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I can see us making a move for Liam Buchanan, played with McCall at Thistle and McCall is a big fan of signing his pals. Whether we can tempt him remains to be seen. 

Ayr United are part time league 1 diddies m9, Buchs will be looking to sign a new contract with the Amber Machine sorry.
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5 hours ago, AMC13 said:

Ayr United are part time league 1 diddies m9, Buchs will be looking to sign a new contract with the Amber Machine sorry.

I wouldn't be so sure, this might be the last chance to play for a team that actually manage to attract over 1000 fans. 

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11 hours ago, ayrunitedfw said:

I can see us making a move for Liam Buchanan, played with McCall at Thistle and McCall is a big fan of signing his pals. Whether we can tempt him remains to be seen. 

It depends on what changes are made to the team in the summer. Personally I'd hate to see him go; even in the championship he's easily worth 14 - 15 goals a season.

Unfortunately we do have a bit of previous where we let Iain Russell (we we thought we'd signed some numpty who ended up going to Raith). Russell went to QoS and was a thorn in our side for about three years after.

If he does move on I suspect it would be to return to Alloa. Despite managing to score against them regularly he still manages to have a strong empathy with a large amount of their support and would probably be welcomed back with open arms. If the unthinkable were to happen I can only hope that Alloa do not win the play-offs. 

I really hope we do manage to extend his contract; even at 32 I think he still has a couple of good years in him; never stops running on the pitch and often puts some of the youngsters to shame. Moving to Ayr would be a real curved ball but I seen stranger things happen

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18 hours ago, Diamond Oracle said:

Surely your man Buchanan will get offered a deal for next year? He's obviously unlikely to score 20+ goals again but you'd think he'd be able to get into double figures.

Sure I read he's in talks about a deal, just needs to agree terms. So was Rafa though and he's already agreed to sign up for next season so must be some problem in what Buchs is looking for, maybe more money.

Yeah he'd get into double figures no probem, did so with Alloa and Livi in the 2 seasons prior to us playing in League One. I think though he'd do even better next season than those prev ones, with him being in a settled side where the players know one another, and the attacking style we have using the wings. Just hope he signs up with us again.

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8 minutes ago, Afro said:

Robinson was definitely one of the most impressive players when East Fife continually bested us this season. I would imagine this signing means Millar and/or Sinclair are away.

Both would be my guess 

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Reading through EF comments, he has played RB this season, maybe filling that position ? 

If not that's now 8 midfielders signed up for next season, that's not including Keaghan Jacobs, Mikey Miller, Mark Millar and Jordan Sinclair. 

Would imagine the later two will be gone, and wouldn't surprise me if one if not both of the others won't sign up either. 

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Signed from current squad :- Longridge, Halkett, Lithgow, Crighton, Gallagher, Byrne, Pittman, J Mullin, Cadden, D Mullen, Knox, De Vita

New signings :- Ross Brown, Scott Robinson

Not signed yet are :- Gary Maley, Mikey Miller, Keaghan Jacobs, Jordan Sinclair, Mark Millar, Dale Carrick, Liam Buchanan. 


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Share issue has been announced, apparently the club are planning a fans forum in a few weeks time to discuss further ideas.

I was thinking about setting up monthly payments in order to buy shares but that option hasn't been covered below, wonder if that's something the club will think about ? 


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