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Livingston - all the threads merged

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That may well be the case but I think its unrealistic in the current climate to expect these things to be forthcoming in the timeframe required,perhaps the Consortium misjudged the time required in the same way some of the posters on here have,after all neither of them are in the top echelons of non-billionaires.

The time available is the time available. Unless the *entire* season should have been put back to allow Livvy's saviours to rustle up a few more coppers.

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It's not irrelevant. If McGruther had said "Yes, I can guarantee we have the financial means to fulfil all 36 fixtures" then the SFL MC would have asked for proof - i.e. show me the money. The way that is done in businessland is a Bond/Bank Guarantee.

There is no way the SFL would simply have accepted McGruther's (or the Consortium's) word. The Bond was critical in all of this, and the Consortium couldn't (or wouldn't) deliver it, despite their earlier reassurances.

You're right, but as soon as McGruther said "no" the bond became irrelevant.

That may well be the case but I think its unrealistic in the current climate to expect these things to be forthcoming in the timeframe required,perhaps the Consortium misjudged the time required in the same way some of the posters on here have,after all neither of them are in the top echelons of non-billionaires.

Theres one answer to that - tough titties! The SFL should be putting the majority first. With the league about to start, a guarantee and/or bond had to be forthcoming before the start of the season, there was no other choice. Its not the SFL's fault that this has all come to a head when it did, I guess its not Livvys either. But, lets not forget, Livy are the guilty party here, they should be the ones jumping through hoops to resolve this situation, not the SFL or the other clubs.

I did.

I even quoted it and wrote out a post about the irony in it but figured I'd just let it go and never posted it. :lol:

Dont let the b*****ds grind you down :lol:

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Did McGruther not state last week that Livi were able to fulfil a Div 1 game but not a Div 3 game?

Perhaps I'm getting muddled up between statements,papers and P&B posts.

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That may well be the case but I think its unrealistic in the current climate to expect these things to be forthcoming in the timeframe required,perhaps the Consortium misjudged the time required.

Quite possibly. I agree that there could have been no worse time to obtain a Bond from a bank, although if Rankine/McDougall really have the cash required to take on Livi's financial predicament, then a 750k bond should have been possible. They are, after all, "respected businessmen with more than 40 years combined experience running football clubs" as one of their friendly journalists said on the radio.

The fact they couldn't suggests their pockets are not as deep as claimed.

The SFL has been accused of dithering on this Livi issue for months. If they had accepted a further delay in posting the Bond, and then Livi went bust mid-season, then the vultures would have been out for David Longmuir and his team.

Decisive action was required and was taken.

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Hope the stadium is OK for you. Btw what would Livi have done last weekend if still in Div 1 :huh: ?

For me? I'm a Dundee fan so i'm sure it'll be fine :lol:

Had they not been demoted i'm sure the stadium would have "somehow" been made ready. We've had that many sob stories/threats/toys out of pram moments from McGruther and the Consortium it's hard to keep track

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Quite possibly. I agree that there could have been no worse time to obtain a Bond from a bank, although if Rankine/McDougall really have the cash required to take on Livi's financial predicament, then a 750k bond should have been possible. They are, after all, "respected businessmen with more than 40 years combined experience running football clubs" as one of their friendly journalists said on the radio.

The fact they couldn't suggests their pockets are not as deep as claimed.

The SFL has been accused of dithering on this Livi issue for months. If they had accepted a further delay in posting the Bond, and then Livi went bust mid-season, then the vultures would have been out for David Longmuir and his team.

Decisive action was required and was taken.

Liked that bit as well.

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Did McGruther not state last week that Livi were able to fulfil a Div 1 game but not a Div 3 game?

Perhaps I'm getting muddled up between statements,papers and P&B posts.

I think he said that they could play Ross County but wouldnt play East Stirling. Subtle difference ;)

Anyway, thats one game. He categorically stated that he couldnt guarantee Livy could fulifill all of next seasons fixtures. Once he said that, what do you think the SFL should have done?

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I'm just glad it's not my club involved or I'd be off my fcuking head,it's addled as it is.even moreso than normal. :rolleyes:

Edited by ayrmad
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I'm quite sure PLL is capable of looking after herself.

Stick to what you're best at, ie attaching pictures to your completely inane posts in a futile attempt at humour, and of course rimming everyone on the Livi Lions forum.

What is this rimming you talk of... This is a word I am unfamiliar with....Obviously you are familiar with it...Is this a Dundee word. I do know of Rimmer from Red Dwarf... Are you also a Rimmer?? I hope you have time to reply to this post but I've heard you are just off to " polish the Lighthouse" after your latest "Dogs Match" with a "Dress-Messer" you "buffty". :whistle


Edited by The ghost of Jim Morton
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I'm just glad it's not my club involved or I'd be off my fcuking head.

I'm sure many of us on here feel exactly the same - 'there but for the grace of God go I'.

It's the one slimmer of hope which Livi have in all this when it comes to Thursday's vote. There will be many SFL clubs scared to reinforce the Gretna precedent, realising that they too may one day (sooner rather than later for some) find themselves in Administration and demoted to the 3rd Division.

Edited by mike rankine
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What is this rimming you talk of... This is a word I am unfamiliar with....Obviously you are familiar with it...Is this a Dundee word. I do know of Rimmer from Red Dwarf... Are you also a Rimmer?? I hope you have time to reply to this post but I've heard you are just off to " polish the Lighthouse" after your latest "Dogs Match" with a "Dress-Messer" you "buffty". :whistle


And that's the edited version?

God help you.

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What is this rimming you talk of... This is a word I am unfamiliar with....Obviously you are familiar with it...Is this a Dundee word. I do know of Rimmer from Red Dwarf... Are you also a Rimmer?? I hope you have time to reply to this post but I've heard you are just off to " polish the Lighthouse" after your latest "Dogs Match" with a "Dress-Messer" you "buffty". :whistle


The gentleman doth protest too much.

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