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Livingston - all the threads merged

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So they aren't deid then?

I haven't read through the thread, just this page. I'm happy for the fans, because It would be horrible to lose a club, but the people in charge need to seriously sort Livi out. Sadly I don't see this happening, and I can envisage us in this situation again sooner rather than later.

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Please dont ever put me into the same category as MCL. I understand it's not a popular decision with you and a few others but I am grateful that my club has had a reprieve. I hope this is the start of a new way of thinking at Livi. Sustainability and input from fans

I wonder how popular another risible CVA will be with your many creditors. I'm taking it there's no prospect whatever of your club undertaking to pay back every penny it owes, and taking the on-pitch consequences as a result?

Actually I've grown to quite like fans like you, phantom-livi-lass and Edinburgh Livi so I guess I'm pleased for you on a personal level.

You must surely see how scandalous, and borderline corrupt, this is though.

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I suspect a lot of fans will be into this away fans boycott idea.

If you are a die-hard fan of your local football club, how the hell can you boycott watching them play???? I have friends who have sneaked into closed door friendly matches, just so they can say that they never miss their team play. :o

I would if I had such a team. :rolleyes:

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Guest el bawbag

think people are hugely jumping the gun here. if we do survive there WILL be penalties against the club. If Rankine and McDougal take over i am sure they will try and pay off the debts, McDougal has always said that he won't promise us glory, trophies and titles but will set us up to live within our means.

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Still not learning.

"Learning" is an alien concept to St Johnstone fans.

Let me make it simple for you:

Dundee - living within our means

St Johnstone - relying on Geoff Brown pouring his money down the drain

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So they aren't deid then?

I haven't read through the thread, just this page. I'm happy for the fans, because It would be horrible to lose a club, but the people in charge need to seriously sort Livi out. Sadly I don't see this happening, and I can envisage us in this situation again sooner rather than later.

But knowing our luck

Nobody would save us :(

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I'm not totally sure exactly what deal has been struck and what rules have been bent to arrive at Livi being saved but it is a great decision for Livi fans but a very dangerous decision for Scottish football. This WILL alienate Livingston FC even more. The mesage being sent out is that it is perfectly okay for a club to run up millions of pounds of unpayable debt because when the time comes to pay the piper they can just say " sorry but we aint got the cash, you'll just have to do the same with us as you have done with Livingston...I am genuinely pleased for the Livi fans but I fear the footballing authourities have opened pandoras box..

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"Learning" is an alien concept to St Johnstone fans.

Let me make it simple for you:

Dundee - living within our means

St Johnstone - relying on Geoff Brown pouring his money down the drain

Have I been taken in by another shite Muggy alias?

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I'm not totally sure exactly what deal has been struck and what rules have been bent to arrive at Livi being saved but it is a great decision for Livi fans but a very dangerous decision for Scottish football. This WILL alienate Livingston FC even more. The mesage being sent out is that it is perfectly okay for a club to run up millions of pounds of unpayable debt because when the time comes to pay the piper they can just say " sorry but we aint got the cash, you'll just have to do the same with us as you have done with Livingston...I am genuinely pleased for the Livi fans but I fear the footballing authourities have opened pandoras box..

It was the correct decision at this time.

Too many teams have went to the wall lately with out any help from some kind of Messiah.

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I'm not totally sure exactly what deal has been struck and what rules have been bent to arrive at Livi being saved but it is a great decision for Livi fans but a very dangerous decision for Scottish football. This WILL alienate Livingston FC even more. The mesage being sent out is that it is perfectly okay for a club to run up millions of pounds of unpayable debt because when the time comes to pay the piper they can just say " sorry but we aint got the cash, you'll just have to do the same with us as you have done with Livingston...I am genuinely pleased for the Livi fans but I fear the footballing authourities have opened pandoras box..

TBH I think it's been opened a fair few times in the past,if this keeps up every club in Scotland will be hated for spending with no intention of paying in full.

Edited by ayrmad
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I don't see how. He hasn't done anything illegal.

If Livingston are to escape with a fifteen point penalty it'll be one of the most incompetent - some would say corrupt - pieces of non-action by the SFL in living memory. Livingston are not going to be very popular after this.

We weren't exactly popular before it though, were we ?

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TBH I think it's been opened a fair few times in the past,if this keeps up every club in Scotland will be hated for spending with no intention of paying in full.

Then if that is true, then every Scottish team need a Wullie Harkness. :D:D:D:o:o:o

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Maybe if the league had bent over backwards to help Airdrie instead of suggesting (wink wink) on the steps of Hampden that we should buy Clydebank then John Hall would have got f all..

Do you have a shred of proof that the SFL did anything of the sort? No, because it is bullshit.

The SFL and SFA actually approached UEFA to see if they had any way of stopping it, and were told thanks to the antiquated rulebook they were working under, the answer was no. The fact the rules were changed afterwards to stop it from happening again shows that they most certainly did not approve, let alone encourage it!

Maybe if Bill Barr wasn't claiming mythical amounts of debt then John Hall would have got f all.

And please note Airdrie went under for an amount far far less than EITHER of the Livingston administrations.

Bill Barr knew chancers when he saw them, and dealt with them accordingly.

The amount a club owes has nothing to do whether it goes under or not - it's what assets they have and the chance of being able to at least service the debt.

Try to understand the mechanics of bankruptcy before spouting off "it's soooo unfair, they owed more than us, waaaaah!" Businesses operate on a different level to "the change in ma pocket, mon." economics.

You're KKK comments show you up to be an absolute retard

Actually, your inability to tell the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE (contraction of YOU ARE) show you up to be an absolute retard :lol:

Still the only "fans" in Scotland who thought dressing as Jew-baiting racists was funny - even Rangers fans would never have gone that far.

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