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Mate...AH DID IT.

Got into Heathrow and they started to let first class off the plane first. Someone saw I was clearly exasperated and said "Are you in a rush?". They waved me forward and I flew past them. I was now running through Heathrow following the signs. Waited for a while in the que for the border. Started to get a bit worried here, especially when people weren't paying attention to go and hand their passport over. I even barked at some young italian guy to GO and get checked. Next it was off to the baggage reclaim. I ended up at a train line. I had to get a fucking train to get my luggage. Could not believe it. Got my luggage and somehow manage to get a bus 15 minutes earlier than the one I booked. Got to Gatwick, hurried to the check in point (I took you advice to check in online) and sent my luggage on its way. Apparently I still had a good 20 mins to check in too. My ticket also entitled me to the V.I.P lounge. I decided not to go because I was reeking of b.o, had a shitty little beard and was dressed in a full adidas outfit. A genuine bum. I got a seat outside my gate with all the smartly dressed suits returning from a hard days work in London taaaannn.

It feels good to be home. Thanks again for your help.

Fucking brilliant. Great post and well done in making it, even if you were sweating like a pig. Next time you're in London give me a shout and I'll buy you a few beers.

How was Canada?

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Fucking brilliant. Great post and well done in making it, even if you were sweating like a pig. Next time you're in London give me a shout and I'll buy you a few beers.

How was Canada?

Cheers bud. Haha, yeah I'll definitely give you a heads up! Canada was simply incredible. The best summer I've ever had. I'll be back there again one day.

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This is a bit random and specialised but here goes:

Have any Weegieland residents ever been to the Cleave's Cove cave near Dalry at all? Just wondering if it's still a proper wee cave or just some North Ayrshire ned's wee secret drinking den now filled with broken bits of Buckfast bottle.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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I'm not 100% sure here, but can some1 help here. . .

If a smoke bomb is set off during a football match, who is liable the club or the fans in question?

Edited by peeeel
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I'm not 100% sure here, but can some help here. . .


If a smoke bomb is set off during a football match, who is liable the club or the fans in question?

Both, the club gets fined and the fans get banned or something else. I think.

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Both, the club gets fined and the fans get banned or something else. I think.

Both. The fan can be arrested and charged, the club can be fined by the authorities (SPFL)

ETA : Keeper got there first.

Cheers lads, one of the rowdy Arabs bunch have planned to buy smoke bombs for a game in Aberdeen, I have warned them that they face a football banning order and I just wanted to confirm the club will also face action before going loco.

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Cheers lads, one of the rowdy Arabs bunch have planned to buy smoke bombs for a game in Aberdeen, I have warned them that they face a football banning order and I just wanted to confirm the club will also face action before going loco.

Let them off on the train or bus up.

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Am I the only person incapable of covering my pin with one hand and typing it with the other (as the One Show advised me to do)?

I just make an utter horses arse of the thing, meaning that skimmers not only get my PIN, but also a good laugh out of it too.

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If you go to Helsinki go to the sea fort thing.

Tallinn is brilliant, one of the nicest cities I've been in ever, just a really nice old city. Make sure to go to the place that just sells pancakes.

Riga is quality as well, different kind of nice but I thought the old town was quality with great squares to spend all night in. You might as well shoot guns in the nuclear bunker just cause you can.

Eat Hezburger.

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