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you know you'll end up being sick on your shoes

Alas I was not. That would have been better than the atmosphere I encountered for the two pints I stayed for. Tone deaf people singing karaoke, flat beer, and 90% of the patrons with an IQ under 90. A truly grim place.

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Alas I was not. That would have been better than the atmosphere I encountered for the two pints I stayed for. Tone deaf people singing karaoke, flat beer, and 90% of the patrons with an IQ under 90. A truly grim place.

Didn't know you were out in Falkirk!

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Didn't know you were out in Falkirk!

That would have been a step up. Honestly. They don't have draught (or should it be draft, it's a bit of a grey area) soft drinks, if you order a Vodka and Coke you get a nip of vodka and some coke poured out of a 2L bottle, bought from the local corner shop, that could have been there for god knows how long.

Edited by mid-table
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Alas I was not. That would have been better than the atmosphere I encountered for the two pints I stayed for. Tone deaf people singing karaoke, flat beer, and 90% of the patrons with an IQ under 90. A truly grim place.

but better than watching the tv, so best of two evils -still nearly a RTBC.

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Alas I was not. That would have been better than the atmosphere I encountered for the two pints I stayed for. Tone deaf people singing karaoke, flat beer, and 90% of the patrons with an IQ under 90. A truly grim place.

Not the best for sure, but still miles better than the telly tonight. I took the boy to the local fireworks, came home, had a can of beer and read instead. Happy days!

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Fiest ever sickie from work. No sickness feeling but I'm getting these massive stomach pains for fifteen/twenty minutes at a time. I've taken a few paracetemol and beecham's but it's like pishing into the wind.


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First day of Work Experiance over. Was OK, nothing too exciting. The place is tiny; only 43 pupils in it. Spent the morning in the Nursery making Rockets out of tin foil and kitchen paper tubes 8). Spent the rest of the day with the P1s.

"Miss, Matthew said a bad word!"

"Did you Matthew :o?"

"No miss, I didn't"


"What did he say?"


*starts crying*.

I also had to teach them how to spell some words:






Thank Christ it's only P1s I'm teaching!

The teacher is hot aswell 8)

I did my work experience at a primary school. Infact, it was the one I used to go to. I was lumped with a P1/2 class, but I was literally left in charge of the P1s whilst the teacher dealt with the P2s :lol:

I almost took my finger off with a Stanley-Knife whilst helping them made paper mache pigs - "Ah you bas...bad, bad stanley knife". I covered my self well there.

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First day of Work Experiance over. Was OK, nothing too exciting. The place is tiny; only 43 pupils in it. Spent the morning in the Nursery making Rockets out of tin foil and kitchen paper tubes 8). Spent the rest of the day with the P1s.

"Miss, Matthew said a bad word!"

"Did you Matthew :o?"

"No miss, I didn't"


"What did he say?"


*starts crying*.

I also had to teach them how to spell some words:






Thank Christ it's only P1s I'm teaching!

The teacher is hot aswell 8)

Were you dressed as a woman?

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Guest The Phoenix

First day of Work Experiance over.

I also had to teach them how to spell some words:






Thank Christ it's only P1s I'm teaching!


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First day of Work Experiance over. Was OK, nothing too exciting. The place is tiny; only 43 pupils in it. Spent the morning in the Nursery making Rockets out of tin foil and kitchen paper tubes cool.gif. Spent the rest of the day with the P1s.

"Miss, Matthew said a bad word!"

"Did you Matthew ohmy.gif?"

"No miss, I didn't"


"What did he say?"


*starts crying*.

I also had to teach them how to spell some words:






Thank Christ it's only P1s I'm teaching!

The teacher is hot aswell cool.gif

Fek i was doing that in 5th year.

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