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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Guest unclebob105

ive been reading the thread and i get that alot of mistakes have been made. Im not trying to stick up for the guy im just trying to get some truth out there about what happened over the last 2 weeks. He said himself he made mistakes and wow some of them were massive BUT there has been some seriously strange things happening and im really confused about alot of them if you can answer these that would be great -

1 ok so the debt in the club, Angelo is taking the previous owner to court over the difference in what debt he was told when he did due diligence and the actual debt which looks much larger.

2 - When he made repayment plans to all the creditors why did the council not accept and force the club into administration

3- Why when he tried to pay the players last week did the clubs administrator not let him even though the administrator said that he wanted to keep the players playing football

4- how come the sfl can make a new rules change for this situation

5 - why have the new owners decided to drop livi into the 3rd divison when they could take a penalty of 15 points ok we might not win the league but we wont be relegated.

If anyone has any helpful answers that would help.



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ive been reading the thread and i get that alot of mistakes have been made. Im not trying to stick up for the guy im just trying to get some truth out there about what happened over the last 2 weeks. He said himself he made mistakes and wow some of them were massive BUT there has been some seriously strange things happening and im really confused about alot of them if you can answer these that would be great -

1 ok so the debt in the club, Angelo is taking the previous owner to court over the difference in what debt he was told when he did due diligence and the actual debt which looks much larger.

2 - When he made repayment plans to all the creditors why did the council not accept and force the club into administration

3- Why when he tried to pay the players last week did the clubs administrator not let him even though the administrator said that he wanted to keep the players playing football

4- how come the sfl can make a new rules change for this situation

5 - why have the new owners decided to drop livi into the 3rd divison when they could take a penalty of 15 points ok we might not win the league but we wont be relegated.

If anyone has any helpful answers that would help.



If those are your questions, Id suggest you need to go re-read the thread ;)

I'll try answering them though

1. Massone didnt do his due diligence properly? Has this not already been to court? Dont know what the outcome was

2. Because they were already behind on the previous repayments. The council made a "final demand" and Massone offered them a fraction of that and tried to negotiate a payment plan (and reduced rent, IIRC) By then, it was too late

3. Because once the administrator was appointed Massone no longer has any involvement in the club. The players arent his to pay anymore! I always suspected he just didnt get that bit :rolleyes:

4. They havent

5. 1) there are no new owners. The club is still being run by the administrator

2) the SFL decided the punishment, not the club. Although, the way theyve been talking, and some of their fans, you'd think it should have been up to them <_<

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Guest unclebob105

hiya Mr X

haha thanks for the answers my replies are

1 hasn't been settled yet.

2 But initially when Angelo arranged a re-payment plan they were happy with it so what changed?

3 Get the administrator bit but surly if the administrator was interested in the club he would have taken the money and given it to the players so they could play. ( i know nothing of Law!!!)

4- wernt they trying to push a new law through last week?

5- So if the club is still being run by the administrators what is Rankins involvement?

Thanks for being patient im new to this madness!



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hiya Mr X

haha thanks for the answers my replies are

1 hasn't been settled yet.

2 But initially when Angelo arranged a re-payment plan they were happy with it so what changed?

3 Get the administrator bit but surly if the administrator was interested in the club he would have taken the money and given it to the players so they could play. ( i know nothing of Law!!!)

4- wernt they trying to push a new law through last week?

5- So if the club is still being run by the administrators what is Rankins involvement?

Thanks for being patient im new to this madness!



Please don't ask questions on that eejits behalf. He screwed around with so many people & I could not even begin to explain how much damage he has done! He makes me sick, if he ever came back to Livi he would be straight back out again! He mucked around with a poor young lads head & caused him endless grief then just shrugged him off without a care, for that alone I would give him one heck of a slap if I ever saw him again! :angry::angry::angry:

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Please don't ask questions on that eejits behalf. He screwed around with so many people & I could not even begin to explain how much damage he has done! He makes me sick, if he ever came back to Livi he would be straight back out again! He mucked around with a poor young lads head & caused him endless grief then just shrugged him off without a care, for that alone I would give him one heck of a slap if I ever saw him again! :angry::angry::angry:

You forgot to mention that the phrase " Complete and utter, often drunk, useless excuse for a businessman and sneaky lying cunt" was invented just for him.

It would be wrong to leave out the juicy stuff...

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One fact that has been released is that when that Italian twat took over, Livi were under £300,000 in debt and when he left they were £1.7 million in debt.. What a guy...

Is that a confirmed fact? The last accounts Flynn put in showed them £1.2million in debt. No way did he pay that off?

Edit; I see even with the extension of time they still haven't submitted the accounts. :rolleyes:

Edited by AND180Y
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You forgot to mention that the phrase " Complete and utter, often drunk, useless excuse for a businessman and sneaky lying cunt" was invented just for him.

It would be wrong to leave out the juicy stuff...

By god I'm raging now!!! I've never in my life hated anyone as much! why won't he just go away???? :angry::angry::angry:

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Please don't ask questions on that eejits behalf. He screwed around with so many people & I could not even begin to explain how much damage he has done! He makes me sick, if he ever came back to Livi he would be straight back out again! He mucked around with a poor young lads head & caused him endless grief then just shrugged him off without a care, for that alone I would give him one heck of a slap if I ever saw him again! :angry::angry::angry:

Was that the lad David Hastie?

I thought the way Massone used him as a mouthpiece/shield from angry fans was frankly terrible.

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Is that a confirmed fact? The last accounts Flynn put in showed them £1.2million in debt. No way did he pay that off?

Edit; I see even with the extension of time they still haven't submitted the accounts. :rolleyes:

This was the figure released by the administrator I believe..

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Sorry for the mad outburst guys, I got so angry! The man is absolutely off his head, have you ever seen the likes of that before??? The lad is David only 18 & had all that grief, as a result failed his exams & lost his place at uni, he is in a right state at the moment. :(

Jesus H!! :(

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Sorry for the mad outburst guys, I got so angry! The man is absolutely off his head, have you ever seen the likes of that before??? The lad is David only 18 & had all that grief, as a result failed his exams & lost his place at uni, he is in a right state at the moment. :(

I remember when he was posting stuff on Massone's behalf. Had a feeling it would end in disaster. His heart was in the right place, but naivety of youth and all that....

Poor kid.

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