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Some people say different things about it, a guy on my course said much similar but I actually don't know. When I get the money paid in I was concerned and wanted clarification it wasn't like I just thought f**k it I'm gonna spend all this. Don't see why I should go out my way though and want to see what else wil come of it don't think I'm doing anything wrong on a moral basis

I guess it all comes down to how you feel. If I wanted to pay the money back, I would just be an utter knob to the bank and let them take it back but insist on not doing any paperwork whatsoever. I wasn't your f**k up after all.

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All my friends, mum and girlfriend are working. It's not easy. I just want someone to cuddle me and to listen to David Attenborough with me

Absolutely nothing as reassuring and comforting as the voice of Sir David when you're on a comedown/hangover.

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f**k the bank throbs, keep it and plead ignorance/stupidity if they catch up with you.

That's the plan, I think I had a missed call from them on Friday I'm just going to ignore them and see where it goes

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If they phone and demand you pay it back threaten to cancel, threaten report them to the ombudsman and raise a complaint.

It's amazing how quickly they'll leave you alone when they think they'll lose business.

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Well I don't think the money should have been allowed there in the first place, shouldn't there be a name of the account holder that has to match for this to go ahead? I was transferring serious money from an isa and got a digit wrong and the transaction didn't go through and I was informed about this. T just happen all the time of all you need is a number

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Some people say different things about it, a guy on my course said much similar but I actually don't know. When I get the money paid in I was concerned and wanted clarification it wasn't like I just thought f**k it I'm gonna spend all this. Don't see why I should go out my way though and want to see what else wil come of it don't think I'm doing anything wrong on a moral basis

When I was a student, the bank very kindly paid me £500 of someone else's money.

When they realised thier mistake, they told me I had to pay it back but the terms were up to me. I paid it back at a fiver a week over the next two years.

I doubt the situation will have changed - you will have to pay it back, but they can't force you to do it in a one-er.

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When I was a student, the bank very kindly paid me £500 of someone else's money.

When they realised thier mistake, they told me I had to pay it back but the terms were up to me. I paid it back at a fiver a week over the next two years.

I doubt the situation will have changed - you will have to pay it back, but they can't force you to do it in a one-er.

Yeah I don't really care that much about the 100 quid I don't always know how much i have in my account so it's not a big deal to me. I just 1: didn't do anything to get this money in my account 2: didn't appreciate the way I was spoke to on the phone as if i was an arsehole for not being able to pay it back then and there and it wasn't my money to spend and 3: I quite enjoy being awkward and don't see why I should go out of my way for this as it wasn't my fault.

Next time they phone I will be alright about it, j just want to see how far it will go and see what 100 sheets means to the bank and the individual who paid it into my account

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Use the £100 to buy some new plates Octagon boy.

I hate those plates as much as anyone but apparently they have sentimental value to my mother in law. When I get my student loan money in I might put my foot down

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I have just about recovered from my stag in Hamburg this weekend. Had a brilliant time, great place for a guys weekend. Went to the famous fish market on Sunday morning at 5am and spent a few hours there, was the best thing I've done in a long time, it is a fantastic venue and really fascinating just seeing how big it is. If anyone goes to Hamburg I would definitely recommend. The city is very St.Pauli oriented. Hardly saw any HSV stuff but the every bar and every street has tonnes of St.Pauli gear.

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I had £100 paid accidentally into my account in April and phoned bank up to see if they could shed any light on it at the time and they only told me what I already knew . Last month the bank phoned me asking about it saying that someone had followed it up and wanted the money back. I asked why it was put into my account in first place if the name of account holder wasn't right but they said it was only the number and sort code that was needed to go through. The woman on the phone was quite rude at the time, I was well in my over draft and at that time couldn't afford to pay the 100 back as o had paid off a few big things and also hadn't been paid yet from work and the woman had the nerve to tell me 'it wasn't my money to spend in the first place" As if I shouldn't be that far in my overdraft and not spent the 100 quid . Eventually on the phone I agreed that they could take it back when I got paid. They didn't tell me at the time that I needed to sign something to confirm the money could be taken out and I got a letter in mail that they wanted me to fill out and sign and then post it back to them! I thought f**k them I'm not going out my way to be £100 lighter coz some arsehole put on the wrong account details so just forgot about it and I'm pretty sure it went in the bin. This was all 6 weeks ago and I have figured out they have gone off the scent, I think who ever put the money in my account doesn't miss it that much as I would have heard closer to the time it happened. When/if it gets back to me I will just plead ignorance and see what happens and what length I will get hounded for £100

1) if they hound you, you already sent it back, have they not received it?

2) complain that this mistake is now inconveniencing you.

3) ask if they have reported this data protection breach.

4) ask for assurances it will never happen again

5) ask for them to detail the new steps they are putting in place as you are concerned their poor data management might affect you in future

In short be as awkward as you can be. Lots of key questions you can ask regarding their procedures and how shaken your confidence is with this. Play it right you might get compensation out of it.

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I have just about recovered from my stag in Hamburg this weekend. Had a brilliant time, great place for a guys weekend. Went to the famous fish market on Sunday morning at 5am and spent a few hours there, was the best thing I've done in a long time, it is a fantastic venue and really fascinating just seeing how big it is...

I sincerely hope this was purely because you were pissed and chinged out your nut and on the way home from the strippers?

Otherwise you need to find new mates...

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