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Not really they complained and were told to suck it basically, so why would they feel sympathy today?

2010 Stage 2

Cancellara was the main instigator in the stage being neutralised behind Chavanel. Had the Schlecks not been in a chasing group then it wouldn`t have happened. Don`t believe for one minute about the protest at conditions. Cancellara & co immediatley jumped on the front after the Wiggins crash today. Yes Leopard is a different team, but it`s mostly the same riders as Saxo last year.

Anyway nice words from Cav for Wiggins after the finish.

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Couple of cav tweets:-

I crossed the line 1st, but I was absolutely nothing today without 8 of the most amazing guys I'd ever wish to be associated with. So proud.

Really hope @bradwiggins is ok. Devastated for him. I guarantee he would've silenced some people this year. Top bloke.

He spoils it though..

1 point today I got bad stomach cramp & farted unintentionally. Really thought I'd..ahem..followed through. So sorry to Liquigas guy behind.


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Gutted for Wiggins, I was really looking forward to seeing how he tackled the mountains after everyone has been ranting and raving about his form. Never nice to see someone crash out of a race.

Is it just me, but was that not bad form in not letting those held up by the crash catch back up to the pack?

I feel sorry for Thomas too. He could have been granted leadership of Sky and just went out and had a go. Now he's lost hiswhite jersey and has went from 6 seconds down to over 3 minutes down. Obviously not a great climber, but with the team leader out, Sky would have nothing to loose.

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Anyone criticising the peloton for not waiting for Wiggins is laughable. This race was no holds barred from day 1 when Contador got caught up in an accident and the other teams rode on. Wiggins got the advantage from that crash but unfortunately he had a more serious crash today. I was looking forward to him blowing up in the mountains too.

Cancellara was able to neutralise a race due to weather conditions and his stature within the peleton, Sky have no one who commands that sort of respect. Same goes for this years Saxo bank squad who couldn't slow the peloton for Contador.

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Gutted for Wiggins, I was really looking forward to seeing how he tackled the mountains after everyone has been ranting and raving about his form. Never nice to see someone crash out of a race.

Is it just me, but was that not bad form in not letting those held up by the crash catch back up to the pack?

I feel sorry for Thomas too. He could have been granted leadership of Sky and just went out and had a go. Now he's lost hiswhite jersey and has went from 6 seconds down to over 3 minutes down. Obviously not a great climber, but with the team leader out, Sky would have nothing to loose.

Normally I would've said fairs fair if you're caught out behind a crash, but not after last year, see previous post. Wiggins must be in a hell of a shape if he had the entire team wait on him. Poor tactics from Sky really, just throwing away the white jersey.

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Anyone criticising the peloton for not waiting for Wiggins is laughable. This race was no holds barred from day 1 when Contador got caught up in an accident and the other teams rode on. Wiggins got the advantage from that crash but unfortunately he had a more serious crash today. I was looking forward to him blowing up in the mountains too.

Cancellara was able to neutralise a race due to weather conditions and his stature within the peleton, Sky have no one who commands that sort of respect. Same goes for this years Saxo bank squad who couldn't slow the peloton for Contador.

Poor weather conditions pish. Somehow Cancellera and the Schlecks hold sway within the peleton. They were straight to the front today after the crash. Had Schlecks been caught behind we would never here the end of it had say BMC hammered on the front. I'm getting a little sick of this goody goody attitude they portray.

Edited by Desert Nomad
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Anyone criticising the peloton for not waiting for Wiggins is laughable. This race was no holds barred from day 1 when Contador got caught up in an accident and the other teams rode on. Wiggins got the advantage from that crash but unfortunately he had a more serious crash today. I was looking forward to him blowing up in the mountains too.

Cancellara was able to neutralise a race due to weather conditions and his stature within the peleton, Sky have no one who commands that sort of respect. Same goes for this years Saxo bank squad who couldn't slow the peloton for Contador.

Just because Wiggins got an advantage when Contador got held up doesn't make it right.

But when I said they should have allowed the chasing pack to catch up I'm talking about once Wiggins retired, surely the GC contenders were told over radio. I'm talking about Krueziger, Leipheimer etc. I mean over 80 guys got held up.

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Leopard Trek hammering on at the front after the crash, exactly the same guys who were whining about teams going to do it to them last year when A. Schleck was caught behind a crash & managed to get Cancellara to neutralise the stage, poor form.

See, that's the kind of thing you don't get reminded of when you watch the highlights on ITV4 with Liggett and Sherwin. They really are shit at their job and if it wasn't for Boardman's run in ananlysis it wouldn't be worth watching at all.

Roll on a next Friday when I can watch all day evertday until the end, with people who know what they are talking about on Eurosport.

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Just because Wiggins got an advantage when Contador got held up doesn't make it right.

But when I said they should have allowed the chasing pack to catch up I'm talking about once Wiggins retired, surely the GC contenders were told over radio. I'm talking about Krueziger, Leipheimer etc. I mean over 80 guys got held up.

Over 100 riders were held up in the first day and I didn't see Sky, Radio Shack, BMC etc holding back. The GC guys could have waited but HTC, Rabobank and Lampre wouldn't let them with so much to gain. At the end of the race Cavendish didn't know Wiggins was out, the HTC director was pushing for the win no matter what. The tone was set on day one, the race isn't waiting for anyone this year.

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Whilst I am a newcomer to watching the tour, I can't help but agree with the coverage on eurosport. its been brilliant.

Oh, quick question. What is the average mileage they do each day?

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Over 100 riders were held up in the first day and I didn't see Sky, Radio Shack, BMC etc holding back. The GC guys could have waited but HTC, Rabobank and Lampre wouldn't let them with so much to gain. At the end of the race Cavendish didn't know Wiggins was out, the HTC director was pushing for the win no matter what. The tone was set on day one, the race isn't waiting for anyone this year.

That sums it up for me. The race isn't waiting for anyone. There are a huge number of c***s in cycling these days. Too often it's about who can gain the biggest unfair advantage rather than who's the best.

And I think the average stage is about 110 miles.

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I'd just like to add, was it fuck Leopard Trek, they went on the front for about ten-fifteen minutes or something then HTC absolutely fucking hammered it and rode the last 30k in about ten minutes! Because they knew their man was going to win if they did that, if someone wants to suggest that the peloton don't attack then I'd would think they'd agree, I can only assume no one suggested it, because, and lets be honest, there were no real contenders in the pack that fell, Wiggins was already out and he was the only one in with a chance. Thomas will bomb in the mountains, Leipheimer is always bummed up but isn't up to scratch, Ryder Hesjedal may, may(!) have been in with a long shout for the GC, but really it's between the Schlecks, (maybe) Evans, Kloden, possibly Millar and Contador. I'd suggest that the only main contender that lost out today was Vino, but did he not have about half his team with him?

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I'd just like to add, was it f**k Leopard Trek, they went on the front for about ten-fifteen minutes or something then HTC absolutely fucking hammered it and rode the last 30k in about ten minutes! Because they knew their man was going to win if they did that, if someone wants to suggest that the peloton don't attack then I'd would think they'd agree, I can only assume no one suggested it, because, and lets be honest, there were no real contenders in the pack that fell, Wiggins was already out and he was the only one in with a chance. Thomas will bomb in the mountains, Leipheimer is always bummed up but isn't up to scratch, Ryder Hesjedal may, may(!) have been in with a long shout for the GC, but really it's between the Schlecks, (maybe) Evans, Kloden, possibly Millar and Contador. I'd suggest that the only main contender that lost out today was Vino, but did he not have about half his team with him?

The only reason Leopard briefly tok to the front was to keep their men out of trouble.

But as I said earlier, was Kreuziger not stuck in the group that fell? Surely he's a top 10 guy?

Oh and at that stage apparently nobody knew Wiggins was out until the finish if Cavs interview is anything to go by.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Leopard knew fine Wiggins was down & hit the front to put time into him, alas it made no difference. HTC hit the front after that as they normally would looking for the stage win for a hugely motivated Cavendish. Cav may not have heard about Wiggins, but I'm sure his DS did & chose not to tell him. As Brightside says it actually made little difference, as with Wiggins out there was nobody of much real danger to the Schlecks caught behind.

Tough couple of stages over the weekend. Evans to hit yellow for a few days, breakaway stage winners.

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Hushovd roars on, great stuff from the big man. No real indicator on how the favourites are shaping up, Evans jumped in sight of the line, but far too late to even get yellow. Contador and Schleck watching each other like hawks, really hoping someone else can stick it to the pair of them.

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Well done Hushovd for sticking with the main contenders and staying in yellow. What happened to Vinokourov in the last stretch? He must completely collapsed as he looked like getting the win and yellow with 1km to go.

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