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When sober I cant remember the last time I fell asleep at night and slept all the way through without waking up every hour on the hour and tossing and turning like hell throughout the night. Only time I sleep right through is when im steaming. I'm talking about 2 years or so and its really starting to wear me the f**k down.

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11, you've obviously got lots on your mind, you need to try some empty head, it's the only way. I don't give a f**k about anything much. The world still goes on pal. Try a drop of baileys in yer drinking chocolate at night, just a wee splash.

Dr Grimbo

Edited by Grim O'Grady
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I had a phase of waking up in middle of night wide awake, half excited and half anxious and prob stayed awake for 2-3 hours a night. Would constantly be tired at work and counter balanced this with red bull and then beer and wine after my dinner and so the process went on. Sleep like a baby nowadays but will probably go through a phase like that again

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That's shit 11 th hour maybe go and get some sleeping pills.

I had thought about trying some of those but didnt want to end up relying on them or struggling to get up in the morning :lol:

11, you've obviously got lots on your mind, you need to try some empty head, it's the only way. I don't give a f**k about anything much. The world still goes on pal. Try a drop of baileys in yer drinking chocolate at night, just a wee splash.

Dr Grimbo

Aye might try something like that soon.

I had a phase of waking up in middle of night wide awake, half excited and half anxious and prob stayed awake for 2-3 hours a night. Would constantly be tired at work and counter balanced this with red bull and then beer and wine after my dinner and so the process went on. Sleep like a baby nowadays but will probably go through a phase like that again

I was telling my mum about it and apparently it must be a family thing as she has said that my brother is terrible for tossing and turning in his sleep and so was she. She has MS so she has sleeping tablets now which allow her to get a decent sleep but she said we're not all great sleepers. I guess it doesnt matter much as the missus is due to drop daughter number 2 in the next few weeks so i'll have a few years of sleepless nights regardless! :lol:

It could be that or a combination of things, I just wish I could get over for at least a few consecutive hours!

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Boys on here telling you to get on the prescription meds or bevvy. :lol:

Try a good exercise routine with weights/cardio, follow a good diet and practise mindfulness/meditation. If 3 consistent months of that doesn't help (and I'd be surprised if it didn't) then go to a GP.

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Were any of the PHREE BUNTEES dark chocolate ones?

How I react to this story hinges on your answer.

Dark chocolate is the only way to go on this topic, oh f**k I meant subject about chocolate bars not the chocolate bar? Ffs that's no any clearer is it?


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Were any of the PHREE BUNTEES dark chocolate ones?

How I react to this story hinges on your answer.

Unfortunately not, I shall complain to the powers that be if you wish

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