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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Seems I'm the only one who really enjoyed that PPV, thought the right man won and generally was happy.The only thing that bothered me was we didn't get any sort of payoff to the Jericho thing.

I enjoyed it too, I think people just have unrealistic expectations based on the success of former Rumbles.

The only thing that I didn't like was the lack of surprise entrants. Usually there are a few that have me going mental, the only one was Road Dogg. I said last week the winner would come from Jericho, Sheamus or Barrett......just a pity I went for the wrong one. Some noteable abscentees who werent there yet some amount of shit was. Primo, Epico, Hunico, Uso etc yet no McIntyre, Clay, Ryan, HHH, Taker, Henry.

Primo and Epico are the tag team champions. Hunico has been a regular mid carder for a while now, he's decent as well. He's certainly a lot better than McIntyre. I'll agree on Clay though, stupid to have him in a squash before it. Taker is too old to be doing more than one show a year. HHH shouldn't really be wrestling if he's taking the COO position. Henry is really injured. You could see he was struggling during the cage match, really limping and probably why he took a lot more punishment than he dished out. Ryan hasn't been used in fucking week.

The WWE title match was my favourite of the night. I really good match that decended into a bit of a cluster f**k. Too many ref bumps and why did

Laurinitis jump in at the end to only do a 2 count before leaving again?

I didn't realise he only counted two, but if he did then there's an obvious way he can say that Punk didn't actually win. He was the ref and only counted two.

There is no hope for the future of the WWE if they choose to put long forgotten relics like Jim Duggan and Road Dogg on PPV while leaving the young guys to rot in obscurity.

If people like Barretta and Tatsu actually got a reception from the crowd then they wouldn't be on Superstars. And it's not always creative's fault. Ryder managed to get himself onto the big time, why can't they?

Just strikes me as pure desperation. Its only when business has been down they bring back these old guys at every opportunity and with regularity. Road Dogg is in an awful state too, hes been to rehab countless times and totally run down. Fair play to him for probably getting a decent payoff for it though.

If you actually watch the show then you'd see that it's worth it because they get a good reception, more so than half of those jobbers.

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Primo and Epico are the tag team champions. Hunico has been a regular mid carder for a while now, he's decent as well. He's certainly a lot better than McIntyre. I'll agree on Clay though, stupid to have him in a squash before it. Taker is too old to be doing more than one show a year. HHH shouldn't really be wrestling if he's taking the COO position. Henry is really injured. You could see he was struggling during the cage match, really limping and probably why he took a lot more punishment than he dished out. Ryan hasn't been used in fucking week.

Exactly, Primo and Epico are the tag champions, so what's the point? Hunico is dire. The one thing the Rumble missed was the huge shick entry to blow the roof off the place, someone like a Taker or HHH, it didn't come. Ryan is set to have his push renewed.

I didn't realise he only counted two, but if he did then there's an obvious way he can say that Punk didn't actually win. He was the ref and only counted two.

Yeah. The ref counted 3 but Laurinitis came in and missed the first, so he did 2-3 and that was it. I'd be surprised if it was anything other than a f**k up, but you never know.

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I enjoyed it too, I think people just have unrealistic expectations based on the success of former Rumbles.

When they charge £14.95, I don't think it's unrealistic to expect something that's entertaining. Not relatively entertaining but actually entertaining. We'd also seen the advertised matches on the under card in some form or another a couple of times, and the Brodus Clay match wasn't any different to his other 3. You can't give them the excuse that they don't have the talent either. They're the global leaders in their market and there are few people who would be willing to turn them down. They made their bed 10 years ago when they were more interested in former football players than guys that were wrestlers and actually talented. In 5 years time will we be having this same conversation? I don't think so, they seem to have gotten their act together in the past few years and began signing up some decent talent, Jon Moxley (Dean Ambrose), Tyler Black (Seth Rollins), Antonio Ceasro (Claudio Castignoli) and, I hazard to suggest this but, Mistico (Sin Cara) have all been signed within the past year or so and are all talented guys. How WWE uses them on the other hand will be something we'll have to wait and see.

Triple H's policy of not bringing someone up from developmental until they've been given something to do on the main roster could work wonders, or it could back fire and a lot of young talent could be lost if creative can't come up with something for them. Al Snow had it right when he said that WWE should never have gotten rid of the various developmental deals they had. It allows guys to try out different gimmicks, different ideas in different settings.

The amount of times I've came on here and posted something like this people must think I hate the WWE and wrestling. It's the very opposite in fact.

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When they charge £14.95, I don't think it's unrealistic to expect something that's entertaining. Not relatively entertaining but actually entertaining. We'd also seen the advertised matches on the under card in some form or another a couple of times, and the Brodus Clay match wasn't any different to his other 3. You can't give them the excuse that they don't have the talent either. They're the global leaders in their market and there are few people who would be willing to turn them down. They made their bed 10 years ago when they were more interested in former football players than guys that were wrestlers and actually talented. In 5 years time will we be having this same conversation? I don't think so, they seem to have gotten their act together in the past few years and began signing up some decent talent, Jon Moxley (Dean Ambrose), Tyler Black (Seth Rollins), Antonio Ceasro (Claudio Castignoli) and, I hazard to suggest this but, Mistico (Sin Cara) have all been signed within the past year or so and are all talented guys. How WWE uses them on the other hand will be something we'll have to wait and see.

Triple H's policy of not bringing someone up from developmental until they've been given something to do on the main roster could work wonders, or it could back fire and a lot of young talent could be lost if creative can't come up with something for them. Al Snow had it right when he said that WWE should never have gotten rid of the various developmental deals they had. It allows guys to try out different gimmicks, different ideas in different settings.

The amount of times I've came on here and posted something like this people must think I hate the WWE and wrestling. It's the very opposite in fact.

I hadn't actually considered that people paid for it ph34r.gif

I was more alluding to when the IC section was full of people like Austin and The Rock, which was able to happen back then but if people aren't getting used properly then they'll just leave and go to other companies, that was my point. I don't know the money involved(I know WWE is obviously the big time) but perhaps they aren't paying their undercard enough to make it a better proposition than other companies, or maybe there's just a lack of good talented guys(wrestling and on the mic) that WWE are employing and think will sell well.

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Just finished watching there and I enjoyed the majority of the show.

You're limited with what you can do with Big Show and a very injured Mark Henry in a cage match and the heelish way in which Bryan won it - sneaking out the cage - was the perfect finish.

Didn't watch the Divas, Cena v Kane was pretty meh, but the double Countout was the right result for both guys and Kane destroying Cena and Ryder - hopefully leading to a Cena heel turn in time for 'Mania and Rocky - made a lot of sense.

Nice to see Brodus getting a win on PPV and keeping Drew's losing streak storyline going, think that's probably the most offence anyone's got in against the funky one so far. Was glad to see Brodus not in the rumble too, was never going to win it, so wouldn't have done the guy that is squashing everyone to get eliminated on his first PPV (think this is his first PPV? Certainly with this gimmick anyway) any good.

Punk v Ziggler was good, I liked Johnny boy sooking arse prior to tonight. Didn't think about him being able to screw Punk with the "only a two count" shout until this thread, could be a decent way to keep it going though.

Rumble was enjoyable too, especially the Foley, Ricardo, Santino segment, guessing nobody picked up on it, but Foley turning to Gabriel and saying "what're you doing, he's just a civilian" when he drop kicked Ricardo had me in stitches, as did the entirety of Ricardo's stay. Miz and Cody looked ace and I did some serious marking out when the D O double G arrived, Hacksaw was cracking too, the "USA" chants we loud as hell.

Could get a really good feud out of Sheamus and Bryan I think, hopefully from now until 'Mania, will be interesting to see where they go with Jericho though, as if there's not something massive in the next week or two (preferably tonight) it'll be a major waste and disappointment.

Edited by J_Stewart
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Naw really spoilers I don't think as it's announced on WWE.com.

It's a cracking looking match. Someone on the UKFF pointed out that this might be the first time someone has ever got a title shot on the back of a handstand. They might be right!

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I just saw it on PWInsider and just assumed they were planning to announce it on RAW tonight so put it in tags to be safe.

I don't see why they wouldn't just wait and announce it on RAW or have some sort of build to it with those guys actually justifying being in the match!

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Naw really spoilers I don't think as it's announced on WWE.com.

It's a cracking looking match. Someone on the UKFF pointed out that this might be the first time someone has ever got a title shot on the back of a handstand. They might be right!

Good stuff all the same. He was on a good run before he went into the tag team setup where he sort of stagnated.

I'd have liked Cena to have been in the match with Kane costing him the match. Missed oppertunity here I think, unless one of those six are wiped out.

Wasted spot though, the WWE title should not be in his match at Mania so his involvement in the EC match would be wasted.

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Good stuff all the same. He was on a good run before he went into the tag team setup where he sort of stagnated.

Indeed. Plus, he looked the part when WWE were having him fueding with Randy Orton. That fued was a corker, and the match between them at TLC that year was superb.

Wasted spot though, the WWE title should not be in his match at Mania so his

involvement in the EC match would be wasted.

It absolutely SHOULD be in his match at Wrestlemania. The Rock vs. John Cena for the title. Another one of them occaisions, like at Money in the Bank, where the title will actually mean something.

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It absolutely SHOULD be in his match at Wrestlemania. The Rock vs. John Cena for the title. Another one of them occaisions, like at Money in the Bank, where the title will actually mean something.

If the title is in that match then it absolutely eliminates any chance of The Rock winning, he's not going to come back full time cause he's got filming shit to do. If it's just a one off then there's a chance he might beat Cena.

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If the title is in that match then it absolutely eliminates any chance of The

Rock winning, he's not going to come back full time cause he's got filming shit

to do. If it's just a one off then there's a chance he might beat Cena.

Maybe, but that'd be besides the point. It's still the right move. Cena successfully defends the WWE title against The Rock. It sounds better with the publicity they're obviously going to get from it. If it isn't THAT match with the belt, it'll be some midcard match getting it, which seems a bit pointless to me.

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