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Livingston - all the threads merged

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5 hours ago, The Wrong Car said:


So in your view any money given to the club by other directors is viewed as the club's money, any money given by Hogarth is ringfenced as Hogarth's? 


4 hours ago, Roger the cabin boy said:

Directors currently residing within the club have no money invested.


Ones in the past had, and couldn't just take what they were owed out though, Nixon and Rankine went to court and were told they'd get paid when Livingston could do so, without it putting the club in a position that was detrimental to its survival. But Hogarth could just take it out because he had access to it, and feck Livi! Yet he's a hero in your eyes.


I think it was you making it about him, and have continued doing so. Can't be arsed checking back, but pretty sure the only time all this shite is discussed, is after you periodically come on here posting about it. Otherwise we're all talking about actual football, and how shite we are.


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33 minutes ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

Ones in the past had, and couldn't just take what they were owed out though, Nixon and Rankine went to court and were told they'd get paid when Livingston could do so, without it putting the club in a position that was detrimental to its survival. But Hogarth could just take it out because he had access to it, and feck Livi! Yet he's a hero in your eyes.

Those loans (nixon’s and rankine’s) were deemed non-repayable on demand by Lord Tyre - look their cases up 

Post October 2013, EMERGENCY LOANS are repayable on demand, as are any loans given in business unless otherwise specified.

The money Hogarth took out, his emergency loans he was entitled to , were *repayable* on demand.


@mozam76 @The Wrong Car

Edited by Roger the cabin boy
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9 minutes ago, Roger the cabin boy said:

Those loans (nixon’s and rankine’s) were deemed non-repayable on demand by Lord Tyre - look their cases up 

Post October 2013, EMERGENCY LOANS are repayable on demand, as are any loans given in business unless otherwise specified.

The money Hogarth took out, his loans he was entitled to , were *repayable* on demand.


@mozam76 @The Wrong Car

Why are you tagging me in this?

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21 minutes ago, Livi said:

I wonder how much Ward and Martindale have invested in Livi ££££'s wise.

They've been desperately trying to attract investment but you and your greedy, parasitic pals keep refusing every offer to sell because you think you can get a bigger pay day in future if you're able to first force Ward and Martindale out.

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1 hour ago, Freedom Farter said:

They've been desperately trying to attract investment but you and your greedy, parasitic pals keep refusing every offer to sell because you think you can get a bigger pay day in future if you're able to first force Ward and Martindale out.

For the record i am stopping nothing. 

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Can an admin create a 'Livi Finances' or 'Livingston; Behind the scenes' (or similar) thread and move all the posts (and posters) around the politics somewhere else?

There are deffo folks with an axe to grind and people with multiple accounts dominating with these topics. I'm sure it's relevant, but it's also killing off any chance of a bit of banter and sucking the energy out of the room. 

Also, has anyone heard of not hanging out dirty laundry in public, seems quite deliberate from some of the comments. 

If we're all Livi fans, the chat should be about what we can do to help the team and Management on and off the field, shouldn't it? 

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No, multiple truths exist at the same time. Possibly all claims and counter claims could be considered legitimate. Livi had a case but it wasn't pulled together comprehensively enough for courts, and conversely, other stakeholders claim there was transparency when others claim not.

You will likely get a completely impartial and unbiased summary of the topic from one of the posters here that are more invested now you've asked ...

As usual its will be the fans and players that suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortunes... just wish the whole of scottish football was more structured and supportive from top to bottom, still a lot of unpleasant 'dog eat dog' mindsets out there..

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Why shouldn't we keep the behind the scenes / financials in the spotlight?  Its a shambles on all fronts past & present.

There are big court cases coming very soon and these cases could have big impact on the club.


Lets not sweep all this under the carpet.

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48 minutes ago, larry the lion said:

Can an admin create a 'Livi Finances' or 'Livingston; Behind the scenes' (or similar) thread and move all the posts (and posters) around the politics somewhere else?

Los Angeles Clippers GIF

go to the very first page of this entire thread from 15 years ago and look what everyone is talking about back then.

Edited by Roger the cabin boy
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The problem is that there are 2 individuals clearly pushing their opinion and agenda which is absolutely fine but the problem is when someone questions it or others simply ignore it they go off on one. 

As I've said before in a post, most Livi fans are well aware that there is some problems off the field however the majority of us don't have all the facts so thus aren't that invested in the debate. When we have all the facts a better debate can be had but until then the ridiculous back and forth or the continuous "oh did you know..." just to stir the pot needs to be stopped or taken elsewhere. 

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1 hour ago, Roger the cabin boy said:

Los Angeles Clippers GIF

go to the very first page of this entire thread from 15 years ago and look what everyone is talking about back then.

Excuse me Gif-meister, I just asked for a different space where its not always the same topic.

Referring to a 15year old post that is now part of a conglomerate of merged threads literally proves nothing, other than you are stuck in a loop

If this is now the 'Livi; Behind the scenes' thread, rename it as such and create a different Livi chat where this topic doesn't dominate, and certain individuals don't keep banging on about it without a single solution being presented.

I'd rather do something than just have a really bad acid trip that goes round and round.

Edited by larry the lion
smelling mispake
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17 minutes ago, Livi La Vida Loca said:

The problem is that there are 2 individuals clearly pushing their opinion and agenda which is absolutely fine but the problem is when someone questions it or others simply ignore it they go off on one. 


So only 2 people are worried about Livi? If thats the case thats a shame. I have no where near the background of Roger and haven't pretended that I have either.


If you are referring to me i am not sure i have gone off on anything.


i'll ask again how much have Ward & Martindale invested in Livi FC? I would genuinely like to know

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11 minutes ago, Livi said:

So only 2 people are worried about Livi? If thats the case thats a shame. I have no where near the background of Roger and haven't pretended that I have either.


If you are referring to me i am not sure i have gone off on anything.


i'll ask again how much have Ward & Martindale invested in Livi FC? I would genuinely like to know

I mean you've just proved my point entirely. 

Just because people don't comment/get involved aggressively doesn't mean they aren't worried. I can't comment on it all because I don't have all the facts that doesn't mean the off field issues aren't troubling. 

Again you are pushing something, in my opinion, with a view to stir the pot. Perhaps nobody answered your question because we don't know. Do you expect everyone to reply individually confirming they don't know? 

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