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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Thanks for the information.

I assume that Livi must still have enough money to pay the wages, as they are able to put a team out.

..........or players with nowhere to go, and merely desperate to keep themselves in the frame for a move should the worst (or best given your point of view) come to pass.

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According to one story today, Bryn Halliwell could be on his way to Almondvale. Either a) a rumour B) a player who obviously doesn't need his monthly pay cheque c) a clear example of the fact that Livi will not go bust this week.

I don't want the club to go bust for one reason, stated in earlier posts as being the fans who support the club with as much passion as I do mine, but I also don't want them to come through this episode unscathed without some sort of penalty.

As I've said before, I don't think the council will have the bottle to push them into the abyss this week. I reckon they will settle on a repayment plan. And Livi aren't under threat from the taxman because HMRC always work with the individual/company if at all possible.

Local creditors? They will take what their given and be thankful.

Livi have called the tune all the way through the last few months and I don't think that will change at this stage. I fully expect them to draw one of the old firm in one of the cups next season to add the icing on the cake.

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According to one story today, Bryn Halliwell could be on his way to Almondvale. Either a) a rumour B) a player who obviously doesn't need his monthly pay cheque c) a clear example of the fact that Livi will not go bust this week.

I don't want the club to go bust for one reason, stated in earlier posts as being the fans who support the club with as much passion as I do mine, but I also don't want them to come through this episode unscathed without some sort of penalty.

As I've said before, I don't think the council will have the bottle to push them into the abyss this week. I reckon they will settle on a repayment plan. And Livi aren't under threat from the taxman because HMRC always work with the individual/company if at all possible.

Local creditors? They will take what their given and be thankful.

Livi have called the tune all the way through the last few months and I don't think that will change at this stage. I fully expect them to draw one of the old firm in one of the cups next season to add the icing on the cake.

Can one of the "minor" creditors take action to push Livi into admin? Just wondering, as you'd think a guy who was owed, say £3000 and gets offered £100 might take the hump somewhat.

But yeah i agree with the gist of the rest of your post in that the Council will almost certainly bottle it and cave in to some sort of repayment plan, although as Duncan F has previously pointed out, this could be setting a dodgy precedent for other situations where the Council as landlord must chase up arrears.

IMO until the situation re Hegarty, Cave and whatever other players/staff remain unpaid, is resolved satisfactorily there should be a transfer embargo. In fact i'm surprised it hasn't been reinstated.

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Erm.. remember they don't get paid! :rolleyes:

There was an interesting wee rumour doing the rounds that the club Lotto money was "re-directed" in order to pay off a pressing bill, and if someone hits the jackpot (as they surely will), then collecting the winnings might become a bit of a problem. As I say, only one of many rumours flying around, but I've heard the self same thing from three different people. One in particular reckons there's a hell of a lot more that will come out in the wash.

The vehicle by which the Leigh Griffiths money was transferred from Dundee to Livingston (or whoever the final recipient was meant to be) might well be a story that will be worth the telling in the not too distant future. As for half of it going to HMRC.............. Pinch of salt and all that.

I reckon if this whole thing unravels, Bill Leckie might well have an amazing amount of material if he's up for another book on lower league professional football clubs in Scotland.

Massone has set the bar very low indeed with regard to his comment that the council pursuing him for the last £10k payment was "a joke". If the council don't see this through, then for once, Massone might well be right. The council putting football as a "priority" for fear of unpsetting 2% of the population might well come back and haunt them if there's the slightest hint or interpretation that the "priority of football" extends to allowing something as profoundly unsavoury as LFC to carry on with the practices of the past 14 years.

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Things not looking good :o


What would the Livi fan give to be debt free like the infallible Dundee, with Leigh Griffifths slamming home solo runs from Glorious Gary Harkins? £250k of blissful co-operation.

Did I mention that we're debt free?

Enjoy your Italian Job :D

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Things not looking good :o


What would the Livi fan give to be debt free like the infallible Dundee, with Leigh Griffifths slamming home solo runs from Glorious Gary Harkins? £250k of blissful co-operation.

Did I mention that we're debt free?

Enjoy your Italian Job :D

Is this the best you can do? As wind ups go it's a bit shite. Why don't you go and practice and come back in a wee while.

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Has the SFL actually bothered to have a contingency plan in place yet? I'm sorely tempted to call the council and explain that the thousands of pounds they get given in property taxes every year will be getting redirected elsewhere while they're continuing to allow a football team to suck up said revenue.

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Things not looking good :o


What would the Livi fan give to be debt free like the infallible Dundee, with Leigh Griffifths slamming home solo runs from Glorious Gary Harkins? £250k of blissful co-operation.

Did I mention that we're debt free?

Enjoy your Italian Job :D

So smug? Pride comes before a fall, We should know! :lol:

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does anyone know if there is any more update on this yet? cant be helping the likes of Airdrie if they dont know what league they are playing in next season

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does anyone know if there is any more update on this yet? cant be helping the likes of Airdrie if they dont know what league they are playing in next season

Was thinking the same P.C. Its now after lunchtime on Monday and I would have thought (and maybe Livi fans would have hoped!) to have heard something from the council or Massone/ Rankine as to ongoing discussions but theres been nothing...nada...zip. If Massone/ Rankine are waiting till tomorrow to start to try and negotiate it could be a pretty dangerous thing to do.

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Was thinking the same P.C. Its now after lunchtime on Monday and I would have thought (and maybe Livi fans would have hoped!) to have heard something from the council or Massone/ Rankine as to ongoing discussions but theres been nothing...nada...zip. If Massone/ Rankine are waiting till tomorrow to start to try and negotiate it could be a pretty dangerous thing to do.

Something we all learned a while ago; Never expect anything normal from Massone & crew! The longer & more painful this is the more he will enjoy it. :angry:

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There was an interesting wee rumour doing the rounds that the club Lotto money was "re-directed" in order to pay off a pressing bill, and if someone hits the jackpot (as they surely will), then collecting the winnings might become a bit of a problem. As I say, only one of many rumours flying around, but I've heard the self same thing from three different people. One in particular reckons there's a hell of a lot more that will come out in the wash.

The vehicle by which the Leigh Griffiths money was transferred from Dundee to Livingston (or whoever the final recipient was meant to be) might well be a story that will be worth the telling in the not too distant future. As for half of it going to HMRC.............. Pinch of salt and all that.

I reckon if this whole thing unravels, Bill Leckie might well have an amazing amount of material if he's up for another book on lower league professional football clubs in Scotland.

Massone has set the bar very low indeed with regard to his comment that the council pursuing him for the last £10k payment was "a joke". If the council don't see this through, then for once, Massone might well be right. The council putting football as a "priority" for fear of unpsetting 2% of the population might well come back and haunt them if there's the slightest hint or interpretation that the "priority of football" extends to allowing something as profoundly unsavoury as LFC to carry on with the practices of the past 14 years.

I don't think that all we have seen is all that there is either, I actually dread to even think about it! I don't think I can take the torture for much longer! :(

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I'd expect Wednesday's deadline to pass without much of note being said.

All the council's action is is an irritancy of the current lease, which Massone can contest and spin out for months on end.

I'd look out for a deal being done by the end of the week to ensure their "senior football priority" is met. They don't have the balls to do what they should do- liquidate the club and start again in the EOS under Trust/community ownership, in order to begin building a credible campaign for the re-born AFC Livingston Whatever to take the place of the old club in Div 3 for 2010-11.

E2A- as to the SFL, they probably won't do anything until the following week, once the outcome of WLC vs. Massone is a little clearer. With the club struggling to have a home ground for the start of the season, and with several current and former playing and coaching staff still awaiting settlement of monies owing to them, there is a clear case for the club to be immediately relegated to Div 3 as were the old Gretna last season. In that scenario I suspect Massone and Rankine's carpetbaggers will likely walk away, leaving the way open for a McDougall takeover. Only a real football man like McDougall would take over a third divison club in the current financial climate.

Don't hold your breath for any of that happening though.

Edited by Ivo den Bieman
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I don't think that all we have seen is all that there is either, I actually dread to even think about it! I don't think I can take the torture for much longer! :(

know how you feel P-L-L but keep strong. There's a helluva lot of mess to be sorted yet.

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Something we all learned a while ago; Never expect anything normal from Massone & crew! The longer & more painful this is the more he will enjoy it. :angry:

dont envy you, we had our Anelka mess a few seasons back so share your pain

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I think the thread on Livilions started by RedV shows why Massone and Rankine are so keen on Livingston FC.

Basically, there are a number of property issues at stake that are certainly not for the benefit of Livingston FC. Some interesting documents about how and why West Lothian Council are acting as they are on the thread too. I can't link the actual thread - and there are a number of relevant posts.

Well done to And180Y who originally raised the issue on here and the watcher (username on Livilions)/Penelope Pistop (username on P&B) for some excellent detective work.

If anyone wants to know why Massolini/Wankine and any property developer chancer in Scotland is interested in Livingston FC, have a read of the thread on Livilions started by RedV on the 10th July at 02:17 entitled "Any Comments."

*meanwhile elsewhere on Livilions, the supporters continue to slag each other off and fail to grasp the issues. Sounds like one of the fans who is supposedly on the Board and owns a candle stall in Livingston market has spat out his dummy - while "David Hastie" continues to boast about being in the know and the Drum Beat mafia show that they are indeed a bunch of wee laddies with drums. You really couldn't make it up!

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