERICHO GETS SENT THROUGH ONE OF THE CHAMBERS !!! Kane is satisfied that he is done with Jericho and goes after HHH. Jericho is now busted open. Kane works on Booker in the corner. Booker avoids a move. Jericho with a low blow on Booker. CHOKESLAM FROM KANE !!! Jericho comes in. LIONSAULT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Booker T. is eliminated.

Kane and Jericho now on the steel outside the ring and Jericho tries a comeback here and climbs the wall and Kane just grabs him. Right hands from Kane and then an uppercut. Gorilla Press Slam dumps Jericho back in the ring and then Kane into the match. Knee to the gut from Kane and then he goes to the Suplex on Jericho and that gets a two count. Elbow Drop misses from Kane. Kane is sent to the steel on the outside and this match has taken a bit of a downturn. HHH to the top rope and that's not a usual thing. HHH slammed into the middle of the ring from the top rope. Low blow from Jericho and then a Missile Dropkick and the fans are chanting for HBK and as if it worked, the countdown is on and in comes HBK working on everyone in the match. Back Body Drop on Jericho but then Kane with the big Clothesline. Flying Forearm from HBK and then he kicks Kane in the corner. HBK hard into the corner. Double handed choke from Kane to Jericho and then he just gets dropped. CHOKESLAM ON HBK !!! CHOKESLAM ON HHH !!! CHOKESLAM ON JERICHO !!! He then grabs HHH and has a big move planned. THE TOMBSTONE ON KANE ... stopped. SWEET CHIN MUSIC FROM HBK TO KANE !!! HHH WITH THE PEDIGREE ON KANE !!! LIONSAULT FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Kane is eliminated.

We're now down to three. Kick to the face from Jericho and then he sends HBK into the steel wall when they get to the outside. This happens over and over again. HHH then with a right hand on HBK. Jericho with right hands to the forehead of HBK and HHH helps with the beating on the WWE legend. Jericho then drops his weight over the back of HBK. HBK is then sent onto the steel outside. HHH then rakes the face of HBK into the wall of the cage and then he sends him into the chamber and then HBK is busted open as the blood of WWE continues to flow. Come to think of it, I'm delighted that WWE decided not to have blood on their shows. HBK tries to back away from Jericho and that doesn't work out too well. Jericho then with right hands to the forehead. To the outside they go again and Jericho gets sent into the wall and then a second time and HHH comes out to get involved and just gets sent back into the ring again. HBK is then hit with the Back Body Drop on the steel. HBK gets back into the ring to get away with that, but HHH is in there waiting for it. Flying Forearm from HBK. HBK then kips up and Jericho comes into the ring and lands the Bulldog. THE LIONSAULT ON HBK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Jericho and into the corner they go. Jericho then runs into the boot of HBK. MOONSAULT PRESS FROM HBK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! WALLS OF JERICHO FROM HBK TO JERICHO !!! HHH comes into the match and lands the DDT on him and Jericho makes the cover and that gets a two count. Jericho pushes HHH and now we have a battle between those two men. Jericho into the ropes and a Clothesline from HHH and then he sends Jericho in. Knee 2 Face from HHH and that gets a two count. HHH with right hands. THE PEDIGREE ON JERICHO ... COUNTERED TO THE WALLS OF JERICHO !!! SWEET CHIN MUSIC BREAKS THAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Chris Jericho is eliminated.

HBK and HHH now exchanging the big right hands on each other. Spinebuster from HHH and that gets a two count. HBK is then dropped onto the steel on the outside. HHH gets sent into the wall and then has HHH out there. THE PEDIGREE ON THE STEEL ... HHH stops that. HHH WITH THE CATAPULT THROUGH THE CHAMBER !!! HHH with the big right hand and he wants HBK back on his feet. Right hands now from HHH in the ring. HBK then comes back with right hands. Knee 2 Face from HHH. Clothesline then sends HBK hard to the steel on the outside. HHH is then catapulted into the wall of the cage. HBK then sends HHH back into the ring and then heads for the top rope and then heads for the top of the chamber. THE FLYING ELBOW DROP FROM HBK OFF OF THE CHAMBER !!! HBK is now waiting for HHH to get back to his feet. SWEET CHIN MUSIC ... BLOCKED ... THE PEDIGREE FROM HHH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE PEDIGREE AGAIN ... countered with the Back Body Drop. THE SWEET CHIN MUSIC FROM HBK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEE !!! THE PLACE GOES FUCKING MENTAL !!!

This match wasn't as good as I can remember. Infact, incredibly disappointing given the wealth of talent involved in the match. The closing exchange between HHH and HBK was extraordinary and worth a few points on it's own, and the ending felt like a really special thing, but most of the match was boring. ***

Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit - WWE Armageddon 2002

This is yet another spinoff of what was going on between the Smackdown Six but for the most part, they had all sort of started to go and do other things. Eddie goes for a leg and Benoit tries to fight him off and eventually does. Lockup and Eddie goes behind and grabs an arm. Benoit takes over Eddie and tries to grab the arm. Arm Ringer from Benoit, but Eddie takes down Benoit by the leg and keeps a hold of it. Benoit gets away but winds up in the front facelock. Chops now from Eddie and he seems to be very proud of himself. Lockup and Eddie goes to the Side Headlock on Benoit. Benoit tries to force his way out and then winds up in the Headlock anyways but gets to his feet. Eddie into the ropes and he charges down Benoit and then runs into the Back Body Drop. Snapmare from Benoit and then he goes to the Chinlock, although it looks like it might be a Sleeper Hold. Eddie tries to battle back to his feet and then a knee to the gut and Eddie takes down Benoit and goes to the Short Arm Scissors and I am finding this to be a very strange match to watch. The fans start to get on the back of Eddie and Benoit tries to roll through, but Eddie keeps the move locked on Benoit and then the same thing happens a second time. Benoit rolls through again and then lifts Eddie up and drops him back and that wakes the audience up a wee bit. Snapmare from Eddie and then he goes to the Head Scissors and the audience seems to be impatient and some fans even chant "Boring" which is incredibly harsh when you consider that this is a fun match so far. Flapjack from Benoit and then he gets sent to the floor. Eddie to the top rope. EDDIE WITH THE BIG PLANCHA OFF THE TOP ONTO BENOIT !!! Back into the ring and Eddie now goes to work on the leg of Benoit. Elbow Drops to the leg from Eddie and he's really going to work and he locks in a submission on the leg of Eddie. Kicks to the back from Benoit and then Eddie with the twist on the knee. Eddie then continues to work on submissions on the leg. Benoit reaches the bottom rope and Eddie just continues to be relentless and as I always say, it's very reminiscent of Malenko. Eddie with a Modified Indian Deathlock on Benoit. Tazz: "That'll take a couple of weeks off of your career." ... erm. Right. Eddie continues to drop his weight in this move and then goes for a cover and that gets a two count. Eddie does some dancing about and then he kicks the leg. Into the corner they go and Eddie with the big chop, and you don't do that with Benoit. Eddie beats down Benoit in the corner when he tries to come back into the match. Avalanche into Benoit, but then he looks for the Crippler Crossface. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEX FROM BENOIT !!! HE LANDS FIVE !!! The fans liked that there. Benoit then signals for something and then blows a snot rocket. DIVING HEADBUTT FROM BENOIT ... Eddie starts to move and Benoit comes back into the ring. MORE GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM BENOIT !!! WILD BOMB ... avoided. EDDIE WITH THE ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES ON BENOIT !!! Normal Suplex follows that from Eddie and then he heads for the top rope. FROG SPLASH FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! EDDIE TAKES BOTH MEN TO THE FLOOR WITH THE SPEAR !!! CHAVO WITH THE BELT SHOT TO THE HEAD ON THE FLOOR !!! Eddie then heads to the floor and brings Benoit back into the ring and gets a two count. I didn't buy that for a second. Benoit avoids a Suplex. EDDIE WITH THE LASO FROM EL PASO ON BENOIT !!! BENOIT REACHES THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Benoit blocks the whip and Eddie with kicks. Chop from Benoit knocks down Eddie. THE WILD BOMB FROM BENOIT !!! Benoit then heads for the top rope. Chavo gets involved. Chavo is taken out of the match. Eddie then crotches Benoit on the top rope. Benoit sends Eddie into the middle of the ring. THE FLYING HEADBUTT OFF THE TOP FROM BENOIT !!! EDDIE BRINGS BENOIT INTO THE LASO FROM EL PASO !!! Benoit finds his way out. THE CRIPPLER CROSSFACE ON EDDIE !!! EDDIE TAPS !!!

You can see why the crowd was dead for the opening of the match. Not that the action was bad or anything, but it's just so uncharacteristic of what WWE was doing and they weren't used to it. It was a brilliant exchange of mat wrestling at that point though. The second portion of the match didn't do much to help it as it all seemed a little bit disjointed and with the fans out of it, they needed to be doing something really good to get them back. **1/2

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That's a fairly small venue, so if you're looking to go to see Foley, I'd get tickets right away. Apparently he's pretty good and is very natural on stage.

It's my mate who's buying them for us first thing in the morning. I hear he's very good, and it'd be good to just sit and listen to the man.

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