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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Yes the man was struggling under a sea of inherited debt and told lies to try to keep things moving along (not saying it was right) but do you honestly think putting out a video of an interview with a creditor and a statement from a quasi director about how he feared for the future of the club helped?

Aye Massone has turned into a bad un but dont dont dont try to elicit sympathy for those who drove him there, for once they get control you will surely be on your way to hell in a hand cart!!

I heard a rumour that the trust were tapping up corporate clients months ago. The behaviour of the trust and the council in all of this is shocking, I read on Livilions that the trust were having meetings with individual councillors weeks ago to garner support. I'd say they were on par with the spivs and speculators who brought down the Bank of Scotland!!

Some of the support allied with the council have engineered the current situation and now that they nearly have what they wanted are unsure of what to do next, £10,000 in the kitty, raffles for teddy bears, FFS!! get a grip.

I was once a a farm roup when standing next to me an old fella bid £500 for a heap of scrap described as a plough, I asked him why he had paid so much for something that was only fit for scrap, he replied "he (the farmer who was having his goods sold off) is one of us, I'm only doing what I can in his hour of need as he would do for me." Livi have never been "one of us"

All I can say about this post is Unbelievable! :o There is only one entity that got Massone where is is and that's the man himself! He has rode roughshod over his staff and his creditors and poured vitriol on anyone who dared to disagree with him. I know folk who work in the club so don't expect me to feel anything but scorn for the man. He is a self important scoundrel who has brought my club to the brink of extinction.

And as I've said before for a Kelty man you hear a helluva lot of rumours about what is going on in Livingston and take an inordinate interest in something that otherwise has naught to do with you. Or has it?

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I assume this is all now Massone's fault, in the same way that it was Keane's fault, and Flynn's fault before?

If you cannot see that the Livingston infrastructure is fundamentally flawed and open to continual abuse by incompetent white knights, then you're beyond all hope of a recovery.

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All I can say about this post is Unbelievable! :o There is only one entity that got Massone where is is and that's the man himself! He has rode roughshod over his staff and his creditors and poured vitriol on anyone who dared to disagree with him. I know folk who work in the club so don't expect me to feel anything but scorn for the man. He is a self important scoundrel who has brought my club to the brink of extinction.

And as I've said before for a Kelty man you hear a helluva lot of rumours about what is going on in Livingston and take an inordinate interest in something that otherwise has naught to do with you. Or has it?

The rumours are easily read on your Livilions forums or started on Livinews and the person who told me about tapping up customers is one connected to one of your sponsors who also sponsors us.

WTF would it have to do with me?

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So, let me get this straight. If the Ferranti-Christ* doesn't sell up by Wednesday afternoon, will I have a free Saturday this weekend, or is it not that simple?

I'd say so yes and even if he does sell I wouldn't necessarily expect us to be playing them as 1) the SFL may eject them from the cup and 2) the discussions may go tits up and them go out of business anyway!

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A bold move by the administrator and one that has surprised me in a way. I thought he would give it a week or two so that some money was coming through the door but he obviously feels time and a few thousand pounds won't be enough on this one.

What this decision clearly shows is that a deal has been done behind the scenes between the council and trust/McDougall.

It all falls on Massone's shoulders now. Accept £25k or leave with nothing..?

I have never believed him when he has said that he has invested £500k in the club. I don't think that is a true statement and I will only believe it to be true if the administrator confirms it to be the case.

I honestly don't know what he will decide to do. Massone is clearly a stubborn man and has a carefree attitude towards rules and deadlines, but should he not adhere to this one, then it is game over.

For the good Livingston fans who have contributed to this thread in the past few weeks/months, I hope he does accept the offer and you get your club back.

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All I can say about this post is Unbelievable! :o There is only one entity that got Massone where is is and that's the man himself! He has rode roughshod over his staff and his creditors and poured vitriol on anyone who dared to disagree with him. I know folk who work in the club so don't expect me to feel anything but scorn for the man. He is a self important scoundrel who has brought my club to the brink of extinction.

And as I've said before for a Kelty man you hear a helluva lot of rumours about what is going on in Livingston and take an inordinate interest in something that otherwise has naught to do with you. Or has it?

How is Massone any different from the self important scoundrels who want to take over the club then? :P

I've heard the same stories about businesses being approached to withhold money until the "Trust" takeover when they will start sponsoring again. Watch how quickly RDF sponsor the shirts again.

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Guest hippyharry

So, if Livvy get punted out, we going to see Airdrie back in the 1st Division? Or would the 1st Div play with 9 teams?

Im not wanting Livvy to go bust. Wouldnt wish that on any team and their supporters, but just wondered what would actually happen in this situation.

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How is Massone any different from the self important scoundrels who want to take over the club then? :P

I've heard the same stories about businesses being approached to withhold money until the "Trust" takeover when they will start sponsoring again. Watch how quickly RDF sponsor the shirts again.

Christ your head must be minced! The sponsors knew the cash was going on Massone's lavish lifestyle (which you could make a fair few scrapbooks on) That's why they backed out. You are just scunnered because you cannot mend any bridges with the trust after all the venom you have posted & now will have far less work to do therefore less dosh made from Livi's story! :rolleyes:

KFTS- cheers for the links, & to answer the question I did.

I really like these bouncies too: :bounce2:bounce2:bounce2:bounce2:bounce2:bounce2

And this to Massone; :ass:ass:ass:ass

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Pompous p***ks! She's only trying to help! Damned if you do on this forum and damned if you don't.

I'd reckon that at least 90% of the condescending know alls who laugh at the Livi fans on here have never gone any more out of their way to something for their clubs other than the normal buying of a season ticket, a strip and a 50/50 draw. The only difference between us and you is that you decided sometime in the past to follow a team that was run by folk who may have known what they were doing. The reasons we support a team are wide and varied. Certainly 13 years ago I didn't sit down and calculate whether or not it would end up with the eejits who got in. But I'm in now and I care about what happens to it and I make no apologies for that! :angry:

You better damn well slot me in to the 10% then. Not that I said a thing against the wee girl or her wee/big brother. As for people on here being pompous p***ks, just be thankful that there's not too many of the posts (or posters) available from Livingston from 2002 or so. Now that was a time when every single Livvy fan fitted very comfortably into that category.

Sure you care. Just a pity of few more of you didn't care so much about the way the club has always been run as you do about wanting it to survive regardless of who gets screwed over............but that is human nature I guess, and Livvy supporters have just had more opportunities than most to air the less palatable sides of human nature in the past few years.

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Christ your head must be minced! The sponsors knew the cash was going on Massone's lavish lifestyle (which you could make a fair few scrapbooks on) That's why they backed out. You are just scunnered because you cannot mend any bridges with the trust after all the venom you have posted & now will have far less work to do therefore less dosh made from Livi's story! :rolleyes:

A sponsor puts money in to advertise his products/services. The fact Livi have a high profile due to almost going into admin would see them get even more coverage. How many times has the frontage of the stadium been on the TV and in the papers the last couple of weeks ? The large RDF sign has been removed from the front so they have missed out on a lot of exposure. I don't think the sponsors bother that much about where the money they pay goes as long as they get value for their money.

I'm not scunnered at all. My work doesn't get any less just because Livi changes hands. They still have games that I may cover and there are plenty of other news stories every day. I've been covering the Livi stuff because it's news. Once that dries up and therefore less money to be made, I'll move onto something else.

Thanks for your concern anyway :P

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A sponsor puts money in to advertise his products/services. The fact Livi have a high profile due to almost going into admin would see them get even more coverage. How many times has the frontage of the stadium been on the TV and in the papers the last couple of weeks ? The large RDF sign has been removed from the front so they have missed out on a lot of exposure. I don't think the sponsors bother that much about where the money they pay goes as long as they get value for their money.

I'm not scunnered at all. My work doesn't get any less just because Livi changes hands. They still have games that I may cover and there are plenty of other news stories every day. I've been covering the Livi stuff because it's news. Once that dries up and therefore less money to be made, I'll move onto something else.

Thanks for your concern anyway :P

The "all publicity is good publicity" line is not true, not many sponsors want to be associated with a tainted brand.

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Here is perhaps the quintessential piece of revisionist horesh1t that tells me that I'm not wrong in believing that the self serving arrogant livvy fan is alive and well and perhaps surviving in bigger numbers than I thought. It is the Save Livvy piece from Facebook. It is bollox from first word to last. Whoever wrote it deserves a slap. Now here is a truly pompous p***k............and also one capable of jaw dropping fabrication.

Who I’d like to thank for Livi plunging into administration:

- Thanks to warped megalomaniac owner with no respect for the club. On the power cut: “It was our decision to show the people what happens if I don't put in my own money.” Most people in their right mind would never choose not to pay my bill as a reminder to my family that they rely on my income.

- Thanks to the decision to sell the First Division player of the year, top goal scorer in our history, future Scotland star and brightest prospect since McFadden for a pittance which did nothing to cut the debts. We could easily have got half a million for Griffiths, but sold ourselves short, while his true value was hidden by the media where he barely got a look-in (hardly likely to highlight a Livi success story I suppose).

- Thanks to the West Lothian glory hunters who were happy to turn up when we were in top half of Premier League, then disown the club and pull back on the Glasgow tops out of the wardrobe as soon as a couple of defeats came along.

- Thanks to the media for disenchanting any remaining good-will towards Livi FC. If the Record decides a club is in a bad way it will chase it all the way down the greasy pole even if it takes the best part of the last year to do so. A great example was this week’s friendly against Plymouth where two prominent TV institutions advertised kick-off at 3PM instead of the correct 7.45PM time (refusing to correct their mistake) resulting in at least halving the paying crowd. (By the way, apologies everyone but we won that game comfortably.) How do you attract supporters when faced with this every day?

Those are just a few of those to thank, but hopefully they are all proud of their contributions to our club. There is a core 1500 support, and if we do see this club collapse the one thing none of the above can take away is our memory of the CIS final win, unbelievable 3rd place in SPL, the best fight back against relegation ever seen in Scotland in 2004/05, romping through the SFL in the late 90s, UEFA Cup run (we beat Vaduz where Falkirk failed), and the fantastic players; Griffiths, McKenzie, Big Marvin, Rubio, O’Brien, Duthie, Young, Alleyne, Rab Douglas and Harvey to name a few.

This is a club that has contributed massively to Scottish football in recent years. The media (mainly Scotland on Sunday / Daily Record) want you to believe this club is asset-less and rotten to the core so they can sell a few extra papers on the back of the club going bust. This should be far from the end for us. This football club is easily financially viable. Long-term investment and effort into the academy has resulted best under 19s side in the SFL over the last 2 years. They are probably already good enough to keep us up in the current division this season – yes you don’t hear about any of that in the press. Take away this platform so cheaply and you could lose at least 1 future Scotland star from the game. We need to encourage investment and turn up in large numbers or Scottish football will be all the poorer for its loss.

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Here is perhaps the quintessential piece of revisionist horesh1t that tells me that I'm not wrong in believing that the self serving arrogant livvy fan is alive and well and perhaps surviving in bigger numbers than I thought. It is the Save Livvy piece from Facebook. It is bollox from first word to last. Whoever wrote it deserves a slap. Now here is a truly pompous p***k............and also one capable of jaw dropping fabrication.

Who I'd like to thank for Livi plunging into administration:

- Thanks to warped megalomaniac owner with no respect for the club. On the power cut: "It was our decision to show the people what happens if I don't put in my own money." Most people in their right mind would never choose not to pay my bill as a reminder to my family that they rely on my income.

- Thanks to the decision to sell the First Division player of the year, top goal scorer in our history, future Scotland star and brightest prospect since McFadden for a pittance which did nothing to cut the debts. We could easily have got half a million for Griffiths, but sold ourselves short, while his true value was hidden by the media where he barely got a look-in (hardly likely to highlight a Livi success story I suppose).

- Thanks to the West Lothian glory hunters who were happy to turn up when we were in top half of Premier League, then disown the club and pull back on the Glasgow tops out of the wardrobe as soon as a couple of defeats came along.

- Thanks to the media for disenchanting any remaining good-will towards Livi FC. If the Record decides a club is in a bad way it will chase it all the way down the greasy pole even if it takes the best part of the last year to do so. A great example was this week's friendly against Plymouth where two prominent TV institutions advertised kick-off at 3PM instead of the correct 7.45PM time (refusing to correct their mistake) resulting in at least halving the paying crowd. (By the way, apologies everyone but we won that game comfortably.) How do you attract supporters when faced with this every day?

Those are just a few of those to thank, but hopefully they are all proud of their contributions to our club. There is a core 1500 support, and if we do see this club collapse the one thing none of the above can take away is our memory of the CIS final win, unbelievable 3rd place in SPL, the best fight back against relegation ever seen in Scotland in 2004/05, romping through the SFL in the late 90s, UEFA Cup run (we beat Vaduz where Falkirk failed), and the fantastic players; Griffiths, McKenzie, Big Marvin, Rubio, O'Brien, Duthie, Young, Alleyne, Rab Douglas and Harvey to name a few.

This is a club that has contributed massively to Scottish football in recent years. The media (mainly Scotland on Sunday / Daily Record) want you to believe this club is asset-less and rotten to the core so they can sell a few extra papers on the back of the club going bust. This should be far from the end for us. This football club is easily financially viable. Long-term investment and effort into the academy has resulted best under 19s side in the SFL over the last 2 years. They are probably already good enough to keep us up in the current division this season – yes you don't hear about any of that in the press. Take away this platform so cheaply and you could lose at least 1 future Scotland star from the game. We need to encourage investment and turn up in large numbers or Scottish football will be all the poorer for its loss.

I need stitches in my side, they have split.

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I need stitches in my side, they have split.

I don't have stitches because I'm actually quite angry reading that self-serving pish. I sincerely hope the moron that wrote that piece does not speak for the majority of Livi fans.

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I don't have stitches because I'm actually quite angry reading that self-serving pish. I sincerely hope the moron that wrote that piece does not speak for the majority of Livi fans.

Reading Livilions it looks like it was Charles Darwin?

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