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Livingston - all the threads merged

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I agree with your first point but disagree with your second. Without a points deduction I think you will stay up. I think the bond between your players will be stronger having gone through what they have.

You didn't see the players we have in reserve, playing today :(

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You didn't see the players we have in reserve, playing today :(

Yeah, but I take it you will still be able to bring players in? By all accounts Livi were not too bad last week at Palmerston.

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Yeah, but I take it you will still be able to bring players in? By all accounts Livi were not too bad last week at Palmerston.

Hope so. Bollan needs to, simply, or we are destined to be relegated if we hit a bad spot with injuries. Of course, this will be at the same time as we are trying to decrease the wage budget significantly so we need to get good players to sign cheap. Yeah, easy as pie :ph34r:

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Hope so. Bollan needs to, simply, or we are destined to be relegated if we hit a bad spot with injuries. Of course, this will be at the same time as we are trying to decrease the wage budget significantly so we need to get good players to sign cheap. Yeah, easy as pie :ph34r:

A few loan players on top of what you have will see you through no problem.

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There seems to be a number of threads to this whole debate:

Who's to blame for the mess Livingston are in?

Well it's easy to put all the burden on Massone and whilst I do believe he has some culpability for events dragging on as far as they have he is not the only one to blame. If we are honest much of Livi's problems stem from both the Keane and Flynn regimes. It seems to me that Livi, much like my own Dundee, have been cursed by owners who are nothing more than chancers. West Lothian Council is not blameless either - it really ought to have brought matters to a head far sooner than they did - but ultimately they are not a major reason for the plight Livi find themselves in.

Should Livi be punished?

The simple answer is "yes" - going into administration not once but twice without punishment would send out the wrong kind of message in my opinion. It would give a green light to other clubs in similar financial troubles to do exactly the same as Livi.

What should the punishment be?

Whilst there is an argument for demotion precedent elsewhere (especially in the English Leagues) is for a points deduction. A 15 point penalty (which is what Leeds, who were in a very similar position to Livi, were given) would be an appropriate sanction in my opinion.

In any case what should happen is that the SFL must have far greater clarity in the sanction for clubs going into administration.

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HibeeJibee - it was reported last week that they were hopelessly insolvent. Given that no money (as yet) has been put towards any of the debts (as far as I am aware) and they have yet to have a home fixture I cannot see how that has possibly improved.

As with some of the posts above I am unsure of how they could be seen to post a bond for 18 home fixtures yet cannot pay creditors and have to enter a CVA...although relegation seems still possible I think a points deduction is more likely to be put in place.

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So you're not the 'mystery' striker? :o

Well I have been to the gym everyday (Except Saturday & Sunday) for the last four weeks. I feel I could be a contender again. Chis, if you're reading this 0131 55... :lol:

I will not be hard to deal with.

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:P third lanarks lights - ho bloody ho. think you'll find we've Cardif's old lights now - Its called living within your means. we dont spend money we dont have. been up for donks btw.

as for gretnas stand - :lol::lol::lol:

Hoped you'd walk into that - yes, bought Cardiff's old lights after the Hi-Hi ones fell apart. Something about "failure to do routine maintanence" I seem to remember being the report about why they had to go - par for the course at Cliftonheap really...

It's very easy to be holier than everyone else - as Albion Rovers have done for decades - about living within your means when your credit rating is so shit that banks wouldn't give you loans for major development and investors would sooner go to a Junior or EoS side because the entire sports and business community regards Albion Rovers as a basket case just making up the numbers.

No one will invest in you - ever - because you live in backward Billy-Bobsville where 80% of the locals pretend that they're Irish and that if they don't support one half of Axis of Evil, they will go to Hell when they die.

At least in places like East Kilbride, Cumbernauld - and dare I say it Livingston - a club has a chance - but so long as Albion Rovers remain a Coatbridge club, a pig will break the sound barrier before they can even get so far as being promoted to Division 1, despite being in one of Scotland's most populated towns.

And that is what sticks in your craw about Livingston isn't it? For now, they are hasbeens, whereas Albion Rovers remain never-were-and-never-will-bes ;)

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Tonight's story is a kite flyer. Brown McMaster said on Thursday that they were looking for a bond and things were moving along on that front. Longmuir says that again in tonight's story and the only person saying relegation is possible is an "unnamed source".

There is absolutely no way Airdrie and Cowdenbeath can be promoted. It would be a f*cking joke. Even amateur football teams know who they are playing three days before a game!

And also, if you were Airdrie/Ross County/Livi/Cowdenbeath, you would have had your opposition watched today - or did they cover all bases and send scouts all over the place?!

The SFL had their chance to demote Livi on Thursday but they didn't. That is the end of it as far as I am concerned. The only issue now centres on the deduction of points but I don't think that will even happen as McDougall/Rankine will be putting in a few courtesy calls I reckon.

No matter what the SFL do, it won't be a happy solution for anyone. Had they acted earlier, they would not have been in this position.

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I think you'll find Livingston cornered the market on that front. Remember the RR players and Fernandez and Broto from Airdrie? There is also a big big difference between profit from other's misery, and being the people who actually created the misery and inequality in what is meant to be a competitive sport. Those of you who choose to excuse what Livingston have done for years and years aren't really teaching us things we didn't know about football. It doesn't reflect what great and unconditional supporters you are. It reflects on how unprincipled you are prepared to become if you see personal benefit in such a stance. That's all it really is.

Duncan, you are just a sad, sad, bitter wee man who is only happy when exercising the whole bag of McCain's Oven Readies on your spotty shoulder.

Before Livingston, it was Gretna you managed to get yourself into a permenant studied tizz of self-righteous indignation. After practically ejaculating over their demise, you then found yourself aggrieved over them daring to start again...in your nonsense world the entire surviving Gretna board and all their fans should have been breaking rocks and living off nothing but gruel until every penny of the demised club's debt were paid off (plus interest for their crime of doing well in the first place before it all ended in tears), with Brook Mileston gibbetted outside of Hampden as a warning to all who dared to go against "the natural order of things".

Now, here we go again with Livingston, only this time they remained alive after all, and you've got blue balls over it.

One of the sadder parts of being Scottish is that as a nation it produces people like you and VikingTON whose only true pleasure in life is that of Schadenfreude.

You are more to be pitied than scolded :(

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Duncan, you are just a sad, sad, bitter wee man who is only happy when exercising the whole bag of McCain's Oven Readies on your spotty shoulder.

Before Livingston, it was Gretna you managed to get yourself into a permenant studied tizz of self-righteous indignation. After practically ejaculating over their demise, you then found yourself aggrieved over them daring to start again...in your nonsense world the entire surviving Gretna board and all their fans should have been breaking rocks and living off nothing but gruel until every penny of the demised club's debt were paid off (plus interest for their crime of doing well in the first place before it all ended in tears), with Brook Mileston gibbetted outside of Hampden as a warning to all who dared to go against "the natural order of things".

Now, here we go again with Livingston, only this time they remained alive after all, and you've got blue balls over it.

One of the sadder parts of being Scottish is that as a nation it produces people like you and VikingTON whose only true pleasure in life is that of Schadenfreude.

You are more to be pitied than scolded :(

You certainly are making a play to corner the market in talking horseshit. Fill your boots kid. Schaudenfreude it isn't. I take no pleasure in the misfortune of others. By that definition, you will claim that the Gretna and Livingston scenarios as being "unfortunate". I can only presume your insight into how things work doesn't extend too far.

On a personal level, having been ripped off by Livingston for a significant sum, it's amazing how motivated it can make you in trying to express what justice should look like. I do not expect you to understand or side with me. We all apply our God given gifts and limitations as best we can. Your posting above has amply demonstrated that.

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OK I didn't appreciate that. But I'm still confused as to what's been taken away from Airdrie - as Livi haven't been liquidated, in fact have got new investors and may not be in long-term admin?

I thik you'll find that Kenny Black is a clueless tosspot who would take any chance of First Division football. He can't do it on merit, and when the opportunity to is handed to him on a silver platter, he can't keep a team there. Who better for the tabloids to ask for a quote?

In a nutshell, nothing's been taken away from Airdrie. Black wants something for nothing, since he's used to getting promotion that way, and not by putting a decent team together.

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Hoped you'd walk into that - yes, bought Cardiff's old lights after the Hi-Hi ones fell apart. Something about "failure to do routine maintanence" I seem to remember being the report about why they had to go - par for the course at Cliftonheap really...

It's very easy to be holier than everyone else - as Albion Rovers have done for decades - about living within your means when your credit rating is so shit that banks wouldn't give you loans for major development and investors would sooner go to a Junior or EoS side because the entire sports and business community regards Albion Rovers as a basket case just making up the numbers.

No one will invest in you - ever - because you live in backward Billy-Bobsville where 80% of the locals pretend that they're Irish and that if they don't support one half of Axis of Evil, they will go to Hell when they die.

At least in places like East Kilbride, Cumbernauld - and dare I say it Livingston - a club has a chance - but so long as Albion Rovers remain a Coatbridge club, a pig will break the sound barrier before they can even get so far as being promoted to Division 1, despite being in one of Scotland's most populated towns.

And that is what sticks in your craw about Livingston isn't it? For now, they are hasbeens, whereas Albion Rovers remain never-were-and-never-will-bes ;)

To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, your posting is both original and funny. Unfortunately, the original parts are not funny, and the funny parts are not original.

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