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Internet Problems


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Recently my internet has started to load a free porn site every time I load it up and then the entire internet system crashes.

I think it has a bug.

Anyone help?


just the usual advice Rowan, download adaware and spybot, run one then the otherand keep your fingers crossed

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Recently my internet has started to load a free porn site every time I load it up and then the entire internet system crashes.

I think it has a bug.

Anyone help?


Run AdAware, Spybot, virus scanners etc etc...

And stop visiting pron sites :o:P

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Tell your husband to stop downloading porn - he should not need to, really.


Marriage guidance councellors on line 24 hours!

With spybot, you can delete anything that comes up.

With Ad-aware, register on lavasoft.com users forum and one of their nice boffins will guide you through the process if you want.

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I ran a sptware programme which found 149 infections. I deleted them all and I am still having problems.

I can't get into any site where I need to register i.e hotmail, b&q and mfi shopping baskets.

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