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St. Mirren & Craig Thomson v R*ngers


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You have been exposed as the epitome of gloryhunting Old Firm cuntiness. You're a Blue Bigot before this site existed? Yet, when the Green Bhigots are winning 3 in a row you shun the BBs to become a Dumbarton fan (as comprehensively evidenced by VikingTon) but, after some success after Smith, you're back to being a Blue Bigot?

2004/05 SPL winners: Rangers. Now off the back of one of the greatest, and most satisfying endings to a season for a Rangers fan in history (the Scott McDonald season) why would I register here as a fan of a team who won 11 games that season, and finished a mediocre 7th in the Second Division? :lol: Surely I'd register as a Rangers fan, rip the absolute piss/lord it over the Celtic fans? I didn't (usually if I could help it) deviate from the lower league forums to avoid blowing my cover, but seeing folk of your ilk painting every OF fan as some brain dead bigot amongst other things piqued my interest.

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Back to match thread, i think the midden are going to get the pasting of their lives

Midden 0 Rangers 5

It will be a tight game, St Mirren are organised and will be tough to break down. Plus coming off the back of a European game where Rangers always seem to be lethargic. Depends who comes through against Valencia, but hopefully there is a backlash for the ICT performance.

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Here is a selection of posts from the first page of your remaining posts on this site. If anyone need check validity use Advanced Search for this poster, and try the dates before 13 August 2006.

Jose Quitongo:

Eddie Annand bagged a hat-trick away to your mob the last time I seen them play laugh.gif

Jose came on and got us a goal and skinned a few players into the bargain, don't think he will sign but it doesn't matter was still a novelty tongue.gif

He can't ever have trained for 9 months then rolleyes.gif


Wasn't there

Sounded like a load of shite

Dillon isn't a left back McCabe you blind twat

Sack that Dobbie and get someone in who actually wants to play

Craig Winters was in defence??

I just don't rate us up front, McNaught could be good if he actually shot more than once in a blue moon.

Fair enough people saying he has bags of 'potential', but that means absolutely f.uck all if he doesn't realise it.

Dobbie is a fat wreck who isn't interested in anything but pies and beer, get shot of him.

Dillon isn't a left back, Brittain should be on until full time.

McCabe had us playing great in pre-season then when the league campaign starts he turns us into an absolute dross team to watch and makes some bizarre tactical decisions.

Sort it out for god sake

I refer you to this:

Where exactly does this optimism come from?

We are shite up front, a shambles in midfield and even our 'solid' defence is being undermined by Davie Craig and his one man attempt to help the opposition.

I just don't see how this naive cry of 'let's get stuck into them' blah blah blah helps us.

The team is a mess, players out of position, fat unfit rejects starting, untested under 19's players up front when they have scored 1 goal in what about 7 matches?

McNaught could be decent if he had someone that had an ounce of guile and creativity and striking prowess up front.

It is getting to the stage where if we don't get a result at Elgin we will need to be seriously worrying if we can even muster a playoff place.

Arbroath aren't even the best side in this division and we couldn't conjure up an attack and we were playing at home?

No wonder we struggle with an unfit, loaned striker and an under 19's player that is scared to shoot.

Coupled with a defence shakier than a North Sea Ferry (at the moment) and a midfield the invisible Man wouldn't look out of place in and you have one shambles of a team.

Play the players in the correct position for a start, Brittian at left back, Geggan right, Canning and Craig centre, get Gentile to f.uck, go 4-4-2 diamond shaped with Winter breaking it up, Bagan playing off the front and Borris and Dillon/Boyle hugging the touchline looking to get the crosses in to fat Dobbie and McNaught.

I can't see it happening though, if he doesn't sort it soon we will be screwed Paul Martin style.

It isn't Brittains fault he is played out of position or not at all, it isn't Dillons fault everyone can see he isn't a left back and is still played there.

It is the fault of McCabe for playing players where they are ineffective (Gentile right wing, Winters defence, Brittain left back, Dillon left back etc) and the fault for getting an unfit Dobbie on loan.

He needs a ball winner in midfield and who does he stick in there?

Chris 'I shat myself' Gentile

He isn't good enough to anchor a midfield.

Ferguson last season was a player that could anchor a midfield, win the ball cleanly and pass it on to a more creative player.

The team isn't terrible, it is some shambolic decision making in the dressing room that is costing us games.

Fair enough David Craig has been made a twat of on more than one occasion and Craig Winter has been dodgy at best, but the manager needs to take some of the blame for this poor start.

And barely managing a few shots (if any) on goal against a team like Arbroath at home is frankly awful.

Grindlay is fine, it is the defence in front of him that is putting him in trouble.

Davie Craig likes to play football when all it needs is a smash up the park.

It cost us at Hampden and it will cost us again if he doesn't wake up.


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...why would I register here as a fan of a team who won 11 games that season, and finished a mediocre 7th in the Second Division? :lol: Surely I'd register as a Rangers fan, rip the absolute piss/lord it over the Celtic fans?

Because you were a Dumbarton fan?

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No, as I already said I supported Rangers before 2005. I won't complain though, It's part of the reason I know more about football than someone like you.

But when you stopped supporting Rangers would Celtic or Chelsea not have been a better choice than Dumbarton? As the records show you were struggling for GIRUY posts while supporting such a wee team.

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But when you stopped supporting Rangers would Celtic or Chelsea not have been a better choice than Dumbarton? As the records show you were struggling for GIRUY posts while supporting such a wee team.

I didn't post here for GIRUY, it's the only collective diddy league forum about to my knowledge. A free season ticket it seemed like the least I could do was learn about the team, plus I mean I know technically it isn't real football, but it gets you out the house. The only reason I slipped into troll/lulz mode was due to reading posts by St Mirren fans etc blustering on about how superior they were to OF fans :lol: I mean they actually believe the 11 men they cheer for kicking a bag of air about makes them better than someone else who cheers for a different 11 men. So I like to prey on that.

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2004/05 SPL winners: Rangers. Now off the back of one of the greatest, and most satisfying endings to a season for a Rangers fan in history (the Scott McDonald season) why would I register here as a fan of a team who won 11 games that season, and finished a mediocre 7th in the Second Division? :lol: Surely I'd register as a Rangers fan, rip the absolute piss/lord it over the Celtic fans? I didn't (usually if I could help it) deviate from the lower league forums to avoid blowing my cover, but seeing folk of your ilk painting every OF fan as some brain dead bigot amongst other things piqued my interest.

Really, you wouldn't 'lord it' over the Celtic fans?, why do that when fans of smaller teams make better targets, where you can feel superior and it gives your life some meaning. Can you actually make a relevant point?, can you post with out without being f**!ing idiot?, can you not let a fan of say Dundee or Inverurie Locos make point about Rangers without jumping straight at them with insults and 'get back to your diddy league'?. You're a sad little man who talks a lot and says nothing, a keyboard bully with delusions of grandeur. Do us a favour and Disappear.

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A free season ticket it seemed like the least I could do was learn about the team, plus I mean I know technically it isn't real football, but it gets you out the house.

Oh dear.


There was only one team trying to win that, and it wasn't Stenny. Someone get a taxi for Gordon Lennon's distribution and ball control. The Dumbarton number 3 is useless as well, probably helped the team more that he got sent off.

Wasn't a great game, the sons never settled down, and Stenny seemed resigned to punting it upto that big hammer thrower up front all day (Dumbarton were no better mind). The goal was no more than Dumbarton deserved over the course of the game though. And yes, the referee made an arse of several decisions, but no change there then.

Last time I checked season tickets (free or otherwise) don't get you in to away matches at Ochilview. wacko.gif

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I didn't post here for GIRUY, it's the only collective diddy league forum about to my knowledge. A free season ticket it seemed like the least I could do was learn about the team, plus I mean I know technically it isn't real football, but it gets you out the house. The only reason I slipped into troll/lulz mode was due to reading posts by St Mirren fans etc blustering on about how superior they were to OF fans :lol: I mean they actually believe the 11 men they cheer for kicking a bag of air about makes them better than someone else who cheers for a different 11 men. So I like to prey on that.

So the St. Mirren fans are to blame, you couldn't help yourself. blah! blah! blah!.<_<

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I also enjoy going along to the occasional game at Firs Park.

Sure, the place has seen better days but the tradition and character remain. I like the terrace there- you get a good view of the game and the banter between fans and fans and players is excellent.

Its grounds like Firs that you'd pine for if your team played at all seater stadiums every other week.

I was there last season, it kind of looks like the goal at the retail park end has been placed in front of the Berlin Wall, I kept looking up expecting to see ecstatic East Germans hacking at it with a pickaxe.

The pitch was like a totty field and Mad Bill was stumbling around singing songs about Stenny and carrying a Tesco bag.

Was a good day out though, can't blame The Shire when they must run that club on half a shoestring, it will be a shame when teams like that move to newer stadiums, I always kind of liked the old Boghead, the new pastic stadiums are a bit soulless.

Or Firs Park either! 1eye.gif

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I'm still waiting to read some sort of explanation as to how the DumbartonBoy owned VT on the Pope thread?

In my opinion - and it seems the opinions of others - it was actually the other way round. All the DumbartonBoy did was degenerate into personal insults when he ran out of arguments! :lol:

It was also clear that the DumbartonBoy's real problem with the Pope's visit was that he is a bigot.

Now leaving aside the point that someone who chops and changes the team he supports (and the DumbartonBoy has admitted doing it twice) isn't really a supporter - the explanation that he only went to see Dumbarton because he got a free season ticket has now been blown apart from VT because there is evidence that he also went to away games! :lol:

Can we get some REAL Rangers fans on this thread please? :lol:

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I'm still waiting to read some sort of explanation as to how the DumbartonBoy owned VT on the Pope thread?

In my opinion - and it seems the opinions of others - it was actually the other way round. All the DumbartonBoy did was degenerate into personal insults when he ran out of arguments! :lol:

It was also clear that the DumbartonBoy's real problem with the Pope's visit was that he is a bigot.

Now leaving aside the point that someone who chops and changes the team he supports (and the DumbartonBoy has admitted doing it twice) isn't really a supporter - the explanation that he only went to see Dumbarton because he got a free season ticket has now been blown apart from VT because there is evidence that he also went to away games! :lol:

Can we get some REAL Rangers fans on this thread please? :lol:

His argument seems to have come down to a fucking belt buckle. laugh.gif

I also can't believe he continues to post here. Any self respecting troll would have just rubbered the thread hours ago. But no. He's like the battered wife who insists on going back to her violent husband. A less than pleasant analogy, but one i'm sure glory-hunting, inadequate c***s like LOL@Celtic could identify with.

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