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Livingston - all the threads merged

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I see the Livi board are considering the proposal of a name change to West Lothian United to engage the club more in its catchment area . How would the Livi fans feel about the proposal? Would the name change bother you if it helped to attract a few more through the turnstyles?

Haud me back!

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Really couldn't care, it's pretty obvious that the way we are going just now that we aren't sustainable and need to try things out, I would 100% support anything that is going to improve the chances of the club surviving and becoming a sustainable club in the Scottish leagues, any Livi fan that would be against this needs to ask themselves, do u want a football team to support in the Scottish leagues or do u want to see the club fold altogether.

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I don't think that the name of the club is really the issue.

The locals aren't invested in the club because they're invested in other clubs and it's very difficult to persuade them to change. I'm "lucky" that I'm young enough that right as I was beginning to watch and understand football, the club moved to Livingston so they became my team. The problem for the club is that they wanted to attract a group of people who already had somewhere to go, be it one of the Edinburgh clubs or one of the Old Firm. Whilst we've been able to pick up a few people from these clubs for whatever reason and the odd person, like my grampa who took me to the games, who wasn't really that interested in a team in the first place, it's not enough to base the kind of growth that successive boards have wanted on.

We're still only on the first generation of fans. When that first generation start having kids and start taking them to games and get them invested in the club then maybe attendances will increase and the club will become sustainable. The trouble is that the club becomes so toxic and unappealing that those kids decide it's not for them.

Sure try and market the club but it's only going to make a minimal difference. It's more of a waiting game than anything. The trouble is that we're going to lose a waiting game because of how the club has been ran since day 1.

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Oh well, if they change the name then that makes me, as a Linlithgow resident, far more likely to attend instead of going to Falkirk. United - makes it sound like we're all in it together. Yay West Lothian.

f**k off.

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West Lothian United. :lol:

Chronic suggestion. Changing the name isn't going to make a jot of a difference - a better approach to marketing, compared to the non-existent method currently being used, would be better.

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Any links for this?

Clearly a load of complete and absolute shite, just like 95% of this thread. This thread should be left behind for fans of other teams to have a pop at us with all this ridiculous nonsense. Another thread should be opened where Livi fans can talk Livi.

It's in the sun today

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Changing the name isn't going to make a jot of a difference - a better approach to marketing, compared to the non-existent method currently being used, would be better.

This. Livibudgie talks a lot of nonsense on LiviLions but he's spot on that we need to desperately get some creative marketing minds at the club on a commission basis.

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Really hope that Livi For Life or whatever supporters group that has contact with the board do what they can to stop this nonsense. The team isn't supported well enough because they're pretty poor and the majority of people in Livi have already chosen their football team long before Meadowbank moved to the town.

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The Courier had the story again about community ownership, splitting the club into two parts. Also in the Retard:


SDS and the club have been talking for 6 months but the council know nothing about it. Although the "Trust" have commented on the story, I heard they didn't know it was happening despite being part of SDS. The fans didn't know either as the official website hasn't mentioned a word of it.

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