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I'm currently on the phone to BT to switch my broadband to them as Sky are c***s and I get free BT Sport this way.

Boy I'm talking to (Dundee Utd fan, sound c**t) has been trying to get through to a different department to get confirmation on something for the last 22 minutes. In that time I've finished a wash, got my work clothes in the tumble dryer, put the youngest to bed and started making my dinner.

Reckon I'll be taking this boy to bed tonight.


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Primark breastfeeding assault woman summoned to court for "intent to pervert the course of public justice".


The Facebook mummy brigade will be livid to see they're banned from discussing the case online.

Excellent, get her jailed
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Primark security guard 'removes baby from woman's breast'

Claims a Primark security guard removed a woman's baby while she was breastfeeding and ordered her to leave the store are being investigated by police.

Caroline Starmer said on Facebook the security guard at the Leicester store told her if she wanted her daughter "I was to come and get her".


Thon burd has now been charged by the peelers for making shite up: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/primark-breastfeeding-row-mum-charged-6151479?fb_ref=Default#ICID=

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