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Iam the table?

Oh dear.


We are all the table.

What an absolute pile of fucking shite. I was depressed when I heard about the plans, but I had expected there would at least be a song in there somewhere. But no...what the actual f**k is that? Spend the best part of 5 years finally managing to claw back some kind of stature and respect with Death Magnetic and burying the ghost of St Anger...and then coming out with something that sounds like one of the St Anger out-takes on Some Kind Of Monster.

Fucking embarrassing.

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I still play '...And Justice For All' sometimes, but apart from that I rarely listen to them anymore.

You heard any of the remixed/remastered version of AJFA on youtube? Some guy managed to isolate the Newstead bass tracks (pretty much silent on the original release) and then bring them up in line with the guitars and drums. Sounds completely different hearing the songs with a fat low end in them. I quite like it.

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You're not wrong! I wasn't a huge fan of Crack The Skye but this new album is amazing!!!! Back to their best.

Indeed. Favourites have to be 'Curl Of The Burl' (of course), 'The Thickening', 'Black Tongue' and 'The Sparrow'. So far. I've only given it a few plays and liking it more every time I hear them.

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I've heard some of them, aye. I know I'm in the minority on this, but I quite like the original production on AJFA. The guitars are dry, and the drums 'pop' somewhat and of course, the bass is practically inaudible. Despite this, it works for me, and gives the guitars a different kind of 'crunch'. Of course, the songs are brilliant, which will mask some of the production worries. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the steaming pile of fail that is St Anger.

AJFA is the greatest album ever released imo. It's extraordinary.

Mastadon's new effort seems very promising after the first couple of listens

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I've heard some of them, aye. I know I'm in the minority on this, but I quite like the original production on AJFA. The guitars are dry, and the drums 'pop' somewhat and of course, the bass is practically inaudible. Despite this, it works for me, and gives the guitars a different kind of 'crunch'. Of course, the songs are brilliant, which will mask some of the production worries. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the steaming pile of fail that is St Anger.

Im in the middle of a wee project purely for my own amusement, where im re-writing the St Anger album.

Now don't get me wrong, I think in it's released state its fucking awful, and after the first few listens when I bought it I didn't listen to it again for about 5 years. But then I put on the DVD that came with it, of the band playing the whole album in the rehearsal room, and for some reason it felt sliiiightly more listenable.

Well...that's actually a lie, I still can't listen to it. But it did start me thinking that somewhere in amongst all the jumbled shite there is something. I genuinely believe that if you took each individual 7-8-9 minute track, cut out all the nonsense and shite and re-arrange it into shorter, more direct songs with a more traditional structure you'd have an album that might actually be pretty decent! Almost every song has a belter of a riff in it somewhere that's been swamped in 6 minutes of shite.

So that's my wee project, taking one song at a time and re-writing it, re-arranging it, then grabbing my guitars and some drumsticks and going into the studio to record "St Anger (the listenable version)".

Incidentally I just listened to Loutallica again and it feels like i've been fucked in the ear. Their facebook page currently looks like the Motherwell forums after a home game. 5692 different ways of saying "a pile of bollocks" in any language you can choose.

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I see Mark Hunter (Chimaira) has taken to twitter about the reality of life in a band.

It doesn't read well! Unless you're of Metallica/Maiden size, then it's going to be a major struggle to make ends meet - he talks of Chimaira finishing their European tour in 2009 in $10K debt!

Metal Sucks story

On a more positive note, new Machine Head record is out - it's totally different to what I was expecting, but seems pretty awesome so far. Think it will be one of those records that gets better with every listen - go give it a listen if you haven't already!

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Im in the middle of a wee project purely for my own amusement, where im re-writing the St Anger album.

Now don't get me wrong, I think in it's released state its fucking awful, and after the first few listens when I bought it I didn't listen to it again for about 5 years. But then I put on the DVD that came with it, of the band playing the whole album in the rehearsal room, and for some reason it felt sliiiightly more listenable.

Well...that's actually a lie, I still can't listen to it. But it did start me thinking that somewhere in amongst all the jumbled shite there is something. I genuinely believe that if you took each individual 7-8-9 minute track, cut out all the nonsense and shite and re-arrange it into shorter, more direct songs with a more traditional structure you'd have an album that might actually be pretty decent! Almost every song has a belter of a riff in it somewhere that's been swamped in 6 minutes of shite.

So that's my wee project, taking one song at a time and re-writing it, re-arranging it, then grabbing my guitars and some drumsticks and going into the studio to record "St Anger (the listenable version)".

Incidentally I just listened to Loutallica again and it feels like i've been fucked in the ear. Their facebook page currently looks like the Motherwell forums after a home game. 5692 different ways of saying "a pile of bollocks" in any language you can choose.

I'd be really interested to hear that.

I dont agree at all that St Anger was completely terrible as some people seem to think. Fair enough most of its unlistenable, the songs are far too long and riffs just seem to be cut and pasted all over the place.

But as you say, some of the riffs are brilliant. I love the main Frantic riff, or the title track build up when the double bass kicks in, or the intro to the Unnamed Feeling. Sweet Amber too, when it breaks down into that fast riff before a ridiculously heavy riff kicks, its great.

Theres definitely elements in there that could be salvaged to make something interesting.

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Further to my last post about Mark Hunter commenting on the economics of the music biz, I believe it was all kicked off by Randy from LoG.

He asked what people thought of torrents/illegal downloads cause he was fed up of it. As expected fans all came back at him that he was some mega rich rock star, and they were all broke, he should STFU etc. This seemed to be the catalyst that got everyone talking about it, I see Jamey Jasta & Dez Farfara also chimed in.

Randy followed up with a McDonalds analogy which I think worked pretty well

"What I am about to say is the cold, naked, HARD TRUTH: illegally downloading music is STEALING. YES, I SAID IT. And AS SUCH, it is UNETHICAL. If it wasn't STEALING, then it would just be called 'down loading', NOT 'ILLEGALLY downloading'. WHY this is such a HARD CONCEPT to grasp?"

"Let's put it this way- I work for McDonalds. My job is to make burgers. McDonalds (a giant, evil corporation) has to pay for the labor (me) to assemble their product (burgers). I don't sit around & make burgers all day for free. People LOVE burgers. Burgers SHOULD indeed be free! BUT- it COSTS $ to make burgers. And the burgers WERE over priced for a long time- old Ronald had gotten greedy. He was RICH AS f**k in fact. But despite the fact that Ron was rich from over priced burgers, me & the rest of the burger cooks (not to mention the janitor, the cashier, the manager, the delivery truck drivers, & whoever else) could STILL make a decent living IF WE WERE GOOD AT OUR JOBS working at McDonalds." "Then, one day, someone gets a key to the backdoor of McD's & it goes STRAIGHT to the kitchen. He SNEAKS IN LIKE ALL GOOD THIEVES DO, and he starts eating all the burgers he wants, FOR FREE. Then he makes a key for his buddy, who makes one for his pal who makes one for his pal ect. Soon everybody has a key & it's a fucking burger bonanza. The burgers WERE overpriced, right? And Ronald & A FEW of his cooks were just rich money grubbing assholes anyway, right? SO f**k 'EM! EAT AWAY! So that goes on a while then good old Ronald looks at his checkbook- WTF?!?!?"

"Suddenly things aren't looking so peachy for Ronald. So he starts firing motherfuckers left & right, & a TON of McDonalds close down. BUT...PEOPLE STILL WANT BURGERS, right? Ronald starts trying all sortsa shit to keep McD's open- marketing schemes, different wrappers for the burgers, burger TASTINGS- but NOTHING is working. WHY? LITERALLY MILLIONS of people have a key to McDonald's & are GORGING THEMSELVES 4 FREE BURGERS STILL. Only a few pay for the burgers. Hell, a WHOLE GENERATION of burger eaters grow up NEVE HAVING BOUGHT A SINGLE BURGER. Some of the cooks open their own burger joints because McDs is failing. They charge fair prices & do I ALL themselves. They fail too- WHY?"

"Finally, the whole burger business is FUCKED UP. Me, I'm an older burger cook who manages save up some $ from the old days, & a lot of folks will still pay for me to whip up a burger for em. But the young guys who have dreams of being a successful burger cook? FORGET IT. ITS ALL BECAUSE the key that opens McD's opens ALL burger joints. So all the Indy burger shops go down too- WHY? BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE WALKING OUT WITH FREE NOW. Burgers should be free, RIGHT? I WANT MY BURGER I WANT MY BURGER I WANT MY BURGER- f**k Ronald & f**k his cooks- I'm TAKING EM!"

Eventually it all goes up in flames. f**k it. I got my burger. I TOOK IT. And when I, as a burger cook complain about people KILLING THE BURGER BUSINESS by stealing from McDonalds? I'm called A GREEDY ASSHOLE."

"Burgers SHOULD be free. BUT THEY ARE NOT FREE TO MAKE. Neither is music. Like it or not, there IS NO MORAL GRAY AREA HERE. STOP STEALING."

"Fucking hamburglars."

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I see Dolving has also lost the plot these days - he's begging people for money on Facebook because he is too good an artist to get a real job. On one hand you feel sorry that these guys are struggling to make a living, but begging money on the net because you can't be fucked getting a job is only going to isolate him in the position he has chosen to take up.

From Dolvings Facebook page:

Now again. Humbly and happily. I ask for your help. A lot of people have pitched in and it's damn near looking like I'll make rent, food and utilities this month. Last guy who got upset over my insolence was actually Peter Iwers from In Flames, who thought I was an asshole for asking for help. He is ashamed that I ask you for this. Which kinda sucks for him. I am grateful, because it seems more people than him a five other dudes and dudettes actually seem to understand that 5 dollars/euros, and more really makes the change. Why I need the help? Becuase I am a live human being, as well as an independent artist working my ass off on new material, with close to no touring at the moment 02smile.gif So help me out, if you can and want to. Those who have helped out will be the first who get a digital copy of the upcoming "Thieves and Liars", featuring Per Möller Jensen. Peace yall! / Peter

Peter Dolving

Oh this is the beauty of it. I am not telling anyone to do anything. I happen to have almost 5000 "friends" on Facebook. And since most of them don't want to buy records anymore(which I am not in slightest bitter over, since it seems to be a general trend) I figure, well, why the hell not just ask for help? There is no prestige lost in it, other than perhaps some shallow face-value, so why not? I am proud over my work. But I can't just stop and go out and drive a dumptruck. I have so many different projects and a brain knockin out a 170 IQ, with ADD-power and friends; THIS is what I've been doing for 20 years. It's what I am really really good at. Now if buddhist monks all over the world can step away from their superficial pride in order to give their attention to their calling, I can to. I don't honestly have much of a choice. And NOT asking, well, that would be just stupid. I have tried getting on he dole, but they simply tell me "get a job scumbag". And you know what, I have a job. 02smile.gif

What a dick :lol:

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Just watched the Evile - Cult video, not what i was expecting tbh, havent heard the rest but have they switched from Thrash to Heavy? The song was alright be abit let down if the thrash/speed metal is gone.

But on a bright note, new Warbringer is here :D

Got the new Opeth, Mastodon, White Wizzard and Edguy to check out, hows the new Machine Head?

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hows the new Machine Head?

I love MH, so i'm probably biased.... it is another move away from the 4-5min in your face groove metal sound of BME/TMTC.

UTL really builds on the direction of the last two albums longer, more technical songs (Imperium, Seasons Wither, ITPOME, CTFOD, Halo, AFTA etc).

It's 7 songs, 49mins total, and I think just the one song that is under the 6minute mark. If you prefer longer, more epic songs, with more solos, more speed, increased technical widdly widdly guitar bits, and dual harmonies etc, then you'll love this.

If you're hoping for BME/TMTC again, then you may be disappointed.

I've only had a couple of listens, but you notice something new each time - there is just too much stuff to take in at one time. They are all on top form on this record, and have clearly pushed themselves - I know Robb was taking classical guitar & singing lessons, and they've brought in string sections for a couple of the songs.

Right now i'd recommend you go check out "I Am Hell" and "Who We Are" if you want to get a feel for it.

Anyone who was remotely interested in them before should def check it out though, it offers something for everyone.

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Further to my last post about Mark Hunter commenting on the economics of the music biz, I believe it was all kicked off by Randy from LoG.

He asked what people thought of torrents/illegal downloads cause he was fed up of it. As expected fans all came back at him that he was some mega rich rock star, and they were all broke, he should STFU etc. This seemed to be the catalyst that got everyone talking about it, I see Jamey Jasta & Dez Farfara also chimed in.

Randy followed up with a McDonalds analogy which I think worked pretty well

laugh.gif that is brilliant! I love Randy, he comes across as a total f*ck nugget, but I still love him.

Can't believe Peter Dolving is doing that on facebook sad.gif sad times, I've met him before, nice guy. I f*cking love The Haunted as well...wish they'd get their a*ses back over to the UK.

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Whats the lo-down on this Machine head album then? seems to be gettin very well-recieved like The Blackening did. They're going to sky-rocket if it does as well as The Blackening did (which somecnut compared to Metallicas Black Ablum laugh.gif)

I don't know but.....I just can't get into them...Although I like a few tracks from Burn My Eyes and The Burning Red......I still have nightmares about Supercharger.

edit to add: I threw a jackD and coke over Rob Flynn once.

Edited by Mik
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Indeed. Favourites have to be 'Curl Of The Burl' (of course), 'The Thickening', 'Black Tongue' and 'The Sparrow'. So far. I've only given it a few plays and liking it more every time I hear them.

"Blasteroid" is an early favourite for me. Along with Curl of the Burl. Could be the best album of the year tbh. Although I've not heard the new Machine Head album...

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With regards to "making money in the music biz" I've had first hand experience and I can tell you that it is a tough life. I think it all depends on what type of contract you sign in the first place. The band I was in foolishly signed a deal without giving it much thought. As far as we were concerned we were going to make one album and never tour. But then we ended up touring for 7-8 months of the year plus festivals and the band became our main job. We made very little during that time, barely enough to survive on but this wasn't down to album sales at all. So in that respect I don't really care if people were downloading it illegally or not. Merch is where most bands will make their money. If you can sign a deal where you have %100 of your merch then you're laughing! I left the band after I saw that in the 12 months of touring we had made £120,000+ profit in merch sales but as we signed a terrible record deal, we only received maybe 3k each (for the year) if we were lucky. The rest went to the label. We were also offered tours where we were told "do this tour and you'll make 4k each!" each time we did it and afterwards our fee ended up nowhere near that. After they take flights, transport etc into the equation. It was bullshit and a total outrage what they were doing. But because we signed the deal we didn't have a leg to stand on.

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"Blasteroid" is an early favourite for me. Along with Curl of the Burl. Could be the best album of the year tbh. Although I've not heard the new Machine Head album...

Gave it a listen to this afternoon, not their best but still pretty good (Remission nd Leviathan remain their best), "Black Tongue", "Blasteroid", "Stargasm" and "Spectrelight" where the standouts on my first listen through, good stuff :)

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Whats the lo-down on this Machine head album then? seems to be gettin very well-recieved like The Blackening did. They're going to sky-rocket if it does as well as The Blackening did (which somecnut compared to Metallicas Black Ablum laugh.gif)

I don't know but.....I just can't get into them...Although I like a few tracks from Burn My Eyes and The Burning Red......I still have nightmares about Supercharger.

edit to add: I threw a jackD and coke over Rob Flynn once.

I'm just gonna say it, I'd much rather listen to The Blackening than the Black Album. The Black Album just makes me sad because it's nowhere near as good as Kill Em All, Ride the Lightning or Master of Puppets.

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