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The Walking Dead

King Kebab

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So if that's Daryl back are they going to go after Abraham and co or head for the church???

Actually Morgan will probably turn up which will delay the storyline enough for Abraham and the rest to catch up with them probably!!!

Daryl's already back at the church (about 3 episodes ago) with I assume Noah in tow. Who know's if Morgan or Abraham & co will turn up in time to go to with them. I suspect not, but that Morgan will find Abraham & Co at the church, with no Rick.

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Remember though, time wise the last three episodes run concurrently, so when daryl appears out the hedge, Abraham is shagging Rosita, so if "c**t" Rick and and daryl don't make a plan till the following morning then Eugene is just about to get twatted by Abraham, so if "c**t" Rick has a decent sized breakfast then Abraham's crew could be nearly back!!!

Also if Morgan turns up at the church and demands some of what "c**t" Rick is having, then could delay them enough for Abraham to get there in time for tea and toast!!!

Then they all pile into Daryl's new truck and go and rip those hospital police a new ring!!!

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ok, I'm lost. Who is Morgan? The black guy Rick met very early on after coming out of the hospital?

Aye. The same guy that boobytrapped a whole town. So it'll be interesting to see why he left such a secure area.

Edited by 19QOS19
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I thought it was Terminus :unsure2:

I thought so too, but in Carol's flashbacks this week, she looked up at it, and it was her that started the fire in terminus by shooting the propane tank. So she couldn't have seen the smoke before getting to Terminus, if she started it?

And I'm sure, if I remember right, there was a load of burnt zombies in the herd that got into terminus through the gap in the fence that Carol's explosion caused?

Edited by Boghead ranter
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I thought so too, but in Carol's flashbacks this week, she looked up at it, and it was her that started the fire in terminus by shooting the propane tank. So she couldn't have seen the smoke before getting to Terminus, if she started it?

And I'm sure, if I remember right, there was a load of burnt zombies in the herd that got into terminus through the gap in the fence that Carol's explosion caused?

Aye, that was after that. She didn't meet up with the gang until later. That flashback was the fire at Terminus, and her washing the walker blood off her face (from trying to make herself smell like them).

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I thought the fire Carol saw was at the prison after the Governor and his mob had attacked it, cos you could see the reflection of the lookout tower in the windshield of the car she was driving...

Edited by IainMorton
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I thought the fire Carol saw was at the prison after the Governor and his mob had attacked it, cos you could see the reflection of the lookout tower in the windshield of the car she was driving...

Actually, come to think of it I think you see smoke twice in two different flashbacks. So you could be right.

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They should just let Rick shoot whoever and do whatever he wants. All the best episodes are when he's having a crazy turn.

I hope they are building up to next week's finale. The past few episodes have been mostly filler.

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