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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Regardless of whether money has been put in or not or whether it is just a spiral of debt, not paying people for an honest days work is just not acceptable. Being economical with the truth is likewise beyond the pale.

Now before everyone howls at me that much of the first division is at the same trick of living beyond their means, at least other clubs are doing it by putting themselves in hoc or actually spending cash that some deluded fool has invested. Massone's behaviour is so blatant that it must not be rewarded with fans of the other nine teams complicity.

Of course some of us have refused to visit the Livvy franchise since they upsticks, changed their name and moved to West Lothian. ;)

Warning - you'll get a fair SF1 fans saying they are just supporting their team. :rolleyes: Well check back a few pages and you'll find an ex-Meadowbank Thistle fan who will not mourn their passing - quite a few in the same boat who now support Edinburgh City.

Edited by KingfaetheSooth
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Of course some of us have refused to visit the Livvy franchise since they upsticks, changed their name and moved to West Lothian. ;)

Warning - you'll get a fair SF1 fans saying they are just supporting their team. :rolleyes: Well check back a few pages and you'll find an ex-Meadowbank Thistle fan who will not mourn their passing - quite a few in the same boat who now support Edinburgh City.

Yer back then! I was beginning to think you had predeceased your nemesis. What a cruel irony that would have been. :rolleyes:

Edited by jimbo
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Does this thread now have more posts than last year's Gretna are fucked? Odds on that Livvie are going the same way. Very few people will mourn there passing either.

If only the late Brooks Mileson had been able to use a computer. ;)

I think the Gretna thread managed to get beyond 200 pages as I recall. This one is well on the way to matching it. There must be an element of posting glee that accompanies clubs which have a less than savoury reputation with the footballing public at large. Clyde have their detractors, but are seen as an old club which has lost its way (and its spiritual home). Gretna (and most certainly Livingston) are not viewed in that light at all. Gretna were seen as one time chancers, whereas Livingston are seen as pathalogically shadey having had a somewhat controversial birth, a thoroughly dishonest upbringing, and a less than morally upright adolescence. In human terms, they would be just about set for a year or two in a young offenders insitution.

The Trust might effectively be the righteous uncle about to show them the error of their ways, but too many of the support ain't interested as there's no loose cash lying around to squander down the amusement arcade.

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That's not my problem, it's the tribalist attitude of people on these forums and on P&B that makes you need to polarise and join with other like minded people.

Tribal attitudes are what mke football football, we all follow our teams and the passion is what puts "bums on seats" and get clubs some money to start with.

Getting AM on here would surprise me even more as there definitely don't appear to be many balck shirts on here. If he does come on, perhaps he should get a translator so we know what he is saying - or at least get more of an idea where things are heading.

My understadning is that Gretna fell apart due to Mr Milesome dropping his investment. In thjis case we have a whole heap of financial blundering and AM is still there defending himsefl with his minions.

If Livi don't like folk on this forum having an opinion on what is transpiriing then they must question the passion of Scottish Football supporters. Perhaps they should move to China or something - try typing Tianamen Square in google.cn

We will continue to have an opinion as long as there is anything to have an opinion about. That is until Massone goes or Livi goes or some dope throws a whole heap of money at the problem. By if the core is rotten, you can keep painting the apple, but you still have a rotten apple. - End of rant and bad analogy.

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Tribal attitudes are what mke football football, we all follow our teams and the passion is what puts "bums on seats" and get clubs some money to start with.

Getting AM on here would surprise me even more as there definitely don't appear to be many balck shirts on here. If he does come on, perhaps he should get a translator so we know what he is saying - or at least get more of an idea where things are heading.

My understadning is that Gretna fell apart due to Mr Milesome dropping his investment. In thjis case we have a whole heap of financial blundering and AM is still there defending himsefl with his minions.

If Livi don't like folk on this forum having an opinion on what is transpiriing then they must question the passion of Scottish Football supporters. Perhaps they should move to China or something - try typing Tianamen Square in google.cn

We will continue to have an opinion as long as there is anything to have an opinion about. That is until Massone goes or Livi goes or some dope throws a whole heap of money at the problem. By if the core is rotten, you can keep painting the apple, but you still have a rotten apple. - End of rant and bad analogy.

The reason I like P&B as opposed to any other Livi site is because of the input from other teams supporters. I used to love the Rivals site because of the banter :D

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The reason I like P&B as opposed to any other Livi site is because of the input from other teams supporters. I used to love the Rivals site because of the banter :D

No matter which club you support, the assumption is that most folk on here can seen a whole heap of alarm bells with regard to the conduct of AM and the prospects of Livingston FC.

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No matter which club you support, the assumption is that most folk on here can seen a whole heap of alarm bells with regard to the conduct of AM and the prospects of Livingston FC.

OK - we can see the alarm bells, but... are they being sounded? Can we hear them? Are we too far away to hear them?

Can the Livi fans hear them, or not see them? Or can they neither hear nor see them?

Maybe some one who is good at general hammering is needed to get that bell sounded loud and clear for all to hear.

Maybe someone who can hammer the drink can transfer their skills over to hammering the Livi Alarm bell? Can anyone think of suitable candidates?

Edited by ObserverFromAfar
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According to the Record, ex-Cowden chairman Gordon McDougall has held with talks with AM about buying over Livingston.

He's offered him £1 but AM wants back the £500k he's "invested" in the club since he took it over.

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Breaking news in the Record..

Gordon McDougall (owned Cowendbeath and ran stock cars there and at Newtongrange around the old Victoria Park, the old home of Newtongrange Star) is interested!

Now.. he's a man who knows about dealing with dangerous driving, old bangers and destruction derbies. Just the man needed for LIvi!

Wants to buy club for a quid (given the Livingston Trust offered Massone £2 a couple of weeks ago, the value is certainly depreciating) rather than from the Administrators, apparently.

Fun Last paragraph: "However, Massone maintains he is not interested in a deal. He said: "Mr McDougall is a very nice man but I want to build Livingston. I'm not interested in selling it."'For too long club has been like a bad epidsode of Dream Team'"

Was there ever a good episode of Dream Team? ISn't Dream Team now defunct? Oh... maybe The Big Man's analogy isn't so bad after all!

More anlaysis to come.


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if the core is rotten, you can keep painting the apple, but you still have a rotten apple. - End of rant and bad analogy.

I liked it :D

Wants to buy club for a quid (given the Livingston Trust offered Massone £2 a couple of weeks ago, the value is certainly depreciating) rather than from the Administrators, apparently. More anlaysis to come.


If this doesn't come off I'll give him 50p

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The plot thickens as Gordon is a current Director at the Pars!


Record piece says he will step down from there if he takes over at Almondvale.

Edited to add: under current SFL rules he would have to step down if this came off, you can't have an interest in two clubs in the SFL.

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