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Livingston - all the threads merged

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After watching Massone on the BBC I reached the conclusion that he is "Totaly Insane". Talk of the SPL what a joke.

The guy is certifiable - no, seriously - certifiable. Sectioned is what's needed in his case.

Will we ever learn?

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He seems to think that he can somehow trade his way out of trouble before the 18th August and that people should be willing to just hand him large sums of money to allow him to do it!!!

This is the one thing that bothers me about owners of football clubs....and trust me, Massone is not alone in his mindset. They expect all the perks that come from a private business setup and when it all goes t!ts up they expect the customers to throw money at them in order to solve the problems whilst crying that it's not their fault.

There's very few clubs out there that have not done it to some degree or other in the past, and until the fans stand up and take their clubs back from those facilitating the ongoing issues then it will continue to happen in the future.

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On. Another. Planet.


Seeing John Bain pleading with him as he walks in...sums it up.



Listening to that you're doomed. Massone is not for selling up.

That Ginger Livi bint was quite nippy.

Edited by Scary Bear
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So the months of meetings between the "Trust" and WLC to hatch a plan to get rid of Massone haven't quite worked out the way they planned. By trying to get rid of the disease it looks like they've killed the patient. :angry:

You're a fucking idiot.

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On. Another. Planet.


Seeing John Bain pleading with him as he walks in...sums it up.



I like how you use red top clichés. Not 'proper gutted' or sick as a parrot?

Two things. There aren't any Livingston fans there as far as I can see. 100 seems generous.

Secondly, the sports press in this country are an absolute joke. Why are they hounding the guy now? Why are they asking all of these questions at the eleventh hour? If they had half a brain between them they would have seen this guy coming a mile off. But nobody at the club (apathy) or in the press (idiocy) had the foresight to do that.

But again, all of today's nonsense completely misses the point. This guy appears to be completely off his chops, but Livingston are dead and would have been dead even if he had never come along.

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I like how you use red top clichés. Not 'proper gutted' or sick as a parrot?

Two things. There aren't any Livingston fans there as far as I can see. 100 seems generous.

Secondly, the sports press in this country are an absolute joke. Why are they hounding the guy now? Why are they asking all of these questions at the eleventh hour? If they had half a brain between them they would have seen this guy coming a mile off. But nobody at the club (apathy) or in the press (idiocy) had the foresight to do that.

But again, all of today's nonsense completely misses the point. This guy appears to be completely off his chops, but Livingston are dead and would have been dead even if he had never come along.

You clearly haven't read anything or watched anything over the last year. The press have asked many questions about this guy, granted it wasn't until the first shoots of the problem came to light, but they have been there.

You make it sound like they just showed up today like they've only just found out about it. I grant you, not much was known, but the press would have dug it up. Before he took over at Livi, he brokered Shunsuke Nakamura's move to Celtic and that's all I knew about him.

But since it came out that players weren't being paid on time, they have questioned the guy relentlessly and I was due to meet him last week for "The Away End", but he had to go to a meeting with West Lothian Council, so he didn't show for our meeting.

He's lost all reality now and the press were right to hound him, asking why, even now, he refuses to sell his shares.

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did he pay the wages ?, where is Davy Hay, hiding i beat

Livvy could have raised some much needed cash by auctioning off the chance to tell that c**t he was being made redundant. I'd have made a huge bid.

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The club's only chance of survival is for the SFL to allow the league membership to transfer into a new company - Livingston 2009 Limited. That would allow the administrator to transfer the remaining assets into that company for a price and then wind up the original Livingston FC. They would also require to not insist on the football debt getting priority as that would lead the HMRC vetoing the deal.

What that would mean would be

1) Massone would be completely bypassed and become just another creditor

2) The money proposed to be injected to Livi would in effect be the purchase price by the new company for the assets of old Livi and would come to the administrator for distribution to creditors (after paying costs)

3) If the money is £400k, the creditors might get 20p or thereby. That's 20p more than they would get as things stand at present. In particular the football debt would get the same 20p except insofar as it was arrears of wages, in which case unpaid employees including players would get 100p in the £

The downside for the League is that it sets a potentially dangerous precedent but if they retain the ability to deal with every case on its merits, it does not have to be.

I think the chances of anything like the above being agreed are very very slim.

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But again, all of today's nonsense completely misses the point. This guy appears to be completely off his chops, but Livingston are dead and would have been dead even if he had never come along.

I think that's the most significant point. Massone has not helped matters, but he's certainly not the reason for this all of this.

I really hope Livi survive. I can't understand how passionate I am for them to survive, but I am. If I had a good few million pounds, I'd save the club. As it is though, I'm skint.

Save Livi.

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Sorry to all the Livy fans. Not nice to see a club being run down by a muppet like this.

Obviously to a lot of provicial football fans Livy were always a bit of a franchise club. Came into a bit of cash, bought their way through the leagues and despite a good bit of success, never harnassed the hard core support that other problem clubs had (PT, Falkirk, St Mirren, Morton etc).

Ultimately when these clubs had trouble (self inflcited or not), they had a big enough support to keep things ticking over and crucially find a wealthy fan or consortium who was able to buy the club.

Also, I guess the timing of this couldn't have been worse with 18 months of recession I guess the chances of a wealthy fan having shedloads of cash to throw at a 'hobby' is even lower.

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And you don't know what you're talking about :P

Au contraire. I know fine well that rather than criticise the man who has killed off your club, you're aiming shots at other fans who were trying their best to save it, while you yourself have done f**k all.

You seem to be enjoying your club dying. Even though you're just trying to get bites, that's a strange thing to be doing when your team is soon to be extinct.

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The club's only chance of survival is for the SFL to allow the league membership to transfer into a new company - Livingston 2009 Limited. That would allow the administrator to transfer the remaining assets into that company for a price and then wind up the original Livingston FC. They would also require to not insist on the football debt getting priority as that would lead the HMRC vetoing the deal.

What that would mean would be

1) Massone would be completely bypassed and become just another creditor

2) The money proposed to be injected to Livi would in effect be the purchase price by the new company for the assets of old Livi and would come to the administrator for distribution to creditors (after paying costs)

3) If the money is £400k, the creditors might get 20p or thereby. That's 20p more than they would get as things stand at present. In particular the football debt would get the same 20p except insofar as it was arrears of wages, in which case unpaid employees including players would get 100p in the £

The downside for the League is that it sets a potentially dangerous precedent but if they retain the ability to deal with every case on its merits, it does not have to be.

I think the chances of anything like the above being agreed are very very slim.

If that is allowed (and I say this as someone who wants them to survive) it would be an absolute scandal.

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Has McGruther spoken today and outlined just exactly what the situation is now that Massone refused to sell, have liquidation preceedings started yet because that would definitley mean expulsion from the SFL. Or has a new extended deadline been set.

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did he pay the wages ?, where is Davy Hay, hiding i beat

I know through a great source that he hasn't been paid for months as well and he's distanced himself from the whole thing. To say he's hiding is incredibly harsh. Bear in mind, he'll be tarred with this carry on because of his family connection

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Wow. That's an odd type of masochistic psychology. Our chairman is worser than yours? I realise the gravity of the situation, but that's just hyperbole. Massone is not responsible - at least not solely - for the death of Livingston FC. You as a fan should know that.

I've read about Hugh Scott and his dealings and from what I could see he was the worst chairman of a club in the history of Scottish Football, that's my opinion. However, in the end, Mr. Scott finally gave up when he was in a very similar position to Massone. Hence, he is a worse chairman than Scott.

He is the one that should be blamed foremost quite frankly and if you don't realise that then you're a complete tosser. He's run upwards of £1 million in debt in just over a year at the club while enjoying the high-life on the club's expense. He alienated creditors, staff and players by his late or non payments and when he finally had the chance to hand over the reigns and save the club, his ego wouldn't allow it.

At last an end to Franchise Football is in site and the adopted Livvie fans can now go back to their original teams such as Old Firm, Edinburgh two, etc.

Are you seriously saying you'd rather we went back to supporting the Old Firm over our "franchise" club?

What a incredibly moronic man, you are.

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