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It'd be interesting to hear how others approach Twitter and how other people's styles influence how likely you are to unfollow them etc.  My general philosophy is tweet things that are intriguing, debate-provoking or newsworthy (at least to some people).  I try and keep personal life tweets to a minimum.  There's a few people I follow (and many I've unfollowed) though who seem to talk about nothing but themselves with mundane garbage like what they had for dinner.  No thanks.

I don't really use my personal account anymore but use the one I set up for the supporters team all the time. It's been brilliant for sponsorship for the team as it's impossible to find a local company to get involved and we've never had any joy getting stuff like old strips or that from Alloa.
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Mike Parry, Alan Brazil, Adrian Durham, Joey Barton and Darren Gough, its like the Talk sport execs said ‘lets get the biggest c***s in sport in one station’ and then doing it.

I quite like talk sport however since they employed that despicable cretin Joey Barton I turn it off as I get stand him, mike parry isn't much better and all he does is shout folk down as he doesn't ever has any credible arguments. How they get away with some of the stuff they say/tweet is unreal. If I tweeted half of it I wouldn't have a job in the morning!
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47 minutes ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:

When he got out the jail he looked just like his Mrs with a beard! 

Sadly these cretins never seem to get the leathering that they deserve. 


Edit. This was my 3000th post. Not exactly groundbreaking stuff. :lol:

Edited by supermik
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11 minutes ago, Rugster said:

All Katie Hopkins' tweets have been deleted and she's left Mail Online. Hopefully she's dead.

What the f**k, man? That's a terrible thing to say. 


It'd be better if she's very ill and in a lot of pain. 

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14 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Stop caring about Katie Hopkins.

^^^This. Regardless of what newspaper or columnist you read learn to separate heresay from speculation from facts and  start to form your own opinions from there.

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I quite like talk sport however since they employed that despicable cretin Joey Barton I turn it off as I get stand him, mike parry isn't much better and all he does is shout folk down as he doesn't ever has any credible arguments. How they get away with some of the stuff they say/tweet is unreal. If I tweeted half of it I wouldn't have a job in the morning!

I like talk sport as well but its gone down hill with the likes of Barton, Jim White and Tony Cascarino. The two mikes seem to be on a lot more often and can’t listen to them for more than 5 minutes, they are like an old married couple. There are a lot of shit presenters on it but there are also some very decent ones.

Was a shame Colin Murray left as his show was good. They need to get Danny Kelly on more think he is a superb broadcaster and his trans European express show on a Sunday is excellent. Also decent show with Ian danter, Dean Ashton and Dean Saunders they are actually quite decent as well

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