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2 cartons for £1.50 in Sainsbury's. Lasts me a week so it's all good. I did go to Tesco Express today to get a FourFourTwo and saw people were panic buying. It's in the middle of fucking Glasgow. If you live within walking distance of it then you aren't going to get stuck. They had run out of toilet roll, which shows these panic buyers had some sense. You wouldn't want to panic buy and forgot that.

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I was in Asda Cumbernauld yesterday and the shelves were well stocked and not very busy,I have 2 loaves of bread in my freezer and will sell you one for £100 if you are thaat desperate tongue.gif


Funny you should say that- I found out last night that Ali from the Ethnic Minority shop on High Station road has doubled the price of his loaves.

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You can freeze milk and it tastes fine.

I'm not convinced. Did we not have this argument on here before. I thought it would go sour before it fully thawed.

Anyway, I bought ten loafs and 20 jugs of milk and I'm fermenting them in to crude alcohol, just to keep the spirit of things going.

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Back in my school days we would get a daily bottle of milk - this would be delivered by the milkman and left on the school steps and during the winter it would freeze.

Once it had returned to liquid state we would be made to drink it and it is the most disgusting taste I have ever encountered - frozen and then thawed milk.

Anyone who freezes milk is a weirdo!

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