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Finally completed Fight Night 3, f**k me that got fucking old fast!

The match to get my reputation up high enough for the Everlast fight was probably the easiest match in the history of the game, knocked him out in the first round. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, after Avatar that was the easiest 1000G ever.

I managed it in one game with ten minute quarters in NBA 2K6.

Had to play four games though, as twice it claimed I changed something... and the first time I only got four achievements, but did everything that was needed in one of the ones that didn't work (I think it was because LIVE logged back in) and then one final game to get the last achievement.

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SaltyTON needs to get a life. :P

I've never bothered about getting 1000G's in a game, but with Colin McRae DiRT 2 I'm at 680G and all the achievements are pretty...eh... achievable, even with an attention span as short as mine. So I'm going for it

Also, does anyone know any websites that tell you what secret achievements are? :unsure:

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SaltyTON needs to get a life. :P

I've never bothered about getting 1000G's in a game, but with Colin McRae DiRT 2 I'm at 680G and all the achievements are pretty...eh... achievable, even with an attention span as short as mine. So I'm going for it

Also, does anyone know any websites that tell you what secret achievements are? :unsure:

http://www.xbox360achievements.org will tell you, just search for the game.

And no, I need to get back to uni (First day is next Tuesday, apart from an hour or so on Thursday)! There is nothing fun about playing games on the computer half the day.

PS Standfree...

Disney games, not that I've played one, are reasonably long and usually better made than most.

Also, if you consider doing ANYTHING on a games console an 'achievement' then you're the saddest one here!

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Where on earth did I suggest that doing ANYTHING on a games console was an achievement? That's why I asked how you can consider getting 1000 points on Avatar an "achievement" :huh:

I play mine with my friends and when I am in the house doing nothing. I'm not sitting with two controllers desperately trying to get achievement points on a kids game :1eye

I play mine either with my mate or when I'm doing nothing, but if I am done playing a game and there's one thing left that requires two people but nobody is around to do it, then I'll turn on the other controller to get it. It's just a laugh. I couldn't care less who has how ever many points, I'm just seeing how many it was possible to get whilst I was off over the summer.

And no getting 1k on Avatar isn't an achievement, but I wanted to see if it was as easy as people made out and it was an easy £5 profit when I sold it. :)

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Completed Open Season, that wasn't very hard at all, but the snow level was a b*****d as I kept getting 495/500 and couldn't see what I had missed!

Fun wee game though with 25 levels (varying in difficulty from the what the f**k am I missing snow level, to the first level which was literally a case of turn round and walk over towards the big fucking bear...), although if you're a kid they probably expect you to be afraid of the hunters and sneak up on them and scare them... I just ran at them and picked them up and through them over cliffs. Try and shoot me you b*****ds, eh?

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Completed Football Genius (XBLA), quite fun football version of Scene It on the Arcade, but if you know anything about football it's way too easy!

Passed a couple of hours though, I guess.

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  • 1 month later...
Stop playing shite games and get yer erse on MW2. :lol:

3v3 is the best Arcade game released. Far more fun than playing games where you spend the entire time hiding in the corner, as if you go on a mad killing spree you die pretty quickly. :rolleyes:

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3v3 is the best Arcade game released. Far more fun than playing games where you spend the entire time hiding in the corner, as if you go on a mad killing spree you die pretty quickly. :rolleyes:

My and Steveh's 25 kill rampages last night disagree with that. :P I wasn't camping, either.

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Completed Lego Indiana Jones 2, okay no child in the world could manage to get more than about 100G on that!

There is A LOT in this game to do, 96 levels and quite a few of the puzzles were pretty tricky.

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