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Quick Question Thread

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You're not it was a serious question, and thank you for the informative answer. :)

I remember that paper, was piss easy as well, there are so many obvious answers.

Oh and to gingapar I am more fed up if the giant pidgeon selling personalised cards.

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About 10 minutes ago I was just sitting in my chair and moved my foot back a bit and then I heard a cracking noise in my achilles tendon. The cracking noise didn't seem serious but 10 minutes later I still can't put put any pressure on it or move my foot without being in severe pain.

Anyone got any idea's what might have happened and what I should do?

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What does the emoticon ":3" mean?

Oh and ":L"

:3 is a cat face. It's used by girls or gays, and is used when something is cute or something clever has been said.

:L is a laughing face. The L stands for laugh.

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P.S I'm not going to use PnB to discuss every boring detail of my love life don't worry, this is just one perticular thing I can't really talk about to people I actually know.

Glad to hear it. Let us know how you get on with that......and the hardship app....and travel plans......The drawers as well. How you getting on with your ma? What about the gambling.....are you getting enough to eat?

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Amputation is probably the only option.

Unfortunately it was the only option. Hurts like hell but hopefully the doctors will hurry up with that morphine! mad.gif

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I previously whinged on this thread like a whiny little 14 year old bitch about how I fancy my friend, but I've decided to grow some balls and do something about it. Question is, if a girl you're friends goes to a nightclub with her mates, popping in yourself later in the night and spilling the beans to her in an attempt to get in there, romantic or a bit creepy?

P.S I'm not going to use PnB to discuss every boring detail of my love life don't worry, this is just one perticular thing I can't really talk about to people I actually know.

Using the following scale of 1 being 'Very Creepy' and 10 being 'Oh that is so romantic', I would say that the above scenario measures a 3.

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Guest The Phoenix

Erin Go Bragh, stop acting like an eight year old.

Get round to her house and tell her how you feel.

If she shares your passion you've got a result.

If she doesn't at least you'll be able to move forward.

What have you got to lose?

Nothing - if she's a true friend after a short period of embarrassment you can return to being friends. If she laughs in your face, she's not the friend you think she is.

Don't come whining back on here until you've taken action. ;)

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Ta, don't know why I made that last post on here, it's a fucking football messageboard not an agony aunt column.

How embrassing, don't worry I'll not be bothering general nonsense for a while with any posts.

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