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It's wrong though. Why when thousands are losing their jobs and businesses are being shut down left, right and centre should large wedges of cash be made to wee shitey clubs that no one gives a monkeys about just because they are playing at a higher level.

Maybe because they’re playing at a higher level? I don’t dispute that the gap between £500k and £150k is ridiculous but for you to use the term “wee shitey clubs” says more about your sense of entitlement than anything else.
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17 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

The only issue here should be about the split of cash between the divisions. Giving one club a higher amount than another in the same division is automatically influencing the outcome of the league as you are providing financial advantage to those who are given more.
I’ve no issue with the grant given to our club who clearly have other ways of raising the cash anyway. However, It’s questionable why 500k was given to championship clubs. I’d have suggested 250k and if a specific club needed more they can apply for a loan top up like the Premiership clubs are being rightly asked to do.
Indeed loan top ups could be offered to clubs in any division if they are struggling with the amount given for free.....

I’d agree with that.

Very sensible.

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31 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

The only issue here should be about the split of cash between the divisions. Giving one club a higher amount than another in the same division is automatically influencing the outcome of the league as you are providing financial advantage to those who are given more.
I’ve no issue with the grant given to our club who clearly have other ways of raising the cash anyway. However, It’s questionable why 500k was given to championship clubs. I’d have suggested 250k and if a specific club needed more they can apply for a loan top up like the Premiership clubs are being rightly asked to do.
Indeed loan top ups could be offered to clubs in any division if they are struggling with the amount given for free.....

If your giving each  club simply enough cash to ensure they can finish the season then I don't see how that is influencing the result of any league other than the fact that some clubs would've gone bust and you wouldn't have a league at all  otherwise.  As I've said previously in my opinion 500k was the bare minimum required to keep at least one championship club in business. The spfl/sg didnt want the bad publicity of a club going tits up so that had to be the amount. They also obviously felt that they couldn't give that amount to one club and not the other 9 although I still feel that if  each club was only given enough cash to keep them afloat then there Would've been no real problem with giving out different amounts to each club.  Instead we've got some clubs being given 500k to fill a huge black hole in their budget and others being given 500k to feather their nests for a good few years.

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We need a Crawford Baptie style of player. Somebody that bossies the middle of the park and the opposition feed off the scraps.

I loved the Crawford Baptie & Alan Irvine combo. Could be a total car crash at times, but when conditions were right, and the two of them were either battering their way through the opposition or galloping all over them, it was sight worth seeing.
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I’ve a really sketchy memory of being at a game when a young laddie  and Big Craw got a red card for wiping out the opposition goalie with a really, really late tackle then claiming he was concussed and could not remember the tackle ?
Can anyone help me here ? Did this happen ?

Yep, it did, and big Craw was genuinely concussed.
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It's wrong though. Why when thousands are losing their jobs and businesses are being shut down left, right and centre should large wedges of cash be made to wee shitey clubs that no one gives a monkeys about just because they are playing at a higher level.

Yip that was me, I was speaking soley for me. Not for Falkirk FC, any employee of Falkirk FC or indeed any supporter of Falkirk FC other than me. I honestly couldn't give a shiny shite about any other club apart from Falkirk FC and I think throwing taxpayers cash at certain clubs to keep them afloat is an absolute waste of money. Just my opinion though.

Ever thought of supporting the OF? With views like that you'd fit in well.
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It's clearly not going to be used for just running costs for these smaller clubs with far less need for that amount of money to survive, giving them the opportunity to sign better players, offer better contracts surely? That's the only gripe I can see, and if its supposed to be ring fenced then guranteed there will be loopholes to allow them to spend the money on what they want...  

Or develop a not so elaborate scheme to siphon it out of the club entirely.
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13 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:







Ever thought of supporting the OF? With views like that you'd fit in well.






Nope, don't like either of the ugly sisters. I do feel however we have too many clubs in top flight Scottish football. Also may I add that at no point have I ever stated QOS were one of the wee shitey clubs that I was referring too, funny that it's been two QOS fans that have taking the hump at my comment.  Does your fanbase consider yourselves a wee shitey club.

Edited by Harry Kinnear
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Nope, don't like either of the ugly sisters. I do feel however we have too many clubs in top flight Scottish football. Also may I add that at no point have I ever stated QOS were one of the wee shitey clubs that I was referring too, funny that it's been two QOS fans that have taking the hump at my comment.  Does your fanbase consider yourselves a wee shitey club.
It doesn't matter what clubs you're referring to. It's a pigheaded view you'd expect only from OF fans.
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1 minute ago, 19QOS19 said:
10 minutes ago, Harry Kinnear said:
Nope, don't like either of the ugly sisters. I do feel however we have too many clubs in top flight Scottish football. Also may I add that at no point have I ever stated QOS were one of the wee shitey clubs that I was referring too, funny that it's been two QOS fans that have taking the hump at my comment.  Does your fanbase consider yourselves a wee shitey club.

It doesn't matter what clubs you're referring too. It's a pigheaded view you'd expect only from OF fans.

Well I'm sorry for the way I think but I am being honest. I don't give a shit about any other club other than Falkirk FC.  For government/taxpayers money to be used to keep some of these shitey clubs alive is wrong for me.

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Well I'm sorry for the way I think but I am being honest. I don't give a shit about any other club other than Falkirk FC.  For government/taxpayers money to be used to keep some of these shitey clubs alive is wrong for me.
And what's your definition of a "shitey club"?
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Just now, 19QOS19 said:
5 minutes ago, Harry Kinnear said:
Well I'm sorry for the way I think but I am being honest. I don't give a shit about any other club other than Falkirk FC.  For government/taxpayers money to be used to keep some of these shitey clubs alive is wrong for me.

And what's your definition of a "shitey 

Any club that needs a government hand out to keep it going out in times when thousands are losing their jobs and businesses are shutting all around without getting any help. Why should football be a special case?

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6 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:
11 minutes ago, Harry Kinnear said:
Well I'm sorry for the way I think but I am being honest. I don't give a shit about any other club other than Falkirk FC.  For government/taxpayers money to be used to keep some of these shitey clubs alive is wrong for me.

And what's your definition of a "shitey club"?

I'd go for any that manage their finances so badly that 3 months into a season they are crying out for money  to prevent them going bust.  There's no reason any club from the championship down should be needing grants of the size of 500k. The SG  should be giving small amounts of  money to clubs as a safety net to give them breathing space not to prevent them going down the tubes or to pay virtually their entire wage bill for the season.


Edited by Shadwell Dog
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If your giving each  club simply enough cash to ensure they can finish the season then I don't see how that is influencing the result of any league other than the fact that some clubs would've gone bust and you wouldn't have a league at all  otherwise.  As I've said previously in my opinion 500k was the bare minimum required to keep at least one championship club in business. The spfl/sg didnt want the bad publicity of a club going tits up so that had to be the amount. They also obviously felt that they couldn't give that amount to one club and not the other 9 although I still feel that if  each club was only given enough cash to keep them afloat then there Would've been no real problem with giving out different amounts to each club.  Instead we've got some clubs being given 500k to fill a huge black hole in their budget and others being given 500k to feather their nests for a good few years.

There’s not any circumstances that I would EVER support giving more money to individual clubs based on turnover. That’s tantamount to agreeing that the OF should always get a higher proportion of the cash than the others...
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3 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

I'd go for any that manage their finances so badly that 3 months into a season they are crying out for money  to prevent them going bust.  There's no reason any club from the championship down should be needing grants of the size of 500k. The SG  should be giving small amounts of  money to clubs as a safety net to give them breathing space not to prevent them going down the tubes or to pay virtually their entire wage bill for the season.


Too many clubs in Scotland for years have lived outwith their means and got away with it. This £500k pay out for some clubs is rewarding financial mis-management again. 

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27 minutes ago, Bantabairn said:

Really pi.... off with the reasoning of comments on this topic. Our governing body went to each individual club asking if they could function with the pandemic. Can’t remember the exact statement/ask but along the lines of “ if any club couldn’t financially cope they would be given an amnesty or hibernate for a season”  not one club came forward. Roll on the past few weeks Morton minutes away fro closure. Can’t be arsed about the people that can defend such a deceitful statement by a championship club, but hey it’s all good now. I’ve got two great friends that run ( sorry ran)  successful businesses until the latest set of restrictions have placed them nearly at bankruptcy. 


1 hour ago, roman_bairn said:

The only issue here should be about the split of cash between the divisions. Giving one club a higher amount than another in the same division is automatically influencing the outcome of the league as you are providing financial advantage to those who are given more.
I’ve no issue with the grant given to our club who clearly have other ways of raising the cash anyway. However, It’s questionable why 500k was given to championship clubs. I’d have suggested 250k and if a specific club needed more they can apply for a loan top up like the Premiership clubs are being rightly asked to do.
Indeed loan top ups could be offered to clubs in any division if they are struggling with the amount given for free.....


58 minutes ago, Bantabairn said:


Good post, every club was asked to provide a financial statement, not sure what level of detail was required but assuming a shortened version of a years trading. My original post referred to the gross negligence of handing out grant’s ( for me financial gain) to clubs that simply did not make sense based on the information required by the authorities for their respective business model. This isn’t about Falkirk getting less than Arbroath or Alloa, it’s about the pure poisonous chasm inherent in the SFA SPFL, that could award clubs that chose to run either a corrupt business model or not capable of running a business half a million quid. 

Still absolutely incandescent with rage weeks on I see.


Morton were also not even remotely 'minutes from closure' unless you're the sort of Grants-addled moron who believes everything Keith Jackson tells them. That's not even how administration works in the case of football clubs FFS.

Needless to say that the Scottish Government had the back of a true Establishment Club regardless, with a nice wee bit of seed money for the new ownership model thrown in as well. Gutted for you.


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I'd say rather than providing financial advantage, it should have been allocated to prevent financial disadvantage. They had the exact figures from almost all of the clubs. They could have handed out the money according to need and then audited the club's accounts next year. Any club showing a profit repays that part and the money then gets used to help the whole of Scottish football. 

They had it from 38 of 42 clubs.
However, I would imagine they used it to work out the proportion split to each division rather than having a situation whereby the Scottish Government were being seen to being impartial. Clearly Hearts turnover would unduly make it disproportionate so I agree the split is wrong. Hence my suggestion above.
Also, I don’t think it’s right to look to reclaim profit made by clubs as you are discouraging them to be financially prudent by reclaiming on profit margin...
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Oh here comes the invasion from the small clubs with the inferiority complex again. We just need Raith fans to come in and it's a tin-pot party. It's funny to know that if you combine Morton and Raith's average home attendances it still wouldn't match Falkirk's 😆.

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