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Guest The Phoenix

I did the wardrobe one. Took the wrong clothes to cash for clothes during our recent house move. I got about £15.00 for a selection of her best clothes.

Decent profit there.


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You've probably seen these already, and I don't seem to be able to embed videos, but I think these are brilliant.

From the Jimmy Fallon show, US newsreader, Brian Williams 'raps':

Rappers' Delight; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YCeIgt7hMs

Straight Outta Compton: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g87Xyt2agWQ

Baby Got Back: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wpd2VaFt5iY

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Driving to work today, I was passing through Milton just outside Dumbarton. Standing on the pavement just outside the Arnold Clark garage, was a middle aged couple who looked as though they hailed from Japan or somewhere in that vicinity. They had that obvious "tourist" look about them.

It got me wondering. What hellish turn of events lead them to be on holiday and end up in Milton?

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Driving to work today, I was passing through Milton just outside Dumbarton. Standing on the pavement just outside the Arnold Clark garage, was a middle aged couple who looked as though they hailed from Japan or somewhere in that vicinity. They had that obvious "tourist" look about them.

It got me wondering. What hellish turn of events lead them to be on holiday and end up in Milton?

Could be worse........they could be LIVING in Milton.

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After years of hearing Phil Goodlad's voice on the radio, I finally saw him on the telly yesterday - not at all what I was expecting.

He was in my year at University, a great guy.

Also, please can people be referred to my previous posts in this topic.

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He was in my year at University, a great guy.

Also, please can people be referred to my previous posts in this topic.

What in God's name could you have done that's giving you proper fear nearly a week after you first posted about it?

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