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Livingston - all the threads merged

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2 hours ago, SGMilne said:

The way the process of research generally works is that I give out files for people to edit directly. They make the changes, I review them and I import them into the database.

Having advertised for a Livingston researcher for now three (or possibly even four or five) years without any interest or uptake for it whatsoever, I asked Callum for his help, but he said he'd rather just answer my questions about Livi rather than edit the files etc himself.

And that's fine, but it did mean that in amongst all the other things I was doing, it looks like I either missed some of the info he gave me in one of his emails or I made the changes in the Livi file and didn't re-enter it.

Now fair enough, I will hold my hands up to that as he did e-mail it to me, but I get frustrated with the world of absolutes that you see on internet forums where the reaction is that I "completely ignored what 'we' sent them" (you yourself sent me nothing) as if consciously decided to omit that info.

The beta was released two weeks ago, and in that time customers have had ample opportunity to report data issues in the appropriate place. We've acted upon as many of the issues raised in the Data Issues thread on the sigames forum as we could, but at some stage we can't make any further changes before the data is finalised for the game's release this week. For issues like that, time has run out.

Had @RandomGuy. not tagged me in this, I would never have seen it, and once again - as it probably has been for the last number of years - it would have gone unreported that Jacobs's position was wrong.

Oh, but for what it's worth, Callum listed Jacobs as primarily an AMC in the list of positions he sent me.

You didn’t receive anything from me directly because Callum was the one dealing with it, I didn’t have your email to send anything to, he, Callum asked me for advice on positions that you had sent and I sent him a list of changes that imo weren’t correct, which he has then sent you im sure. At no point did I have to directly email you as Callum was in control of that process, I was merely helping him which is what I said, in fact at no point did I say in my post that I’d sent you anything, all I said was that I helped Callum with player positions which is entirely true so I didn’t consciously decide to omit anything. 

As ATLIS has said above I’ve never seen anything advertised so I can’t help if I know nothing about it. 

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2 hours ago, tree house tam said:

Livingstone are pish m9.

What have the clan Livingstone ever done to you?

Unless of course you mean the place "Livingstone" in which case the local football team is called FFA Global Maramba Football Club in Livingstone, Zambia

Actually joking aside there are some cracking names for football clubs in Zambia:


1.Chipata City Council

2.Lundazi United

3.Katete Rangers

4.Petauke United

5.Circuit City

6.City of Lusaka


8.Lusaka City Council

9.Lusaka Tigers

10.Young Green Buffaloes


12.Kafue Celtic

13.Happy Hearts

14.Police College


16.Zesco Malaiti Rangers


1. Kansanshi Dynamos

2. Gomes

3. Indeni

4. Mufulira Wanderers F.C.

5. Chambishi F.C.

6. FQMO Mining Operation

7. Konkola Blades

8.Ndola United

9.Kalulushi Modern Stars

10.Mining Rangers

11.Roan United

12. Trident

13. FQMO Roads

14. Kashikishi Warriors

15. ZNS Lwamfumu

16. Mufulira Blackpool


1.Real Nakonde

2.Tazara Express

3. Tazara Rangers

4. Mpulungu Harbour

5. Malalo Police

6. Kasama Young Fighters

7. Kasama Youth Soccer Academy

8. Chindwin Sentries

9. Prison Leopards

10. Zambeef

11. Riverside

12. Muchinga Blue Eagles

13. Isoka Young Stars

14. Intersport

15. Kateshi Coffee Bullets

16. Mpande Youth Soccer Academy


•Kascol Rangers

•Mumbwa Medics

•Chikuni Coops

•Zesco Victoriafalls

•Livingstone Pirates

•Mazabuka United

•Luena Buffaloes

•Maamba Energy Stars

•Sinazongwe United

•Maramba Stars


•Choma Football Stars

•Kalomo Jetters

•Zesco Shockers

•Young Green Eagles

•Manchester UZ Academy


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3 minutes ago, ATLIS said:

Also, feel like it's worth pointing out that the Premiership area of P&B is much nicer and friendlier than the Championship. 

But the Premiership doesn't have falkirk... nor is there any likelihood that it will for the foreseeable future.

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37 minutes ago, tree house tam said:

Are there ANY Livingston fans that have utilised the free(ish) education available in the UK?

Think you need to check out the word Irony Tam

And for the record; when I went to the University of Cardiff it was free and you got a grant (money) for doing it as well.

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