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3 hours ago, bejazz1 said:



Paton is the type of player we really need, his job is to break play up put in the odd crunching tackle in . He adds physically to the middle of the park, one thing I noticed was his fitness levels than other night.
Remember this guy was out the game for a while and only now his fitness levels are improving...not claiming he's a world beater but if he does the job he's meant to do he may be very effective.
Do you honestly think Ray would play him if he did not trust him or had someone who could do his role better?
Be interested to see how we cope on Saturday without him. I say let's all give the guy a break and see if he can produce the form that he has done in the past. The guys confidence must be rock bottom hearing some of the vile abuse aimed at him every week.
Yes I can understand how everyone feels he has not been as good are we expected but then again who has? The signs are he's improving...i think he's carried the scapegoat tag enough. Time to get off the guys back.



If this a whoosh, then fair enough, but if so, it’s too many words.

Paton gets nowt but groans of frustration from the stands when he screws up. It’s nothing compared to the spleen venting that goes on in here. If he chooses to read P&B, then you could add rank stupidity to his skill set. No player should come anywhere near this place.

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1 hour ago, Shadwell Dog said:

Yes m8 nearly 1mill for Kinsley and half a million  for mcgrandles and yet folk are saying these kind of sales arent big money.  For a championship club thats a lot of cash.

Although stated at the time as "Undisclosed Fee " for McGrandles , several websites reported it to be as much as 1 Milion plus add-ons.

Either way it's still huge money for us so to say the academy hasn't delivered for us is absolute nonsense.

The BOD just squandered the cash and continue to do so - tune in for the next episode in January. 


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7 hours ago, Shadwell Dog said:

Don't fully agree. St mirren, hamilton and livie have all got promoted on smaller budgets than us. We just have to hope that mckinnon is the manager we've been looking for for the past ten years and that his recruitment is far better than the last 5 or it won't matter a feck how much cash we fling at it.

You just plead the case earlier that St Mirren only got promoted and could justify their academy because they used money made by their sales to fund the first team that went on to win the league. .So again, the academy has f**k all to do with getting promotion if it isn't bringing in money. Cash is king in our situation not the tears of some pathetic parents that fear their cash cow children are mediocre at best and won't provide their pensions. 



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Paton is the type of player we really need, his job is to break play up put in the odd crunching tackle in . He adds physically to the middle of the park, one thing I noticed was his fitness levels than other night.
Remember this guy was out the game for a while and only now his fitness levels are improving...not claiming he's a world beater but if he does the job he's meant to do he may be very effective.
Do you honestly think Ray would play him if he did not trust him or had someone who could do his role better?
Be interested to see how we cope on Saturday without him. I say let's all give the guy a break and see if he can produce the form that he has done in the past. The guys confidence must be rock bottom hearing some of the vile abuse aimed at him every week.
Yes I can understand how everyone feels he has not been as good are we expected but then again who has? The signs are he's improving...i think he's carried the scapegoat tag enough. Time to get off the guys back.

If Paul Paton is the type of player we really need then you might as well just relegate us now tbh.

The only kind of physicality he adds is getting himself needlessly booked for missing yet another tackle. He’s an utter shitebag just watch as he turns his back on every 50/50 ball.

If he improves from now then fair enough however he won’t. We were told from his previous clubs what to except from him and he’s arguably been worse.

He makes Joe McKee look not too bad ffs.

Paton jogs around the pitch so it looks like he's working hard, rarely wins a tackle and then shouts at his teammates to make it look like he's some kind of leader.

Spot on. This sums him up perfectly.
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We are that bad I would wager we will miss Paton today. In a season of the “worst performances in my life” type games the Dunfermline game he didn’t play. Let’s not forget how well that went.


We have nothing to replace him that is better showing how shite the squad is.

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2 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:

We are that bad I would wager we will miss Paton today. In a season of the “worst performances in my life” type games the Dunfermline game he didn’t play. Let’s not forget how well that went.


We have nothing to replace him that is better showing how shite the squad is.

Scary thought but you are probably right. 

Fingers crossed Buaben makes it today.

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We are that bad I would wager we will miss Paton today. In a season of the “worst performances in my life” type games the Dunfermline game he didn’t play. Let’s not forget how well that went.
We have nothing to replace him that is better showing how shite the squad is.
Buaben in for Paton improves the team. It may even improve McKee...... [emoji15]
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19 hours ago, Reggie Perrin said:

Having had time to reflect on last night's event I am even more of the opinion that our CEO is not of the standard required.

Hid behind Margaret Laing almost all evening and when he did contribute it added little to the event.

Laing spoke well and at length though far from convinced by much of what she said, but unrealistic to expect her to deviate from the party line in a public forum.

Don't doubt her commitment to the club but is she in a position of power or a pawn of others?

Colin Liddell seemed to enjoy his wee turn in the spotlight taking the opportunity once again to remind people of how they saved the club 20 years ago (or was it Back the Bairns and the fans...) not at all sure what he brings to the BOD.

It was late into the event that the matter of the revenue we fail to generate due to not owning the office / hospitality areas of the main stand was raised.

We lose out to the tune of hundreds of thousands of pounds compared to  the likes of St Johnstone and Hamilton, surely a priority for this board or (hopefully) their successors to resolve with the Council.

The  other night Martin Ritchie (the club owner) threw his committee members into the lions den. Understandable but rather cruel tactic  to appease the hapless fans. Worked perfectly! Nothing of value was offered up they just seemed to agree they fuc__d up _. Nobody apologised or said sorry after all why should they they other than the CEO they are all amateur enthusiasts i. e unpaid volunteers who are doing there best. It's not really there fault they just stated the facts and concluded we are in the shit. Other than our lady lawyer who spoke well the rest of the quango crew shuffled uncomfortably desperate for the event to be over. Ray was excellent and the only one present who offers any value on the fitba side. The rest have zero real business experience and that continues to be reflected in our decision making as  Project Third Lanark picks up the pace. Their is no issue to solve with the cooncil they own certain parts of the stadium and we pay them rent that's it. That's the deal we negotiated when it was constructed. Keyboard warriors we are but we pay for the privilege and care, our CEO gets paid to be there and that I'm afraid is all to obvious. 

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Despite all of Paton's shortcomings, I'm more worried about us playing today without him than I would be if McKee was suspended. IMO McKee goes missing far to often and his perceived 'quality' isn't being shown nearly often enough to justify him in our team when we need grafters first and foremost. The sooner we get Bauben fully fit the better.

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13 minutes ago, Falkirk_Bairn_1983 said:

Steady :lol:

If only Mckee were a bit younger he would make a great captain for the Chelsea under 23 side. Has all the attributes to be a great success in that role! 

Edited by Stainrod
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Steady [emoji38]
Almost tongue in cheek BUT Buaben takes the ball under pressure well. You can see the nick McKee gets into when he doesnt have an easy ball. If he cant drive forward with it he panics and gives it away.

That gets made to look worse if Paton is there, hiding rather than showing for it as Buaben will.

If Aero was there and we had Prince in for Paton I would be looking forward to today. As it is, the problem area might just have shifted.

Anyway, Harrison will be the more competent in a back 3 for me so I hope its him who replaces Aero today. Put him in the middle of the three so that its McGhee who has to go out and help Kidd if he gets 2 on 1, Forrest would lace Harrison. And I hope this wind settles down a wee bit. We dont need another variable at play here.
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Almost tongue in cheek BUT Buaben takes the ball under pressure well. You can see the nick McKee gets into when he doesnt have an easy ball. If he cant drive forward with it he panics and gives it away.

That gets made to look worse if Paton is there, hiding rather than showing for it as Buaben will.

If Aero was there and we had Prince in for Paton I would be looking forward to today. As it is, the problem area might just have shifted.

Anyway, Harrison will be the more competent in a back 3 for me so I hope its him who replaces Aero today. Put him in the middle of the three so that its McGhee who has to go out and help Kidd if he gets 2 on 1, Forrest would lace Harrison. And I hope this wind settles down a wee bit. We dont need another variable at play here.
I don't recall seeing Paton hiding to be honest. He is one of the least likely to do so in my opinion. He is crap when he gets the ball and often his effort is made in the wrong areas but his desire to muck-in and overall effort can't be questioned imo.
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I don't recall seeing Paton hiding to be honest. He is one of the least likely to do so in my opinion. He is crap when he gets the ball and often his effort is made in the wrong areas but his desire to muck-in and overall effort can't be questioned imo.
We'll have to agree to disagree on that one. I think hiding is the worst of his crimes, coming in just in front of picking up utterly avoidable bookings, shanking the ball out of play and followed closley by having loads of time to pick a pass and floating it aimlessly to the goalkeeper.

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6 minutes ago, tubbybairn said:

I don't recall seeing Paton hiding to be honest. He is one of the least likely to do so in my opinion. He is crap when he gets the ball and often his effort is made in the wrong areas but his desire to muck-in and overall effort can't be questioned imo.

You could get a fan to do that once a week as a trialist.

The fan pays 1k for the privelege, so not only are you making money you humiliate the player into quitting.

f**k I should go into sales...

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I dont know if i am being serious or joking on this but what about Usain Bolt didnt get a deal down in Australia but at least he would be fast and he couldnt be any worse than what we have in fact that would take some doing...lol 

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We'll have to agree to disagree on that one. I think hiding is the worst of his crimes, coming in just in front of picking up utterly avoidable bookings, shanking the ball out of play and followed closley by having loads of time to pick a pass and floating it aimlessly to the goalkeeper.

Haha, I can't disagree with any of the rest to be honest. The floated ball to the opposition keeper is one of my pet hates too. While we are on the subject of effort and graft in the midfield, I have been pleased to see Irving improve considerably in this area in recent weeks. I was initially of the opinion that he didn't justify his place due to a lack of defensive ability but he seems to be getting the balance right now and I can only assume Raymundo is behind it.
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