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Not sure how I feel, to be honest, it was quite mental.

Woke my wife up when I came home to tell her, hoping that by sharing it it wouldn't seem quite as real, if that make sense? I don't even know that he's dead, the woman on the bus was absolutely battering his chest before the ambulance came, and they basically grabbed him away with one of those transferable trolleys.

I was at The Arches last month and my mate took far too much and had a seizure right in-front of me. Had to go to A&E and was there for a few days. Couldn't really sleep for about a week, couldn't get it out of my head and had really bad anxiety attacks because of it. It's a really horrible think to see someone come so close to death. Hope the guys okay.

A few years ago I heard someone get knocked down on their bike. I never saw the collision but I saw the body roll about 20 times on the ground. Horrifying, and I was on the other side of a large fence, so there was absolutely nothing I could do. There were other people there on the other side so could call an ambulance etc. but unfortunately the guy died a few days later.

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A guy died in front of me at the Caley v Kilmarnock game a few years ago. Collapsed and had a heart attach, had to be taken away by ambulence. Awful.

Your attempts at spelling are far more distressing than that situation tbh

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I pulled a girl from Prestonpans about ten years ago, she was absolutely rancid. I also got an doing just outside the Prestonpans social club after a Stenny game once. Neither were related, but I'm not a massive fan of the place, for obvious reasons.

Was at a stag party in Prestonpans once. The groom fired blanks from an ak47 at the stripper. It was an interesting night to say the least.

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Was at a stag party in Prestonpans once. The groom fired blanks from an ak47 at the stripper. It was an interesting night to say the least.

Obvious euphemism about the groom failing to copulate with stripper is obvious Edited by Swarley
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Does anyone think that people can hear their thoughts? I don't mean that people can actually hear what you are thinking but that they can interpret your body language and understand what you are thinking even if you don't realise it or can't see them doing it.

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Does anyone think that people can hear their thoughts? I don't mean that people can actually hear what you are thinking but that they can interpret your body language and understand what you are thinking even if you don't realise it or can't see them doing it.

I can tell when someone has shat themselves.

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I was at the circus this afternoon. Thought one of the acts was introduced as "Jamie Duffy and his Ballymena horses".

Slightly disappointed when a troupe of Palomino horses trotted out.

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Dog walking this morning. Found this football pitch on the outskirts of Paisley (by accident, I should add). Weirdest football pitch I've ever seen. 4 goals, an electricity structure a few metres behind one goal. A river running adjacent to the near side & a huge swing park on the far side beyond the trees.


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Does anyone think that people can hear their thoughts? I don't mean that people can actually hear what you are thinking but that they can interpret your body language and understand what you are thinking even if you don't realise it or can't see them doing it.

Anthony Fremont thread for this pish.

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Does anyone think that people can hear their thoughts? I don't mean that people can actually hear what you are thinking but that they can interpret your body language and understand what you are thinking even if you don't realise it or can't see them doing it.

Is this why you're a bad person? If so it's the shittest reason ever.

FWIW, I think I'm pretty adept at analysing what people are thinking based on their demeanour.

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