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What's on today / this weekend that's making all the roads from Dundee to Glasgow unusually busy? RHS at Edinburgh I know, but can't see how that would be the reason.

Glasgow Mothercare having a 75% off day?

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Everyone loves a jobby prank or a footballing jobby story! I can think of at least 3! Though the latter two are football-jobby-revenge stories lol! :) 1 - Playing against Addiewell Amateurs at their park about 5 year ago, they had this huge eared, ugly, muppet who was trying to be the hard man until a pathetic attempt of slide tackle saw him skinned, took him over the touch line, through a pile of dog sh*t that can only have been produced by a Labrador or larger dog. He then got up, shit all over his arm, hand and side of his light blue strip, watched a cross go in, a header put us 3-1 up, then got the worst barrage of laughter & ridiculing from everyone before demanding to be substituted, throwing top away and pissing-off home!! :D Big Ears The Muppet if you ever read this... G.I.R.F.U.Y ya f@nny!!! 2 - Team mate pissed over another team mate in showers after game. The pisser is quite a hairy fella. While the pisser was washing his hair, the pissed-upon proceeded to pick a nasty big winnit out his arse crack, waited til the pisser was walking out the showers then flicked it onto his back lol! 3 - Walking back to changing rooms after a game, hear my name shouted just behind me. So I turned round, heard 'Hows yer touch!!!??' Before taking a ball full in the nuts from about 5 feet away! Queue laughter from all! So into the changing rooms, and into the showers, which were individual cubicles. While behind the door, I squeezed out a decent enough sized jobby for not-really-needing, opened door, shouted 'Hows yet touch!!!??' and threw the turd at the offender, hitting his ponsy pink YSL shirt, leaving a decent brown skid on the shirt and a decent landing mark on his towel!!! Mick B if you read this... G.I.R.F.U.Y mate! ;)

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