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The get fit, stay fit thread

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39 minutes ago, stumigoo said:

I've been on the decline for about 8-10 weeks now. In the later stages of my wife's pregnancy it was a case of me looking after her and us not getting to the gym very often. Eating went out the window too as our routine was a bit shambolic. Now that baby is here I think things are only going to continue in the same vain. No routine, convenience eating, no gym and no time to really do much in the way of exercise especially in these first few weeks. Any parents or new parents have any advice for trying to get back on track? Is it just a case of sacrificing the first 6-8 weeks until things start to settle into a more structured routine? Both my wife and I have fairly good diets and enjoy healthy eating but it is the exercise thing that will probably suffer the most. 

You can't fight mother nature. Men have a big drop in testosterone when a baby is about to come along. Think it's nature's way of making you more gentle and therefore better around the baby. When mine came along I started cycling instead of taking the car/train. Didn't  eat into my family responsibility time and was good for fitness. 

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2 hours ago, stumigoo said:

I've been on the decline for about 8-10 weeks now. In the later stages of my wife's pregnancy it was a case of me looking after her and us not getting to the gym very often. Eating went out the window too as our routine was a bit shambolic. Now that baby is here I think things are only going to continue in the same vain. No routine, convenience eating, no gym and no time to really do much in the way of exercise especially in these first few weeks. Any parents or new parents have any advice for trying to get back on track? Is it just a case of sacrificing the first 6-8 weeks until things start to settle into a more structured routine? Both my wife and I have fairly good diets and enjoy healthy eating but it is the exercise thing that will probably suffer the most. 

Wouldn't worry about it if I were you, a new child's a bit more important.  Have a look at the Ross Enamait book Never Gymless, it's full of exercises/routines you can do at home and if possible try to get to a gym once a week to squat, that's one exercise that's hard to replicate at home.

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3 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

You can't fight mother nature. Men have a big drop in testosterone when a baby is about to come along. Think it's nature's way of making you more gentle and therefore better around the baby. When mine came along I started cycling instead of taking the car/train. Didn't  eat into my family responsibility time and was good for fitness. 


2 hours ago, Boostin' Kev said:

Wouldn't worry about it if I were you, a new child's a bit more important.  Have a look at the Ross Enamait book Never Gymless, it's full of exercises/routines you can do at home and if possible try to get to a gym once a week to squat, that's one exercise that's hard to replicate at home.

Cheers for the advice. Making sure baby is looked after (and mum) is definitely number one priority but long term I'd love to be in the best shape possible so that I can enjoy my son to a maximum (and teach him good habits as he gets older). We've actually got a few things in the house that my wife bought as she started to avoid the gym so we have a stability ball, resistance bands, a bench and some weights so it will just be a case of trying to look at f ew routines and see what fits best. 

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I had an asthma attack last month so have been wary of doing much running so I've started weight-lifting a few times a week, sticking to squat, bench and deadlift at the moment.  I'm doing deadlifts on every gym visit and alternating squats and bench press, although seeing how it goes I'll start doing all three exercises three times a week.

Only worry is because I'm doing deadlifts every day I'm lifting a lot more weight on them than I am on squats.  I also have a bit of a sore knee and am worried I'll squat down and it'll ping off.

ETA - My wife is due in February so I'll probably have similar issues to stumigoo.  I'm thinking of joining a gym near my work so I can workout at lunchtime rather than try and fit in during evenings/after work.

Edited by ICTChris
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On 04/11/2017 at 07:37, Tony Ferrino said:

Does high blood pressure = more calories burned?

You never see a fat stroke  victim.

If I don't buck up my ideas we'll have at least one on here.

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On 07/11/2017 at 10:00, the jambo-rocker said:

I was borderline keeping myself to about 16:8 on nightshift. It just made things easier eating twice a day. The trick is to use up your carb reserves over the 16 hours, sometimes a walk, light run or swim helps the process. Do not do anything too intense when in the fast; after the first meal or after your 8 hour period is recommended. By then your pancreas is relaxed and not secreeting insulin, which breaks down the glucose from carbs. Once they've been used up, this means the insulin is off* that you'll be burning nothing but fat. What you've got to worry about is the 16 hours inbetween and trying not to break the fast. Tea is fine, black coffee is fine, but any kind of sugar will break the fast and turn on the insulin tap. I'd say don't go on the 20:4 too soon as it's too extreme when you're starting out.

I wouldn't say I'm 16:8 per se, and days out on the bevy send me all over the shop, but I definitely feel better eating as much as I'd usually like inside the 8-9 hour period rather than cutting the calories down. I don't eat breakfast at all anymore, and just go with lunch and dinner. 

Thomas DeLauer videos are pretty good at explaining intermittent fasting if you can bypass the 'look at my incredible body' type shots.

*This is why Diet coke/Irn Brus are bad for you on an empty stomach, because you're tricking your body into thinking it's time to secreet insulin even though there is no sugar to break down.

EDIT: Make sure you're first meal is the healthy one when breaking the fast. You're muscles will be more sensitive with absorbing whatever meal you're having, so the less shite the better.

Thanks for that. Weighed myself earlier, just before eating, and I'd hit the 14lb mark. 

Hadn't thought about the diet drinks and will have a look at those.

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  • 1 month later...

Time to give this thread a little bump.

Kicked the arse out of it over Christmas and new year food and drink wise and feel bloated as f**k. Back to work tomorrow so will be good to get back into a routine food and gym wise and get these lbs off I've put on the past week or so.

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Can't wait to get back to training again tomorrow, can't get back to boxing until next week unfortunately but even gym stuff will be good. There's a great looking new place opening in Leith tomorrow that has a lot of things I can't find anywhere else. 

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19 minutes ago, Boostin' Kev said:

Can't wait to get back to training again tomorrow, can't get back to boxing until next week unfortunately but even gym stuff will be good. There's a great looking new place opening in Leith tomorrow that has a lot of things I can't find anywhere else. 

What place is that?

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16 hours ago, Jambomo said:

Cheers. I'll have a look as Leith is pretty handy for me.

You've missed the early sign up offer unfortunately so it'll be £50 a month. Got loads of all the things you'd normally expect as well as a lot of the more fun stuff like prowler, tyres/sledgehammer, climbing ropes, gymnastic equipment which is the reason I've joined. There's a £25 a month place in Stewartfield, off Newhaven Road  that I've been using, it's very bodybuilder oriented but decent. The owner is  a very nice guy. 

Edited by Boostin' Kev
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  • 3 weeks later...

Probably been asked loads of time before, but I'm not reading 137 pages, sorry.

Been advised by an instructor at my gym to up my protein intake to support a programme I'm on.

How can I get about 150g of protein a day into me, without going bankrupt in the process?   Any sources of protein that are good, but not mega-expensive?

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Probably been asked loads of time before, but I'm not reading 137 pages, sorry.

Been advised by an instructor at my gym to up my protein intake to support a programme I'm on.

How can I get about 150g of protein a day into me, without going bankrupt in the process?   Any sources of protein that are good, but not mega-expensive?

Myprotein.com is a pretty cheap website for protein powder/snacks and supplements, stuffs already cheap and they’ve always got discount codes of about 30/40%.


eta as mentioned above, watch the sugar on some of the stuff though.

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6 hours ago, Boghead ranter said:

Probably been asked loads of time before, but I'm not reading 137 pages, sorry.

Been advised by an instructor at my gym to up my protein intake to support a programme I'm on.

How can I get about 150g of protein a day into me, without going bankrupt in the process?   Any sources of protein that are good, but not mega-expensive?

Local gloryhole?

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