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Livingston - all the threads merged

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SFL meetings on Monday and Wednesday were mentioned subsequently (and not by Jim Spence). Maybe the decisions taken on Thursday have to be ratified.

Was any decision actually made though. Ok so they decided on a vote to a rule change and as we thought that Livi wouldn't be demoted. Now we're hearing that wasn't decided at all!

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What difference does it make if its Livi or Airdrie in the First Division?

Both are cheats!

Can St Johnstone be included as cheats also ? Bruce Mcd (sainteeeezzzz benefactor)was paying 10p per punnet less than other farmers, ....allegedly :rolleyes: ....scottish football!...rife wi cheats :lol:

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the crowd at coatbridge is reported to have been 602, how many were livi? I thought they were going to infest/invade the place with the result of being saved. seemingly not. <_<

According to a livilions source out of 602 there were "450-500 Livi" :lol:

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From Scotsman last week, I did however misread the part about waving/deducting expenses, but only 108 fans actually paid.

McGruther had appealed to the supporters to turn out yesterday at Palmerston Park for the Alba Cup match against Queen of the South. He had hoped that a good response from the fans would bring in a cash infusion, even after Queens deducted expenses and their 50 per cent share of the 1,558 gate in Dumfries.

At kick-off in the club's first and last competitive match of the season yesterday, precisely 108 people sat in the area of the stadium reserved for the away support. Add a gaggle of directors and hangers-on and chairman Massone, and there were probably 130 fans of Livingston in Palmerston Park – a tenth of what was needed.

I don't care how many Livi fans the Scotsman journalist happened to physically count on seats at 3pm last Saturday, 130 fans paid into the Livingston end.

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All clubs have a 5 year probation period. They don't have a vote until after that probation period is up, and the other clubs vote after the five year period to see if they can become full members or not

Could they not bring this in retrospectively for Livingston? :)

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OK, just back from holiday and find a raft of developments and the thread 100+ pages further on than when I left it. If anyone could give a single-paragraph summary of the situation - cheers...

Working on the basis of what I've read on the BBC website and yesterdays + today's Scotsman:

Changing the rules regarding ownership: I can see what the SFL Management Committee was trying to do here, as it would have solved the problem very easily. Unfortauntely, it also looks very bad in terms of the image being put out. You shouldn't change rules to help clubs that have cheated their way to "success". It simply commits further damage on fair-play clubs.

In principal, I'd be very disturbed at the prospect of the rules being changed to save Livi. But if the rules are outdated, and updating them happens to save Livi from an unjustifiable punishment then it's probably the lesser evil. A 10 point deduction would be a fitting punishment, surely...?

As an aside to this, can anyone confirm why Massone was barred from entering the SFL meeting - there seems to be nothing in the rules preventing a club's official rep being at proceedings...? I don't doubt he is an unpleasant character, but he is still Livingston's official SFL representative.

Demotion to First/Second etc. etc. - we must remember that the situation with Gretna was a bit different... due to the ground issue and the change from Associate to Full membership which was related to it, which occurred while they were in the SPL IRRC. However, leaving that aside, it's a pretty stupid idea that just because you have a precedent, you must stick to it. If you did that, you'd never change anything - ever!! Clubs shouldn't be relegated for administration - and doing so (and lifting up other clubs) a few days before the season starts would be doubly mad...

I'm also astonished at the comments attributed to Kenny Black. In no way whatsover is it set in stone that Airdrie would go up if Livingston go down - they could run with 9, they could promote or save another club, etc. etc. and within the rules there is nothing giving Airdrie open priority.

Most other leagues do not demote clubs for entering the beginning of administration (certainly not in England), so why should people imagine it to be the case in the SFL? Neither do I miss the irony of an Airdrie United official talkibg about unpaid wages, insolvency, and unfair advantage...

So for me the position is: Livingston probably should have gone under entirely, but a solution (if admittedly a distasteful one...) has been found. If they can lodge a bond and run next season it should be seen as a good thing. They should be fined 10 points. They should perhaps also have to be subject of continuing financial scrutiny, perhaps by the SFL Management Committee who could be mandated by the clubs And demoting Livingston for 2009-10 would IMO be outrageous.

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Livingston were kept in the SFL despite being "hopelessly insolvent"

Is this actually true though? The Management Committee simply passed the matter onto an EGM of clubs... That isn't now required, because Massone has gone and the take-over will go through - and the take-over going through means they are not insolvent. That's my intepretation of it...

The Management Committee did not have the power to green-light them before Massone left. It is now not required to get an EGM of clubs to green-light them because Massone has left...? :unsure:

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I'm also astonished at the comments attributed to Kenny Black. In no way whatsover is it set in stone that Airdrie would go up if Livingston go down - they could run with 9, they could promote or save another club, etc. etc. and within the rules there is nothing giving Airdrie open priority.

It was reported in the press last week that if Livi went bust Airdrie would replace them. Also considering Jim Ballantyne's place at the SFL it's fairly obvious he had good reason to assume we would be promoted. I think his comments are spot on. Don't see why you would be astonished.

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It was reported earlier that the bond that Rankine and McDougall have to pay is £700,000. If I was owed money by Livi and I found out that they had that kind of money at their disposal to give as a bond yet I still wasn't getting paid I wouldn't be too pleased. Secondly, was one of the main purposes of the meeting on Thursday not so that Livi could assure the SFL they could fulfil their fixtures ? They clearly couldn't give this assurance otherwise they wouldn't be asking for this money. Or have the SFL realised they have made a balls up after seeing the reaction of fans and clubs and are now trying to enginer it so Livi will be punished without making it obvious they have changed their mind ?

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For the record, we did take at least 400 of the crowd today. I'd be surprised if it wasn't closer to 500.

fair enough. that's approx 270 more than the turnout for your teams ("possibly the last ever") game, last week. optimism rules ok :lol:

Edited by glensburgh
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Read the highlighted section. Last time you were in the SPL, I was at Pittodrie. You had 52 fans there. You kind of shot yourself in the foot by saying I was lying while also saying that there were occasions when you had less than 100 away fans at games. Make your mind up mate. You cannot agree with what i said then claim that I am lying. There have been many occasions when your travelling support has been significantly less than 100. Fact.

In that case you have been misinformed as pointed out by LLD earlier.

Oh well, that makes everything else ok then :rolleyes:

I was replying to someone laughing at the idea of us taking that much to a game. No need to get all sanctimonious on me for replying to an ignorant person.

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