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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I've been going on about ICW, but there's THREE shows next weekend. As well as ICW in Glasgow city centre, there's Pro Wrestling Elite in Cumnock Academy in Cumnock, and there's PBW Maximum Impact in the Magnum in Irvine.

PWE takes place on the Friday and PBW on the Saturday.

PWE Card:

Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Noam Dar

BT Gunn vs. Mikey Whiplash

Kris Travis vs. Joey Hayes vs. Martin Kirby vs. El Ligero

Lionheart vs. Wolfgang

Davey Blaze vs. Kid Fite

Liam Thomson, Sean South and Carmel vs. Andy Wild, Joe Coffey and Kay Lee Ray

Some excellent stuff going on there. The top five matches are all well worth seeing. Especially the four way match which has four of the very best in the UK at the spot-style of things. The main event features two of the best in the UK full stop.

PBW Card:

PBW Championship 2/3 Falls Match: BT Gunn © vs. Johnny Moss

PBW Tag Team Championships: Wolfgang and Lionheart © vs. Project Ego ( Kris Travis and Martin Kirby )

UEWA Heavyweight Championship: Bad Bones © vs. "Darkside" James Scott

King of Cruisers Match: Steven Xavier vs. Liam Thomson vs. "The Lightning Kid" Mark Andrews vs. Joey Hayes vs. Zack Sabre Jr. vs. El Ligero

Prince Devitt vs. Andy Wild

Jack Jester, Highlander and Red Lightning vs. Joey Coffey, Davey Blaze and Chris Rampage

JD Bravo and Jamie Feerick vs. TJ Rage and Scott Maverick

Once again, the top five matches look off the charts good. The inclusion of someone as worldwide renowned as Prince Devitt gives it a touch of class as well.

Edited by DomDom
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They had a cracking match in April for SWA in Bellahouston that had a really slow build, so a 2/3 Falls match suits them. I actually think it's the worst looking of the big five on paper on that card, such is the depth. The first two matches have the chance to drag things down a fair bit. Six man tags in Scotland can be a bit iffy. The tag team match sees a lot of inexperience in it. Two of the guys in it were in the worst match I seen in Scotland last year, and it really was bad.

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"Nah, he's not ready. He's not the next guy. Ya' know, they might think he is. Dixie Carter might think he is. The whole world might think he is. He's not the next guy. If I had to bet money on anybody and really be serious about betting money on anybody, I'd say Jeff Hardy is the next guy if he keeps his act together. Um, that's what you gotta have, man. This is much more than being a wrestler, this is crossing barriers, medias, ya' know media barriers, and, and entertainment barriers of all kind. Getting your character down verbally has 90 percent to do with getting over. I just have a very strong feeling Kurt Angle's going to clean his clock performance wise and carry the match, and basically remain the champion. He's training for the Olympics. He's had some up and down moments, and I think this is not gonna be a down moment for Kurt Angle, so I'm betting that farm on him."

Hogan is an idiot. Quicker he leaves TNA the better.

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Hogan is an idiot. Quicker he leaves TNA the better.

This, added to the twitter war he has going with AJ Styles, added to the audience that interview was aimed at, means that it was a work. Which with Hogan is no surprise of course. Well, you'd THINK it isn't.

The PPV actually looks good. With good reports of the last couple of weeks added to a good PPV, I'd probably start giving TNA a chance again, and Russo being out the door could be a nice move too.

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I'm on my phone (ie it's slow as f**k), anyone care to post the BFG card? What matches do they have to see whether I can be tempted to watch?

TNA Bound For Glory

Austin Aries© vs Brian Kendrick for the X Division Championship

Mexican America© vs Ink Inc for the Tag Team Championships

RVD vs Jerry Lynn in a Full Metal Mayhem match

AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels in an I Quit match

Mr Anderson vs Bully Ray in a Falls Count Anywhere match

Samoa Joe vs Matt Morgan vs Crimson

Winter© vs Mickie James vs Velvet Sky vs Madison Rayne

Sting vs Hulk Hogan in a Career vs Company match

Kurt Angle© vs Bobby Roode for the World Heavyweight Championship

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TNA Bound For Glory

Austin Aries© vs Brian Kendrick for the X Division Championship

Mexican America© vs Ink Inc for the Tag Team Championships

RVD vs Jerry Lynn in a Full Metal Mayhem match

AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels in an I Quit match

Mr Anderson vs Bully Ray in a Falls Count Anywhere match

Samoa Joe vs Matt Morgan vs Crimson

Winter© vs Mickie James vs Velvet Sky vs Madison Rayne

Sting vs Hulk Hogan in a Career vs Company match

Kurt Angle© vs Bobby Roode for the World Heavyweight Championship


Big Aries fan so that's a plus.

No Idea who Mexican America are, Hernandez I assume?

RVD vs Jerry Lynn? I thought they had a one off match months ago.

AJ vs Daniels could persuade me.

Last time I watched Bully Ray was worth a watch.

Hate Matt Morgan and no idea who Crimson is.

Surely Hogan vs Sting isn't a serious match? Is someone likely to take Hogans place? Jeff Hardy after his last match with Sting?

Big Bobby Roode fan and you can't go wrong with Kurt.

Aye f**k it, I'll watch at least some of it.

Only thing is, this is their WrestleMania, why the need for so many stipulations? Full Metal mayhem, I Quit, Falls Count Anywhere and a Career vs Company match???? Jesus f**k.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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No Idea who Mexican America are, Hernandez I assume?

Aye, him and this new guy, Anarquia, with Sarita and Rosita.

RVD vs Jerry Lynn? I thought they had a one off match months ago.

Pretty much the same as AJ and Daniels, Lynn feels that RVD got the bigger push over their careers.

Hate Matt Morgan and no idea who Crimson is.

Came in as Amazing Red's brother, was leading the BFG series until Joe "injured" him.

Surely Hogan vs Sting isn't a serious match? Is someone likely to take Hogans place? Jeff Hardy after his last match with Sting?

Hardy's been back for a few weeks, but is now a face. He's been going round some of the wrestlers asking for a second chance, Angle and Bischoff told him to f**k off and Hardy twist of fate-d Bischoff and ran in and saved Roode and Storm at the end of the last impact. Immortal will probably get involved and Hardy will come down for the save, allowing Sting to pin Hogan.

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Surely Hogan vs Sting isn't a serious match? Is someone likely to take Hogans place? Jeff Hardy after his last match with Sting?

Hogan thinks there's money in Jeff, which is why Matt was sacked and he wasn't. As for Sting/Hogan, it's a match which generates interest even if it's going to be shit, so I can see why it's happening.

Pretty much the same as AJ and Daniels, Lynn feels that RVD got the bigger push over their careers.

And pretty much the same as that, there was a reason that happened. :P

The different dimensions to BOTH of those matches is what makes them watchable for me. Roode/Angle is going to be amazing I reckon.

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First hourish of Bound For Glory:

X-Division match started it off. Austin Aries successfully defended his title, great match. I don't like this new spin they've given Kendrick. He's still a bit weird but now he's dancing and shit rather than just being a recluse. It was just a great match.

Full Metal Mayhem. Just a spotfest, as you'd expect from a TLC Full Metal Mayhem match. Lynn defintely took the worst bumps, the only real one RVD took was a powerbomb on a ladder which was on the arena floor propped up on one side by the guard rail, but it was a sunset flip powerbomb and when Lynn went over RVD, he moved the ladder so RVD didn't really connect properly. Lynn got slammed on the ladder, Vandaminator'd a couple times, and then a coast to coast with the ladder infront of his head and RVD was holding a chair which ended it. RVD win. They did the shaking hands thing at the end. In the pre-match, Lynn said he wanted to break RVD's bones or something. Pretty big swerve in the space of 15 minutes. blink.gif

The triple threat match was alright. Crimson pinned Joe but just before it, Joe was excellent. Had about 5-10 minutes of dominance which really showed his brilliance. Morgan fucked up the ending though. Joe dodged the Carbon footprint but Crimson speared him straight after he dodged it, except Morgan didn't jump/raise his foot quickly enough and Joe was already by him by the time he decided he was gonna do it. Bloody idiot. Not surprising that Crimson didn't get pinned, I'd have liked to see Joe get the win though, he was a standout in this match.

The street fight was good. Again, another spotfest and clusterfuck but that's what you want. Anderson fucked up the end spot though. Tried a swanton bomb thing off the top rope onto Billy Ray on the table outside of the ring, but he didn't hit him enough, and the table didn't break. He just got up and Mic Checked him through it for the win. Some pretty nasty looking bumps though, Anderson got suplexed on the stage, missed moves off the top rope(leg drop for Bully and swanton for

Anderson onto a guard rail lying in the ring) Decent match all in all.

Jesus f**k, they've just had a backstage promo with Bischoff saying that Jackson James(the ref) is his son. Get to f**k. No one fucking cares. That's the biggest load of shite they've came out with in recent months.

Didn't watch the start of the Knockouts match, I went to brush my teeth and get ready to go to bed. Came back and Winter spat blood in Karen Jarrett's face(she was the guest referee but apparently wasn't counting falls) Tracey comes down and counts the 3 for Velvet to win, glad she got the win. She's been improving recent and deserves the title finally.

The I Quit match wasn't great, if I'm honest. I'm not a massive fan of the stipulation tbh. You can't have a straight up wrestling match and when you try to mix wrestling in with spots and weapons it can quite often go wrong, I think it went that way here. Some decent spells of wrestling. Shite ending as well. Daniels brought a screwdriver in early on and then it got stuck in the turnbuckle. AJ hit the Stylesclash and then took the screwdriver and was circling Daniels before Daniels grabbed the mic and said "I quit" so he avoided the pain and then ran away. AJ celebrated and Daniels came back out and beat him down right at the top of the stage as AJ was leaving. Why bother not ending the feud at the biggest PPV of the year? Madness

Actually the first two hours, everything except the tag team match, Sting./Hogan and the main event. I'll watch the latter two in the morning before I go to Uni, cba with the tag team match, I can't stand Ink Inc and Anarquia is average as f**k.

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Actually the first two hours, everything except the tag team match, Sting./Hogan and the main event. I'll watch the latter two in the morning before I go to Uni, cba with the tag team match, I can't stand Ink Inc and Anarquia is average as f**k.

Tag match must've been the dark match.

I watched Sting/Hogan in triple speed. Seemed a half decent match, all things considered. No shenanigans until the end either, like post match Immortal came down and then Hogan turned on them.

Angle and Roode match was short. It was decent but Roode didn't get enough for me, Angle had pretty much all of it apart from Roode reversing a lot and putting on his crossface about 4 or 5 times. Angle got a dirty win though, Roode's arm was under the rope and Angle was grabbing the rope for leverage.

There was only two non-clean wins in this whole PPV. One in the knockouts match and one in the Main Event. Couldn't just leave it, could you TNA? I thought this was gonna be good that none of the main matches had TNA's usual dose of ref bumps or interferences, but no. Ruined it with your fucking bullshit.

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Claudio Castignoli is now Antonio Cesar, which ranks up there with Seth Rollins (Tyler Black) as 'names that are almost guaranteed to kill a charatcer before the audience can ever see what they can do'.

Seth Rollins has been in FCW for over a year now! I reckon he'll soon be on the way back to ROH.

Also whatever happened to Mike Knox and his epic beard?!

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