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I had my first shave for over three weeks, by far the longest that I had no shaved in my adult life.

The bearded look might suit some folk but I'm not one of them. I looked pretty scruffy tbh.

In later years I may become a tramp and the look would suit me well.

It seems to work for me quite well. Handful of change whenever I have an alfresco lunch :thumsup2

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It's 3am and as I sit bolt awake in bed with a healthy dose of the fear (got pished in the afternoon and fell asleep about 8 - woke up at 1.30 and can't get back to sleep now), being cheered up by the thought of a sign that used to be at the roundabout in the industrial estate in Cambuslang. It said 'WASPS - £25' and had a mobile number on it. Not 'wasp removal' or 'wasps destroyed', just 'WASPS - £25.' Was always tempted to phone the number to see if it was actually to buy some wasps. Wee guy turns up with a fucking angry sounding brown paper bag in his hand, chucks it in your hall and runs away.

£25 is my going rate, but you could probably haggle me down at a pinch.

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Isn't she that woman that was in the running for the Puskas award for best goal? Stephanie Roche?

Good shout. The boys from La Liga were looking on jealously IMO, as they weren't nominated, and don't look as good in a dress. Sair yin.

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At my work mate.

That's fucking crap mate - Made all the calls to cancel your cards?

What's the story? How do you know it's definitely been stolen as opposed to dropped or misplaced?

Yeh definitely stolen.....was in my desk at work (locked!).....cards all cancelled but need to replace my drivers licence, work accreditation cards, Hearts season ticket!

I can handle that as they can be replaced, its the picture of my ex gf's girls and me and holiday that can't be.

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Yeh definitely stolen.....was in my desk at work (locked!).....cards all cancelled but need to replace my drivers licence, work accreditation cards, Hearts season ticket!

Every cloud, etc.

I can handle that as they can be replaced, its the picture of my ex gf's girls and me and holiday that can't be.

You got them scanned anywhere?

Note: no pictures of Pedobear, folks; it's not appreciated.

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Someone at work?? I thought you were gonna say you'd been pick-pocketed on the train or something! That's fucking scummy mate :(

Dunno where you work but no CCTV or ways of narrowing down the suspects?

Yeh I was down on site for a meeting......I've got my suspicions but can't prove anything. Temporary site cabins hence no cctv.

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Yeh I was down on site for a meeting......I've got my suspicions but can't prove anything. Temporary site cabins hence no cctv.

That's pure písh man, I hope they catch the culprit and that ISIS have their way with them or something like that.

In other news I bought a new coat today to replace my previous one that was nice but was bad at not being stolen. Some cahnt took it from the cloakroom at a club I was at with a pretty girl. I was more annoyed that the coat had my sunglasses for driving and my gloves in it, but it's not like they'll be too hard to replace.

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Unfortunately no mate.

Maybe worth sending an mass email out for the culprit to leave the pictures somewhere they'll be easily found? No idea if these things ever work, but worth a shot. And you'll get MAAAD sympathy from the hot MILFs in the office.

Might want to ask them only to leave the ones of the ex and weans, however :shutup

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Tonight, the wean was wearing headphones on his computer for the first time, and it was hilarious watching him struggle to realise that he didn't need to shout for me to hear him :lol:

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