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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Don't know the best course of action for the Livi fans,but if this was my club I'd be there, this is just as important as any game they played last season.

50 or 100 fans is no good a few thousand is what's required,go and listen then react to what comes up during meeting.

And publicise it across Livi(5 mins from stadium to shopping centre) not just on a couple of forums with a small number of fans on them.

Edited by ayrmad
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I would directly challenge this by stating there are far mouthier element in other supports saying a lot worse things, only difference being they lack the meteoric rise to success Livi enjoyed, albeit at a hefty price now. It was a real scunner to see these new upstarts lifting trophies after a few years when their own clubs cabinets were filled with little more than dust and memories.

Envy breeds bitterness, and bitterness lasts a very long time.

Still, I've been heartened by messages of support received from across the tribal lines. And if Falkirk ever faced the same fate I'd be willing the Bairns on all the way. I'm not a big fan of the taste of bitterness you see, and I respect the passion each fan has for his or her team of choice.

I would like to think you are being deliberately arrogant with that post, but somehow I doubt it. That drivel is the sole reason why I have despised the concept of Livingston FC from the outset. Nothing to do with envy, everything to do with the arrogant attitude. It's well known that my club has won nothing in 100 years except lower league titles, and our nearest neighbours even remind us of this fact constantly, WFAANW and all that, but it is my club, my passion and I would never ever change it, and as we've spent the last five years in the wilderness(31 years if you consider the last time we were in the top league) and I still go on a regular basis says how envious of other clubs I am. (BTW during that period we repaid the taxman a huge sum) If I was so envious of other clubs I'd toddle off to Glasgow to watch football and sneer at all the 'diddy' clubs and harp on about their jealousy, envy and bitterness. It's interesting you go on about memories. When it comes down to it, we will all have our memories of our clubs, talk about them on the terraces or in the stands on a Saturday and know that at some point we will have some more. If it ever came down to it and Ayr(or any other club for that matter) were in this position that Livingston FC find themselves in there would be a hardcore group of fans, far larger than 100 in number who wouold save the club. Perhaps it is you that is envious and are so in the knowledge that at Livingston FC this will never happen. No supporters, just a string of shady businessmen looking for a quick buck, while the rest of your support look for other things to entertain themselves with on a Saturday.

It's also very interesting to note your last comment

...and I respect the passion each fan has for his or her team of choice

An absolutely unbelievable comment from a person who supports Livingston FC. Do I need to mention Meadowbank.

Of course there are other issues such as the moans from the Livingston FC faithful wrt other clubs stealing your best players for ridiculous sums. Again do I need to mention Andrews, Tosh etc

I would actually liken Livingston FC to the Khmer Rouge and their policy of Year Zero.

A quote from Wiki:

The idea behind Year Zero is that all culture and traditions within a society must be completely destroyed or discarded and a new revolutionary culture must replace it, starting from scratch. All history of a nation or people before Year Zero is largely irrelevant, as it will (as an ideal) be purged and replaced from the ground up.

Fits in perfectly really.

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Another set of interesting quotes..this time in The Scottish Sun.. http://www.thesun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/n...-to-resign.html

Livi chief: I’ll quit... Investor: too late

Italian lawyer Massone, 37 — who returned from a break in his homeland yesterday — said: “I am ready to stand down as chairman if it means the club survives.”

But ex-Dumbarton chairman Neil Rankine — who has been linked with a buyout — said: “The more I look at the list of debts the less inclined I become to get involved. The club is in intensive care.”

Another potential investor Andy Gemmell said: “I am not confident of a deal going through following the council action."

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Another set of interesting quotes..this time in The Scottish Sun.. http://www.thesun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/n...-to-resign.html

Livi chief: I’ll quit... Investor: too late

Italian lawyer Massone, 37 — who returned from a break in his homeland yesterday — said: “I am ready to stand down as chairman if it means the club survives.”

But ex-Dumbarton chairman Neil Rankine — who has been linked with a buyout — said: “The more I look at the list of debts the less inclined I become to get involved. The club is in intensive care.”

Another potential investor Andy Gemmell said: “I am not confident of a deal going through following the council action."

Note that he "will quit as chairman". That is not the same thing as leaving the club. 12 months ago, hthis man was attracted in the first place on the basis of there being massive potential to asset strip. Pearse Flynn had already carried out the dirty work, and sold the club for a quid because that's exactly what it was worth. He missed out on Griffiths as the kid hadn't really emerged onto the scene at that point.

Since the acquisition, Massone has presided over a calamitous year. Debts have increased markedly. Assets have all gone. In it's current form what is its value? It now has more debt and no assets. In all seriousness, it is worth less than nothing. If someone took it over and settled the debts, they'd be shelling out a million pounds (or thereabouts) in order to have nothing. A million quid might put them debt free, but they would also be asset free. It would be a million pounds thrown away.

There is absolutely no-one interested in taking over Livingston if it involves paying the existing debt.That should tell you all you need to know about where this is going, and everything you need to know about the calibre of person that looks to gain from situations such as this.

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So here you are. A rhetorical question for you. Was I ever envious of what I knew was happening at Almondvale? Not for one second. Not even a flicker.

Woops! Touched a raw nerve there methinks.

Well, if it's all the same to you, I'll keep trying to do my bit to save my club, and you can keep telling the world all about the glories of karma. Most open-minded supporters (and there are plenty here) recognise a club's right to exists, but if 3 successive bent chairmen - over whom the supporters had no control - mean we've to be condemned, then pop your black cap on and keep up the tub-thumping.

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Woops! Touched a raw nerve there methinks.

Well, if it's all the same to you, I'll keep trying to do my bit to save my club, and you can keep telling the world all about the glories of karma. Most open-minded supporters (and there are plenty here) recognise a club's right to exists, but if 3 successive bent chairmen - over whom the supporters had no control - mean we've to be condemned, then pop your black cap on and keep up the tub-thumping.

There you go again. History never happened. Is it something the breed into you up in West Lothian...short memories.

QUOTE (Ever the Optimist @ Jul 2 2009, 06:25) post_snapback.gif

Fits in perfectly really.

I'm happy for you. No, really, I am.

Aw shucks...you've just made my day. Life suddenly is worth living.

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Woops! Touched a raw nerve there methinks.

Well, if it's all the same to you, I'll keep trying to do my bit to save my club, and you can keep telling the world all about the glories of karma. Most open-minded supporters (and there are plenty here) recognise a club's right to exists, but if 3 successive bent chairmen - over whom the supporters had no control - mean we've to be condemned, then pop your black cap on and keep up the tub-thumping.

Oh dear Charlie Boy - you should have stayed below the parapet in your livilions bunker.

Your club is a fucking disgrace and is in danger of disappearing into oblivion - stick that in your virtual trophy cabinet! The grave dancers are waiting.

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Woops! Touched a raw nerve there methinks.

Well, if it's all the same to you, I'll keep trying to do my bit to save my club, and you can keep telling the world all about the glories of karma. Most open-minded supporters (and there are plenty here) recognise a club's right to exists, but if 3 successive bent chairmen - over whom the supporters had no control - mean we've to be condemned, then pop your black cap on and keep up the tub-thumping.

CDE, please don't do the "Oh, I'm really just forum fishing" pish. It's not true ,nor an affective retreat from your god awful post. Open minded supporters? You are about as blinkered as they come! You are completely reliant on "open minded" meaning "don't have a grasp on what we have been up to for 14 years".

"A club's right to exist". Now CDE.................you tend to run and hide behind company law, so I would presume that you are a company. I'm sorry, but your "right to exist" statement sees you now muddying the boundaries between a team and a state! For heaven's sake, you are a football team, not a mini United States. I suppose Woolworth's had a right to exist too.

Three bent chairmen.............no control. What complete and utter shite. The only thing i may have been wrong about is your faux Victorian role play. It is becoming increasingly apparent that you are at your most comfortable when you are living out scenarios that are never really too close to the truth.

A clubs right to exist...................................

...Jesus Aitch Christ, you can't half talk sanctimonious drivel to new depths sometimes. I can just see you walking into Land of Leather wanting your £200 deposit back for a sofa you never received and they tell you "nah, you can't have it and you must recognize our right to exist". It's pish mate.

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but if 3 successive bent chairmen

You were Dominic Keane's greatest cheerleader. You didn't give a shite about 'control' while the trophies were mounting up. When it all started to unravel, you were near enough the last to admit that Keane may have not been all that he seemed.

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It seems that we are throwing my ideas out of the window and since it is a "democratic meeting", the supporter's groups are going to make statements before calling for a vote for him to go.

That'll be things sorted them! :rolleyes:

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I see some deluded fool on LL calling for folks to bring their friends to boost turnout at this weeks protest.

Apathetic shite or what? Who you gonna call? "118 renta mob" :lol::lol:

They need to put a call in to Dundee whose supporters have past experience of standing outside Almondvale causing a fracas.

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It seems that we are throwing my ideas out of the window and since it is a "democratic meeting", the supporter's groups are going to make statements before calling for a vote for him to go.

I can understand that, but maybe it'll come over as something of a youth club committee meeting. You need something that'll grab the reporting of the event by the throat, and I don't think that's it. Remember that democratic doesn't allow for any group to hijack the meeting. Regardless of what you do, I think Massone will spin it as best he can to his advantage.

Massone might well talk of "stepping down", but that is not the same as "going away".

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I see some deluded fool on LL calling for folks to bring their friends to boost turnout at this weeks protest.

Apathetic shite or what? Who you gonna call? "118 renta mob" :lol::lol:

That "deluded fool" would be me.

It just gives Massone no chance of peddling the old, "there's not enough people asking for me to go" line.

"Apathetic Shite", I think not.

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I can understand that, but maybe it'll come over as something of a youth club committee meeting. You need something that'll grab the reporting of the event by the throat, and I don't think that's it. Remember that democratic doesn't allow for any group to hijack the meeting. Regardless of what you do, I think Massone will spin it as best he can to his advantage.

Massone might well talk of "stepping down", but that is not the same as "going away".

As I said, I thought protesting outside the meeting in large numbers would be a better idea but it seems this is the way we are going on this occasion.

No, I don't believe there'll be any hijacking involved by any of our supporters groups.

Perhaps he will f**k off when he sees the amount of people that don't want him there in any capacity?

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