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You're missing the point, sir.

It's decidedly ironic you should say that, since you've completely missed the point I was making.

You called him a hypocrite, despite you single-handedly taking that very concept to whole new levels.

Edited by The Master
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You're missing the point, sir. I've never referred to (nor ever would) any of my partners as a "slag". The hypocracy occured when this was done by a poster with all the sexual moral of a seasoned up hyena.

Jesus Christ. Maybe I should have put a :lol: after it to make it obvious to loons like you that it was said in a joking manner. I took the mickey out of her for being a wee dirty and we both had a right good laugh about it. Maybe it's just in relationships where one party isn't a mentally unstable alcoholic that you can poke fun at each other without fear of violent recriminations.

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That's the trouble with t'internet. You can't always judge a person's tone by the manner in which they post. The use of a normally offensive and derogatory term can be amusing in the right company.

It's just that I would never use such a description to a female, even to her face.

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That's the trouble with t'internet. You can't always judge a person's tone by the manner in which they post. The use of a normally offensive and derogatory term can be amusing in the right company.

It's just that I would never use such a description to a female, even to her face.

Well whoop de do. Theres a multitude of far creepier seedier things you would do instead though eh?

I find it laughable you are attempting to take moral high ground here.

Me and my gf regularly take the mickey out of each other and call each other horrible names, I'd imagine most close couples do the same.

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Well whoop de do. Theres a multitude of far creepier seedier things you would do instead though eh?

I find it laughable you are attempting to take moral high ground here.

Me and my gf regularly take the mickey out of each other and call each other horrible names, I'd imagine most close couples do the same.

Correct. There is a certain extent to how far it goes, but calling each other names is just a humerous and meaningless bit of banter. No ones to be with someone who can't have a laugh.

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Kilt, do the Internet a favour and sell your PC.

I appeared to have missed the bit where you were made supreme overlord of P&B and got to dictate as to who should and shouldn't post here.

Nah, adultery works much better, aye unsure.gif

So you have dragged up some gossip that happened over five years ago to score a cheap point, regardless of the effects your comment may have today on the parties then involved, Karen. I hope you consider stooping to such a viscious and mean spirited level was worth the effort.

It's past history as far as I'm concerned but I'll let others judge how dignified and appropriate your conduct there has been.

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So you have dragged up some gossip that happened over five years ago to score a cheap point, regardless of the effects your comment may have today on the parties then involved, Karen. I hope you consider stooping to such a viscious and mean spirited level was worth the effort.

It's past history as far as I'm concerned but I'll let others judge how dignified and appropriate your conduct there has been.

Ooohh I wasn't here 5 years ago but that sounds juicy.

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I appeared to have missed the bit where you were made supreme overlord of P&B and got to dictate as to who should and shouldn't post here.

So you have dragged up some gossip that happened over five years ago to score a cheap point, regardless of the effects your comment may have today on the parties then involved, Karen. I hope you consider stooping to such a viscious and mean spirited level was worth the effort.

It's past history as far as I'm concerned but I'll let others judge how dignified and appropriate your conduct there has been.

It's alright though, you don't give a tinkers cuss.

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It's alright though, you don't give a tinkers cuss.

No, I don't. What part of "Over five years ago" and "It's past history as far as I'm concerned" did you not understand.

My concern is for the other people involved who may, by Karen's needless and thoughtless raising of the matter.

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No, I don't. What part of "Over five years ago" and "It's past history as far as I'm concerned" did you not understand.

My concern is for the other people involved who may, by Karen's needless and thoughtless raising of the matter.

Where does it look like I didn't understand it, you fucking tool? :lol:

Let's be honest, your only concern is, and always has been, yourself. So stop trying to take the moral high ground.

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