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SAAS got my award right first time this year. I was stunned.

Also, check the back of the award. £900 sounds like they might have given youthe minimum until they verfiy income. That or you're parents are quite well off and they expect them to make a contribution.

I kind of don't like how they do that. It means that effectively students from well off families have to remain dependents.

Bursary wise I got 1.3 in my first year and this went to 1.8 in my second - no idea why really as my circumstances had not changed beyond a sibling leaving higher education (maybe it had something to do with it?). Not that I really cared of course. Then in third year they sent me a letter saying they got the last year wrong and it dropped to like £500 or something - and they asked me for more documentation that was provided and everything was sorted. They said they wouldn't need anything more from me as I was entering my final year. Now they have still got it wrong and I get nothing? It stinks, I'm going to point out how I budgeted on 1.8 per year and how them making a mistake has caused me to get in debt and has caused mental anxiety and stress.

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So how many places have you went in and asked about getting some work?

Countless places, although it's a little different for me to others due to having children. Fact is, I've got friends that have come from far flung places in Scotland to study in Glasgow, who have struggled to find part time employment. It's not easy to fine work these days, part time or otherwise.

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Have moved out this year into my own flat and SAAS offered me £940 loan, which I assume is the minimum loan? I phoned them and they told me I need to provide a p60U for my parents. Does this form include all benefits, like disability benefits for example? I have no idea when I will get this information. So stressed.

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Getting a part-time job in a city with a high student population is fucking hard, especially if you've come straight from school with no retail experience. I'm working as a volunteer while I keep looking for a paid job which means I'm pretty much dependent on my parents for rent and living costs while they have their own bills to pay and help my other sibling. I don't think my parent's situation should affect my entitlement to a bursary, but then again I might just be a bit bitter.

Turn up at the students union, tell them you'll work whenever on the bar. If you're at Uni in Dundee, certainly, I absolutely guarantee they will not turn you away. Bar work is just about everywhere, and its the ideal student job, frankly.

Have moved out this year into my own flat and SAAS offered me £940 loan, which I assume is the minimum loan? I phoned them and they told me I need to provide a p60U for my parents. Does this form include all benefits, like disability benefits for example? I have no idea when I will get this information. So stressed.

Your parents should have it kicking about, if not, you (more likely them) will have to give the tax office a call looking for a copy. AFAIK, P60 should have everything for SAAS to process it, but make sure they're aware of any Disability Benefits or that before they process it. I realise they're a pain in the arse, but keep at them and make sure they've got all the info possible. Send it all recorded as well, if you can.

Edited by thisGRAEME
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Turn up at the students union, tell them you'll work whenever on the bar. If you're at Uni in Dundee, certainly, I absolutely guarantee they will not turn you away. Bar work is just about everywhere, and its the ideal student job, frankly.

At the QMU, I believe they had something like 20 times more applicants than positions the first time I applied.

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Checked my SAAS status today and I'm just past the 7 day mark and still not had my award letter, then looked through my application and I've forgotten to send my dad's P60 and I've said that I'm going to apply for SAAS for the first time even though I've said I'm going into 2nd year. Facepalm.

Never had to contact SAAS before, what's the easiest way of going about it? Email or telephone? Travelling through to the offices in Edinburgh isn't really an option unfortunately.

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I genuinely pity anyone that has to contact SAAS via the phone, especially so close to startibg uni. The worst I've had was well over two hours. I generally found the best time to call was a Monday morning, as soon as they open. You'll still have to wait it out but it shouldn't be too bad.

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At the QMU, I believe they had something like 20 times more applicants than positions the first time I applied.

Must be a real pain in the arse when the only pub in Glasgow hasn't got any jobs. :(

You're in for a shite day Gypsie. Just count yourself lucky you don't deal with Student Finance England, who are inexplicably worse.

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Easy way to contact SAAS laugh.gif

I'm calling them, but I don't advise you do that till Friday.

I genuinely pity anyone that has to contact SAAS via the phone, especially so close to startibg uni. The worst I've had was well over two hours. I generally found the best time to call was a Monday morning, as soon as they open. You'll still have to wait it out but it shouldn't be too bad.

Cheers boys, phone it is. Heard nightmare stories from my pals waiting forever on the phone and always promised myself I wouldn't get in this situation but there's nothing I can do now. I'll wait for my post to arrive and if it hasn't come then I'll phone up straight away.

Wish me luck. :(

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Thank f**k. Yeah, it seems maths in third year (of Civil) is just differentiation and integration.

No matrices biggrin.gif

We used matrices in for analysing beams, trusses and frames with the stiffness method. Its pretty simple stuff but it gets really, really tedious.

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Must be a real pain in the arse when the only pub in Glasgow hasn't got any jobs. :(

You're in for a shite day Gypsie. Just count yourself lucky you don't deal with Student Finance England, who are inexplicably worse.

Because for some reason that place attracts so many more applications than anywhere else in Glasgow. rolleyes.gif

It's not just bar jobs, it's every part time job - as soon as it's advertised you'll be competing with a ridiculous number of people. When I applied to Crepe a Croissant I saw the number of CV's they had in a big plastic wallet. It was easily over a hundred.

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Considering my options for Uni and was wondering if anyone on here is doing Criminology? If so, what qualifications to you need and is there certain Highers that they look for?

I am pal. I've got an HNC in police studies, which I needed a B in for Napier, but got an A. I'm sure Abertay would have let me in with a C, however.

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