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Guest The Phoenix

That's some effort! My dad has been working in the same place for nearly 43 years, he retires on Monday. Think he's counting the minutes.

He's been there for 43 years and you're not sure what he does?

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2 episodes to watch before I finish breaking bad and I don't want to watch them because I know as soon as the last one finishes I won't know what to do with my life.

Is it that good then? Watched the first and thought it was ok, but never made a point of seeing the rest, so didn't. What would you compare it to

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Is it that good then? Watched the first and thought it was ok, but never made a point of seeing the rest, so didn't. What would you compare it to

I watched up to halfway through the third series and lost interest. I thought it was alright but didn't see what all the fuss was about. Folk kept promising me it would get better as it went on. It didn't.

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Is it that good then? Watched the first and thought it was ok, but never made a point of seeing the rest, so didn't. What would you compare it to

I enjoyed it. Has it's flaws and dragged at times but it was very decent.
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I haven't had a drink in an entire month.

I've been put on antibiotics for my excema so won't be drinking for the next wee while. I might just keep it going to see if I can not drink for a whole year or something like that.

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