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50 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

This fucking infuriates me.

Any time there is any criticism of a public figure, the morons are out with the "Be Kind, remember what happened to poor Caroline Flack", while conveniently not remembering that she nonced a member of One Direction and battered her boyfriend with a lamp

I'm right there with you on that front.

Thought it was monumentally significant that Schofield either 1. Is so narcissistic that he doesn't even recognise abusive behaviours in other individuals 2. Absolutely does and does not care, hence citing Flack, or 3. Genuinely thinks there is no element to the Flack story beyond the tragic suicide of a persecuted individual.

Regardless of the reality, if it's any sort of combination of those, it paints a really unsavoury picture of PS himself. Armchair psychiatry here, but I suspect he would absolutely meet the criterion for a diagnosis of both NPD and Psycopathy, based on both the behaviour throughout the years-long saga, and the histrionics after being unmasked.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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11 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

This fucking infuriates me.

Any time there is any criticism of a public figure, the morons are out with the "Be Kind, remember what happened to poor Caroline Flack", while conveniently not remembering that she nonced a member of One Direction and battered her boyfriend with a lamp

I’m not sure if that’s worthy of a death sentence, mind you…

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53 minutes ago, The Other Foot said:

I’m not sure if that’s worthy of a death sentence, mind you…

But the frustrating thing is that after she died the “be kind” movement came about as if it was some motto Caroline lived her life by when she was quite clearly a controlling, violent and poisonous crackpot. The narrative was basically that she was trying to get on with her life and was hounded by the public and the media until she couldn’t go on any long which was nonsense.

Because of Schofield then using her as an example to get himself off the hook a bit people are now saying the Edwards is playing the same card as as Schofield to try and get a sympathy vote when at this point the only things we know he did that were wrong were chat to younger adults on a dating app. The only person he had wronged is his wife.

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Caroline Flack didn’t nonce anyone. She also didn’t batter her boyfriend with a lamp, the Met police leaked photos of her bedsheets soaked with blood after she self harmed and the Sun published them as if the blood was from her boyfriend.

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1 minute ago, ICTChris said:

Talking of major dangers, Winnipeg based P&Bers watch out for this guy.


I can't quite put my finger on what the solution could be to the danger posed by releasing a violent sexual predator from prison.

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30 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Talking of major dangers, Winnipeg based P&Bers watch out for this guy.


Releasing someone considered high risk of re-offending seems sensible right enough.

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Not every terrible person is also a massive pervert and a controlling abuser, but those allegations just seem to fit entirely with Dan Wooton. 

An absolutely awful man. 

Edited by Michael W
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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

Caroline Flack didn’t nonce anyone. She also didn’t batter her boyfriend with a lamp, the Met police leaked photos of her bedsheets soaked with blood after she self harmed and the Sun published them as if the blood was from her boyfriend.

I've heard the gossip about the real nature of Flack's interactions with Styles, so I can give her a pass on that, but I'd like to know what makes you so certain she didn't attack Burton?

He, himself, called the police to report that he'd been attacked, he had a significant head wound, Flack admitted unprompted to the police that she had hit him with the lamp, and the inquest concluded that Flack attacked Burton while he was asleep because she was convinced he was being unfaithful. I have heard that Burton later claimed that most of the blood was Flack's own, but people familiar with them as a couple dismissed that as Burton simply trying to shield Flack from the fallout and convince the police they had gotten the wrong end of the stick. The same people also said that this wasn't an isolated incident, and that Burton had spoken several times about how Flack was habitually violent towards him. IIRC there was a story about him throwing himself out of a first floor window just to get away from her because he was so frightened for his own safety.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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16 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

I've heard the gossip about the real nature of Flack's interactions with Styles, so I can give her a pass on that, but I'd like to know what makes you so certain she didn't attack Burton?

He, himself, called the police to report that he'd been attacked, he had a significant head wound, Flack admitted unprompted to the police that she had hit him with the lamp, and the inquest concluded that Flack attacked Burton while he was asleep because she was convinced he was being unfaithful. I have heard that Burton later claimed that most of the blood was Flack's own, but people familiar with them as a couple dismissed that as Burton simply trying to shield Flack from the fallout and convince the police they had gotten the wrong end of the stick. The same people also said that this wasn't an isolated incident, and that Burton had spoken several times about how Flack was habitually violent towards him. IIRC there was a story about him throwing himself out of a first floor window just to get away from her because he was so frightened for his own safety.

Nobody's perfect!

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2 hours ago, Have some faith in Magic said:

In many of these types of videos the filmer is worse than the filmee. 

I would put my money on him being a cat pervert. 

In many cases that is true but I don't think the nutters should get a pass just coz the guy recording is a loser, having said that if they ain't shouting "WORLDSTAR!!!" over and over I don't rate them anyway. 

Edited by RuMoore
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